
紀州鉱山 と”蟻の熊野詣”  「つれづれ樹」   [育まれる(歴史)]


 熊野の地まで 京都から往復1ヶ月を要する。
 兎にも角にも 天皇ではない上皇にしかできない
 宗教心とも 断定できない歴史的な謎???

 白河上皇(~1129)から 鳥羽上皇・後白河上皇・後鳥羽上皇
  鳥羽天皇 (~1156)は 白河天皇の孫
  後白河天皇(~1192)は 鳥羽天皇の皇子
  後鳥羽天皇(~1239)は 後白河天皇の孫
 白河上皇の直系によって 為されている。。。。。
 「聖護院」によって 統治されていた。
 修験道の本山寺院とされ 後白河天皇の子供所縁です。

 何故 これ程に関わり続けたのか???????

 この神社の建築様式は 浮足立ってる。
 京都 そのもんの建築物。

 現在的には 経済的に旨味がなければ だれも見向きもしない熊野。
 白河天皇一族は 何故この地域にこだわり続けたのか?

 紀州&熊野は “バベガシ”の紀州備長炭産地。
 過っては 炭が日常使いのエネルギー源でした。

 それ以上に 注目されるのが、
 銅だけではなく 金も産出してきた。

 白河天皇一族が 護り続けた“熊野権益”

 大仏建立にも 熊野の“金”が献上されたともされる。
 1978年の閉山まで 採掘が存在したこと。。。。。。
   ・宇多法皇 (1)
   ・花山法皇 (1)
   ・白河上皇 (9)
   ・鳥羽上皇 (21)
   ・崇徳上皇 (1)
   ・後白河上皇(33 or 34)
   ・亀山上皇 (1)
   ・待賢門院 (12)
   ・美福門院 (4)
   ・上西門院 (1)
   ・建春門院 (4)
   ・八条院  (2)
   ・七条院  (5)
   ・殷富門院 (4)
   ・修明門院 (11)
   ・承明門院 (1)
   ・陰明門院 (1)
 紀州鉱山  三重県熊野市紀和町板屋

TEL  : 0597-97-1000

  1934年 三重県に銅、黄銅鉱を採掘する紀州鉱山を開設
  1978年 紀州鉱山を閉山

 昭和8年から10年にかけて、全国的に鉱山の採掘ブームが起こり、三重県でも、南牟婁郡をはじめ、北牟婁郡や志摩郡などで次々と、金・銀・銅・マンガンなどの試し掘りの許可願いが出され、昭和9年だけで50件以上に上りました。全部が成功した訳ではありませんが、生産額は急激に増え、昭和8年には7年の2倍になり、10年には7年の26倍にもなりました。鉱山で働く人も、昭和5年には1日当たり90人だったのが、8年には 230人、10年には 577人、12年には1千人を超えました。また、昭和初めまでは、伊賀地方を中心とする亜炭が、県内の鉱産物の産額の約半分を占めていました。それが9割以上が銅と変わり、全国でも重要な鉱山地域の一つになったのです。
 この上川村楊枝川付近の鉱山の歴史も古く、江戸時代からさかんに採掘されていました。慶長小判に使われたとか、熊野の銅は金が多くふくまれているためオランダが好んで求めたとか言われています。さらに遡って、大宝3年( 703)に紀伊の国から朝廷に献上された銀もこの鉱山のものだ、という説もあるほどです。いつから開発されたのかははっきりしませんが、江戸時代の廃坑や働いていた人達のお墓などが今も残されています。

(昭和63年3月 鈴木えりも)

< 生業ですが、アバウトです! お気に召せば 遡って画像は ご自由に転載&ご利用下さい。 >
    (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)

    (十津川行くなら 太郎のお薦め!!!!)

"A retired emperor's Miyuki" Up to the ground in Kumano One both-way month is required from Kyoto. It is also on a square also to a rabbit. Also as for the long journey and danger which only the retired emperor who is not the Emperor can do, a certain Miyuki piety is. Historical mystery which cannot be concluded. From Shirakawa Joko (?1129) The Kumano happiness is conspicuous, after Shirakawa Joko, the Toba retired emperor, and Gotoba Joko "追号" are made specifically, and it shines. "Pilgrimage to the Kumano Sanzan Shrine of an ant", Emperor Toba (?1156) Emperor Shirakawa's grandchild Emperor Go-Shirakawa (?1192) Emperor Toba's Imperial prince Emperor Go-toba (?1239) Emperor Go-Shirakawa's grandchild Shirakawa Joko's direct descent It is accomplished. . . . . The "Tamaki shrine" is located in Totsukawa-mura, Yoshino-gun, Nara-ken. "Shogo-in" It was governed. It is considered as the head temple temple of mountaineering asceticism. It is Emperor Go-Shirakawa's child connection. This shrine is a shrine unique also in Kinki district. The imperial family of Kyoto is why to this area made into "the solitary island of land". Did it continue being concerned like this??? ???. ? In Totsukawa-mura, it is a style of building of this shrine. It is wavering. Kyoto Building of the もん. Present-like If economically unsavory Kumano where nobody takes no interest. Emperor Shirakawa family Why did it continue adhering to this area? Kishuu & Kumano The Kishuu 備長炭 place of production of "バベガシ." It is as a fault. Charcoal was usage's energy source every day. More than it Not only "Kishuu mining" copper that had being observed in the suburbs geographically from Nara and Kyoto Gold has also been produced. In the Kojiki and the Nihon shoki, although an order is different, the Yoshino river is met, Three persons' country Thu God which declares itself イヒカ (井光), イシオシワク, and ニエモツ appears. "丹 of it having been vermilion sand ore, i.e., mercury," of Nyu is almost correct. Yoshino -- although the name of a places called Nyu are scattered on the riverside, it sees greatly, and it begins from Lake Suwa in Nagano Prefecture, and passes along Shikoku and the Yoshino river from the central part of Kii Peninsula, and the name of a place called Nyu exists along a medial line [ of continuing to Yatsushiro in Kyushu ] top. The Emperor Shirakawa family "Kumano rights and interests" which it continued protecting Historically, it is also the Great Buddha erection. "Gold" of Kumano is presented and burned. A management top is to the closed mountain in 1978. Mining existed. . . . . . http: // Shogo-in (しょうごいん) The temple of the head temple 修験宗 head temple in Shogoin Naka-machi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto. It is a head temple group's central temple in mountaineering asceticism of Japan. After the 静恵 method Imperial prince (Emperor Go-Shirakawa's child) did the ON temple as remains of Miyakado, each generation method Imperial prince was proud of social status high as a 門跡 temple which carries out an ON temple. 12 generation became [ Imperial Household ] 門跡 from 摂家 25 generation among the chiefs of a religious sect who count 37 generation to Meiji. It has deep relation with the Imperial Household, and is specified as the historic relics of the country as the "Shogo-in old temporary Imperial Palace" still now, such as becoming the temporary Imperial Palace twice in the late Edo period. The first retired emperor to visit Kumano is the Uta abdicated emperor with a Buddhist order, and is a thing in 907. And between will be set for about 80 years and the Hanayama abdicated emperor with a Buddhist order is visiting in 992 this time. However, since both of the Kumano happiness was single shot, the Kumano faith did not cause an explosive boom. Shirakawa Joko (1034?1129) will visit Kumano about 100 years after the Hanayama retired emperor's time in 1090. This Shirakawa Joko performs no less than 9 times of Kumano happiness to じつ. Shirakawa Joko's repeated Kumano happiness became the cause for the Kumano faith to show an enthusiastic rise. Kumano happiness was performed as follows after the Kumano happiness of 9 times of Shirakawa Joko. ■ The name and its number of times of the retired emperor who performed Kumano happiness - Uta abdicated emperor with a Buddhist order (1) - Hanayama abdicated emperor with a Buddhist order (1) - Shirakawa Joko (9) - Toba retired emperor (21) - Takanori retired emperor (1) - After Shirakawa Joko (33 or 34) - Gotoba Joko (28) - After Saga retired emperor (2) - Kameyama retired emperor (1) ■ The name and its number of times of 女院 which performed Kumano happiness - 待賢門院 (12) - 美福門院 (4) - Top Nishikado 院 (1) - 建春門院 (4) - Eight-article 院 (2) - Seven-article 院 (5) - 殷富門院 (4) - Naoaki 門院 (11) - 承明門院 (1) - 陰明門院 (1) Kishuu mine Kumano-shi, Mie Itaya, Kiwa-cho The Kishuu mine is a general term for many minor mines, such as the Sanwa mine, and the Otani mountain copper mine, a toothpick mountain copper mine, etc. which were in the neighborhood whole [ this ]. Record that having been discovered historically presented silver to the Emperor at the time fairly least recently at A.D. of the 700s remains. Moreover, record that copper here and gold were used also on erection of Great Buddha of Nara in A.D. 745 remains (it has said that Ashio, and another child and others of copper and gold of Nara and the Great Buddha are also the the same.). I will hear that authority will stick if the amount used says so, adding that it was so extensive. The production mineral also mainly produced gold, silver, and a lead with copper (Cu). After entering at the Edo period, the production of copper was also increased, and the spring store (next "Sumitomo") in Osaka had bought. The large-scale pollution by refinement, drainage, etc. occurred, and record that the farmer who considerable damage has appeared in agricultural products or a river fisherman, and got angry with them caused the peasant uprising also remains those days [ this ]. Also after going into Meiji, the production is increased, if the First World War will break out in 1914 (Taisho 3), production increase by the jump of a copper international rate and a governmental colonial policy will start, but 休山 and Ishihara Sangyo of the present [ 1934 / (Showa 9) ] purchase a mining area in the depression after a great war after that temporarily. It is revitalized by the Shiraishi gold ore pulse discovered several years ago, and, also after that, promotes mechanization vigorously. When the Pacific War broke out in 1941 (Showa 16), production increase of all goods was cried for, since especially production increase of metal or coal was the first priority, copper was begun and various kinds of rare metals became a candidate for mining also in the Kishuu mine. Simultaneously, many Koreans by whom shortage of the labor force also became serious and forcible taking has been done from the Korean Peninsula in the Kishuu mine as well as the mine and coal mine of national every place were made to do forced labor. A little more than 1400 persons were also in the number or having become clear. Moreover, the British who became a prisoner of war in the Malay Peninsula, and no less than several 100 people were taken here, and were worked in the inside of a pit or a sifting place. What is called Ishihara Sangyo from the first is the company (it was called the "South Pacific mining" at the beginning) established in Malaysia in 1920 for mining development. It is murrey. such a relation also took the prisoner of war who secured to the Kishuu mine -- ? -- use any -- although British people's cemetery is in the site of the Kishuu mine, there is no cemetery of many Koreans overwhelmingly (it does not clarify, although a public graveyard is seemingly located on the slope of some mountains). Seemingly, the waist was over however according to a certain data it protested against that and it carried out the proposal to the Kiwa-cho board of education, but it might let the line pass. Also in such a Kishuu mine, although the vein of the good lead glance was discovered continuously in 1951 after the war, having carried out downsizing or changing the sifting method a little, it does not leak to publicity here by sudden fall of the international rate in the middle of the level of 1960, but profit gets worse. It will be a closed mountain at last in 1978 (Showa 53).

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