育まれる(歴史) ブログトップ
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銅鐸と古事記”天孫降臨”  「つれづれ樹」   [育まれる(歴史)]


 諸藩を征圧せずに温存し 代替に参勤交代などを行った。
 家康が命からがら 紀伊山地に逃げ込みながらえた経験からか、、、
 なんでか?  出来なかったから。。。
 航空機などの発展がなければ地政学的に 制圧は不可能だった。。。

 なんでか?  全くに必要がなかったから、、、
 季節に応じて定移動すれば 食生活に困ることはなかった。。。
 縄文の時代って 一万年以上続いてるんだよ!
 そんだけ 安定した自然があったから。。。

 これは 数世代にわたって行われ続けた
 彼らは 戦いに敗れ北京付近から南方に逃れた
 必然に先住していた者も 押し出される。 そして日本に吹き溜まった。
 先に渡来した弥生人と 後からやってきた弥生人
 出身地も異なり 大陸での軋轢もあり 日本でも戦争繰りかえしてる。。。

 沖縄の方とアイヌの方は 遺伝子的類似性が大きいとされてる。

 銅鐸は 大陸に原型があり 日本に持ち込まれたもの
 使い道も定かではなく 宗教儀式的なものとされてる。
 当然に 列島内でも西から 東方に移っていったものでしょう。。。
 古事記は 弥生から平安時代の間 712年に編纂されてる。
 くに産み神話の中に 淡路島がでてる。 それなりの場所だったんですね。
 さまざまな弥生のルーツが あったのでしょう。。。。。
 ただ 古事記を編纂した民族は、、、
 島根県に ”天孫降臨”した渡来人と 考えても良いのでは、、、、、

松帆銅鐸、荒神谷6号鐸とも兄弟銅鐸 弥生時代、広域交流裏付け   '16,10/26

”アイスマン” と人類史  「再投稿」 「つれづれ樹」   [育まれる(歴史)]

5,300年前の“タトゥー” 刺青は境界外部族を威嚇するためにあった 刺青は消し去ることが不可能で同族の“名刺” 刺青→着物柄 マーキングとは“あくまでも他者にポイントを知らしめる”こと ツボ治療中国で体系化(2,000年前後漢)

 NHK 「完全解凍 アイスマン」 より

 縄文時代(三内丸山遺跡 5,300年前) の出来事。

 普通 最初に行われるのが 遺伝子解析。
 アイスマンは どの地域に 素性を持ち
 “枝分かれ的分類”では どの系統。

 それ以上に 興味持ってしまったこと。
 刺青は 魏志倭人伝に記述がみられ、
 記述内容は 未開社会のものと 漢民族は記す。
 漢民族は 元もと タトゥー文化を持たなかったか 廃れたか。
 蔑視された“タトゥー民族”は 中国南部地域。

 刺青は 境界外部族を威嚇するために あった。
 刺青は 消し去ることが不可能で 同族の“名刺”。
 これらが、 定説でした。

 系統史的には 体毛を突然変異(?)的に失った人類。
 寂しさから 刺青 →着物柄 へと、受け継がれた。

 現在ビト解釈は このようなもんでした。。。。。


 アイスマンは “腰椎すべり症”と診断された。
 このマーキングされた場所を 指圧することで 痛みを抑えていた
 マーキングとは “あくまでも他者に ポイントを知らしめる” こと。

 これは 論理的合理性 もって、十二分にうなづける。。

 人類史上 唯一とされる「ひと標本」
 もっと 日本の冷凍技術 何故に 生かせないの???

完全解凍!アイスマン ~5000年前の男は語る~
アイスマン(英語: Iceman; Ötziとも)は、1991年にアルプスにあるイタリア・オーストリア国境のエッツ渓谷(ドイツ語: Ötztal; 海抜3210メートル)の氷河で見つかった、約5300年前の男性のミイラ[1]の愛称である。

【 魏志倭人伝では、これら倭人の刺青に対して、中国大陸の揚子江沿岸地域にあった呉越地方の住民習俗との近似性を見出し、『断髪文身以避蛟龍之害』と、他の生物を威嚇する効果を期待した性質のものと記している。 】
体毛の少ない現生人類の誕生以降 古代人の皮膚から刺青が確認された例としては、アルプスの氷河から発見された5300年前のアイスマンが有名であり、その体には刺青のような文様が見つかっている 古代の人類社会において刺青文化が普遍的に存在していた事と理解されている。 刺青は容易に消えない特性を持ち、個体識別の手段として古くから用いられて来た。

 アイスマン  皮膚サンプル採取15ヵ所
①  背骨の左側 “平行線”
②  右ひざ内側 “十字”
③  アキレス腱 クルブシ

  模様のある部分の皮膚サンプル “煤(すす)”
  煤が 皮膚内に埋め込まれてた ≒ 刺青(タトゥー)

  アイスマンの入れ墨は 鍼灸治療の“ツボ”の場所に一致する。
  背骨左側 胃兪(イユ) 三焦兪(サンショウユ) 腎兪(ジンユ)
  左くるぶし 崑崙(コンロン)
  腰の痛みのツボ とされる。
 アイスマンのエックス線写真  “腰椎すべり症”

 ツボ治療 中国で体系化(2,000年前 後漢)
 やくざとは、漢字表記がない。 在るんだけど・・・、社会的には認知されては いけないあり方。。 “いれずみ”は 刺青・入墨・文身・紋身。。。 漢字表記が たくさんある。 ウィキペディア参照したが、途中で辟易。 “やくざ”と異なり、文明的なものです。 文身(いれづみ)は、呉越地方の住民習俗との近似性を有する。 太古には 毛深かったことの 名残。 巫女の“衣装”にほどこされる紋様。 家紋に象徴される起源。 入れ墨が 変化を遂げたものが、着物の紋様。。 文化とは このように受け継がれるものなのか。 フロイトの無意識界も 捨てたもんじゃない。。刺青

【 魏志倭人伝では、これら倭人の刺青に対して、中国大陸の揚子江沿岸地域にあった呉越地方の住民習俗との近似性を見出し、『断髪文身以避蛟龍之害』と、他の生物を威嚇する効果を期待した性質のものと記している。 】


古代の人類社会において刺青文化が普遍的に存在していた事と理解されている。 刺青は容易に消えない特性を持ち、個体識別の手段として古くから用いられて来た。 “タトゥー”を従来の刺青と同様に反社会的なサインとして明確に関連付けて報道した例 [8] も見られるなど、依然として日本社会の刺青に対する拒否感・反感が強い事も再認識されている。 日本の刺青は海外での評価も高く、その歴史や伝統の継承なども含めて、多くの賞賛と尊敬を受けている。 日本の伝統的な刺青には発色を良くするために金属を含んだ色素が使われている場合があるため、知らずにMRI検査を受けてしまうと火傷を負ったり、刺青が変色したりする場合がある。トラブルを避ける目的からも、事前に問診表などで確認される場合がある。 現在までに発見された、人物埴輪の顔に施された刺青と思しき線は、 鼻の上に翼型の入れ墨をしたA類(畿内を中心とする西日本) 顔面に環状の入れ墨をしたB類(畿内を中心とする西日本) A類とB類の合わさったC類(畿内のみ) 頬に八の字の入れ墨をしたD類(関東地方) に大別されている。 刺青をした力士を模った埴輪が実際に出土(刺青をした力士の埴輪: 井辺八幡山古墳より)している。 刺青が権力者や呪術者、特殊な職能を持つ者(馬飼・鳥飼など動物の飼育を担当する者達)など一部の人々の特権的なサイン 蝦夷や隼人といった人々や、儒教と対立した密教の僧侶によって、刺青の技術が継承された。山岳仏教出身者であり、書寫山圓教寺を開いた性空は、胸に阿弥陀仏の刺青を入れていた事で知られる(「阿弥陀来迎図流転の謎」 2.天台本覚思想と来迎図)。 社会が安定期を迎えた江戸時代になって刺青が一挙に復活している事から、刺青の習俗が完全に消滅していたとは考え難い。 戦国時代には死を覚悟した雑兵達が、自らの名や住所を指に刺青で記す個体識別目的の習俗があったとされる。 幕府はしばしば禁令を発し、厳重に取り締まったが、ほとんど効果は見られず、やがてその影響は武士階級にも波及して行き、旗本や御家人の次男坊・三男坊や、浪人などの中にも、刺青を施す者が現れるようになり、デザインにも「武家彫り」や「博徒彫り」といった出身身分の違いが投影された。 『日本書紀』の記事中には、武内宿禰の日高見國からの帰還報告として、蝦夷の男女が文身していた事が記されている(景行27年2月条)。


< 生業ですが、アバウトです! お気に召せば 遡って画像は ご自由に転載&ご利用下さい。 >
    (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)

    (十津川行くなら 太郎のお薦め!!!!)

NHK "Full defrosting iceman" The "tattoo" Jomon period (5,300 years before the Sannai Maruyama Historical Site) in the skin of an iceman Occurrence. In about [ that it was able to begin ], the analysis of an iceman is common. Being carried out first Gene analysis. Iceman In which area It has a history and is by "branch classification". Which system. More than it It kept as 興味持. Tattoo Description is seen by Wei zhi and it is a descriptive content. Thing of a primitive society The Han race describes. This description to the Han race It is also as origin. Didn't it have tattoo culture? Did it go out of use? Despised "tattoo race" Southern China area. Tattoo In order to threaten boundary external fellows It was. Tattoo It is impossible to blot out. "Card" of the same family. These, It was an established theory. On the history target of a system Human beings who lost body hair in mutation (?). From lonesomeness Tattoo -> kimono design It was inherited. the present ビト interpretation such -- it rubbed and carried out. . . . . However, this is the origin of a tattoo. This is a lucid dictionary of the "jar" of the present acupuncture and moxibustion therapy. Iceman It was diagnosed as "lumbar すべり症." When the pain came out by this treatment process, it is this place by which marking was carried out. It uses acupressure. The pain was stopped. Marking What "is made for the others to know point to the last." This Logical rationality It has and is うなづける more than enough. . It is supposed that it continues still more. history-of-man top "ひ and the specimen" which are made only -- more -- Refrigeration technology of Japan Why Can't it employ efficiently? Full defrosting! Iceman The man 5000 years before ? tells? iceman (English : Iceman; ? tzi), It is a nickname of the mummy [1] of the male about 5300 years before being found by the glacier of the Ets ravine (German: ?tztal; above sea level [ of 3210 meters ]) of the Italy Austria border located in the Alps in 1991. [By Wei zhi, approximation nature with the resident tradition of the Wu and Yue district located in the Yangtze River coastal area of the China continent is found out to a tattoo of the people from these Japan, and it is described as the thing of character which expected the effect of threatening other living things "short hair-cut 文身以避蛟 Tatsuyuki damage." As an example in which the tattoo was checked from the ancients' skin after birth of Homo sapiens with little] body hair, The iceman 5300 years before being discovered from the glacier in the Alps is famous, and it is understood that tattoo culture existed in the body universally in the human-beings society of the ancient times in which a pattern like a tattoo is found. The tattoo had the characteristic which does not disappear easily and has been used as a means of individual recognition for many years. Iceman 15 skin sample extraction? Left-hand side of the backbone "Parallel lines" ? Right knee inner side "Cross" ? Achilles tendon Kulu Bushi Skin sample of a portion with a pattern "Soot (soot)" soot It was embedded in the skin. ≒ tattoo (tattoo) Tattoo of an iceman It is in agreement with the place of the "jar" of an acupuncture and moxibustion therapy. Backbone left-hand side 胃兪 (イユ) 3 焦兪 (サンショウユ) 腎兪 (ジンユ) The left ankle Jar of the pain of the Kunlun (Conlon) waist It is carried out. X ray photograph of an iceman "Lumbar すべり症" Jar medical treatment It systematizes in China (2,000 years before Later-Han). -- there is no Chinese character notation that it is worthless. Although it is, if it is recognized by ... and the social target The bad way that should be. . "Tattoo" A tattoo, ON sumi, 文身, and 紋身. . . The Chinese character notation It is in large numbers. Although the Wikipedia reference was carried out, it is nonplused on the way. It differs that it is "good-for-nothing", and there is civilization-like. 文身 (putting in づみ) has approximation nature with the resident tradition of the Wu and Yue district. In ancient times It was hairy. Vestiges. The crest given to a shrine maiden's "clothes." The origin symbolized by the family crest. A tattoo It is the crest of a kimono who accomplished change. . Culture Is it inherited in this way? Also Freud's unconscious community It is not bad. . / tattoo 文身 (ぶんしん), 紋身 (もんしん) [By Wei zhi, approximation nature with the resident tradition of the Wu and Yue district located in the Yangtze River coastal area of the China continent is found out to a tattoo of the people from these Japan, and it is described as the thing of character which expected the effect of threatening other living things "short hair-cut 文身以避蛟 Tatsuyuki damage." ] As an example in which the tattoo was checked from the ancients' skin after birth of Homo sapiens with little body hair, the iceman 5300 years before being discovered from the glacier in the Alps is famous, and a pattern like a tattoo is found in the body. It is understood that tattoo culture existed universally in ancient human-beings society. The tattoo had the characteristic which does not disappear easily and has been used as a means of individual recognition for many years. It also still has [ that the example [8] which associated the "tattoo" clearly as an antisocial sign like the conventional tattoo, and reported it is seen, etc. and ] a new appreciation of a feeling of refusal and antipathy over a tattoo of Japanese society being strong. The evaluation overseas of Japan's tattoo is also high, and it including the history, traditional succession, etc. [ many ] [ praise and ] Since the pigment which contained metal in order to color well may be used for Japan's traditional tattoo, if an MRI inspection is received in not knowing, a burn may be undertaken to it, or a tattoo may become it. Also from the purpose of avoiding a trouble, it may be checked by a questionnaire etc. in advance. The tattoo and 思しき線 which were discovered by the present and which were given to the face of the person clay figure, A (western part of Japan centering on Kinai) which carried out the wings type tattoo on the nose C (only Kinai) B (western part of Japan centering on Kinai) A which carried out the annular tattoo to the face, and B were joined to D (Kanto district) which tattooed the character of 8 on the cheek It is divided roughly. The 模った clay figure is actually excavating the wrestler who tattooed (the clay figure of the wrestler who tattooed: Ibe 8 幡山 ancient tomb). The technology of the tattoo was inherited by sign Ezo of some people, such as a man of power, a magic person, and a person (those who take charge of breeding of animals, such as 馬飼 and Torikai) with a special function, with an exclusive tattoo, people called Hayato, and the priest of esoteric Buddhism who was opposed to Confucianism. It is a mountains Buddhism native person and 性空 open [ 書寫山圓教寺 ] is known for having put the tattoo of Amitabha into the breast ("mystery of the Amitabha raigozu metempsychosis" 2. heavens script 覚思想, and raigozu). Since the Edo period when society saw the stabilized period came and the tattoo has revived at once, it is hard to think that the tradition of the tattoo had disappeared completely. It is supposed that there was a tradition for the purpose of [ that the foot soldiers who were ready for death describe their name and address in a finger by tattoo ] individual recognition in the Age of Civil Wars. Although the government often emitted 禁令 and being controlled severely, An effect was hardly seen, but soon, the influence also affected the samurai class, and went, a direct vassal of a shogun, a vassal's second son and third son, and those that tattoo also into a man of out of employment etc. came to appear, and the difference among graduate statuses, such as "samurai engraving" and "gambler engraving", was projected also on the design. Into the report of the "Nihon shoki", it is described as a return report from day Takami 國 of the Takeuchi 宿禰 that Ezo's man and woman were 文身(ing) (Kageyuki February, 27 article).

伊勢神宮は ”何故 伊勢の地”? (再投稿)  「つれづれ樹」   [育まれる(歴史)]



 過っては 持統天皇と明治天皇しか 赴いていない。。
 天皇家の なな不思議。 歴史的事実。。。

 藤原氏の都合で 産み出されたものでしょう。
 特に 香取神宮&鹿島神宮のある千葉県付近に勢力拠点をもった藤原氏。
  (奈良&京都から恐ろしく離れたこの地に 何故神宮があるのか???)
 伊勢地域は 奈良&京都から海路で関東とつながる為の 要所です。。。
 藤原氏にとっては 政治的生命線 でした。

 熊野三山(那智・本宮・速玉) 式内社じゃないのは那智大社
   熊野信仰の基盤は 自然崇拝 那智の場合は大滝が該当する。
   ならば 本宮&速玉は?? なにもない。

   紀州鉱山(1978年閉山)&熊野水軍 の支配
   南北朝・大塔宮護良親王・天誅組  勤王が歴史的に存在

  伊勢神宮の天照大御神ではない信仰も 関係するのか???
   紀州&伊勢の地域は 式内社で埋め尽くされてる。
   熊野の地は 本宮&速玉そして海沿いの後一社だけ。。。。

 熊野三山は 那智・本宮・速玉大社
それぞれに 自称の創建年代はあるが “不明”
766年頃に “神封戸(シンホウコ)”が与えられる 、という記述が見受けられるようです。

200年代の崇神天皇の時代に “あまてらす と おおものぬし”が 宮殿内に祀られてたようです。
500年代に宗教行為に “建築物を必要とする” 仏教が伝来。

 このように 大まかに見ると
宗教行為上の“建築物”が 「創建」と表現される形で現出するのは、
仏教伝来の500年代以降に 都地域で発生した。
そ~すれば 都以外の地方で 神社仏閣建築が現れるのは、
“766年に 速玉と那智に神封戸が与えられた。”とされる記述の
それ程には 早くない時期に 神社が創建された。 と考えられる

 熊野地域の“神”は基本的には 自然崇拝です。
 いわゆる 「磐座(イワクラ)信仰」に代表されます。
 社(ヤシロ)&祭神名が付加される以前から 存在した形態。

三山の中で 熊野信仰の原初の形を持つものは 那智の滝でしょう。
本宮と速玉には これそのもののが 存在しない。

熊野本宮大社・熊野速玉大社・潮崎本之宮神社 の3社である。
 (和歌山市&伊勢市には 式内社だらけ。)
本宮と速玉が式内社であって 何故那智が式内社ではないのか?

明治以前の神仏習合時代には 地方にあっても立派な“社”を持つ神社には
現在の神社仏閣は 過っては 地方統治の拠点であった。 と仮定するなら。
新興勢力である藤原氏が 式内社を利用して 地方支配の拠点としてきた。
と 推測できます。
 熊野信仰の本質を持たずに 存在する本宮&速玉は 
 熊野に海から侵略してきた 勢力の拠点とも捉えられる。
院政をしく上皇が ひと月間も都を空け 熊野詣でをするのは。
宗教行為の端緒となり得る 実利が 熊野にはなかったか?
 ?? 熊野地域では細々と銅関係の産出はあった、
    備長炭に代表される 過ってはエネルギー産出地域であった。。

 熊野地域は 伊勢市・和歌山市地域とは違って
 都から見れば 近畿では遠方の “陸の孤島”とされてきた
 白河上皇(初回1,090年)は12回、鳥羽上皇は23回、後白河上皇は34回、後鳥羽上皇は29回 まで、
 120年程の期間に 100回ほど行われており 平均すれば 年に1回。。
 その期間 200年に集中するのは 歴史的に異常です。

 熊野本宮大社の奥の院とされる 玉置神社があります。
 この標高に 「枕状溶岩」「樹齢3,000年以上の大杉が密集します。」
 そして 恐らくこの地の杉にとって 最高の場所に、
 この地にはふさわしくもない 神社”社“があります。

 近隣の在所を見渡しても これだけの建築物が無い。
 この建築物は 行政的には「京都」でありながら 熊野。
 兎に角 周りから 完全に異次元空間。
 神社の伝承では、 熊野灘の漁師の信仰も集めている。 
 車で1時間 登って1時間の この神社が???
 熊野灘から 玉置山頂上は視認できます。

 熊野別当 という 都の組織があります。
 これが 白河上皇によって強化されます。
 この後に 上皇主催の “熊野詣”が続く。

 宗教行為だけで 都から熊野地域の直接経営を行わない。
 それ以上の 実利があったんでしょう。
 熊野水軍は 和歌山市付近から熊野を拠点としてた。
 この地域に 別当職を配置することで 瀬戸内海の制海権掌握を狙った。

この「制海権」は 平清盛以前には なんでか歴史学的には ”見落とされ状態”。。。
壇ノ浦の戦いも 最終的には「熊野水軍」が源氏側に加担したことで 決した。
伊勢の地も ここから歴史的に 再考証できる。

 伊勢神宮に付き纏う 最大の謎
 何故 伊勢の地 なのか?
 あまてらすは 伊勢に落ち着く前に
 奈良の三輪山 →近江 →美濃 を経て伊勢。
 このルートは 崇神天皇の時代に
 北陸道・東海道・山陽道沿いに 征伐を行ってる。
 アマテラスの変遷も 近江 →美濃 そして 伊勢になる。
 現代人が 古代社会を認識する上で 根本的な間違いを持つ。
 古代から 大陸と列島の行き来は 船で盛んに行われ続けた。
 冬季の季節風・夏季のそれによる スパンを持って為されてた。
 当然に 国内においても、
 季節と物資&人員量に制約されながら 「海路」があった。

  都で勢力を持つ者は それぞれが支配する地方に 独自の拠点を持つ。。。。。
  関東地域には 近畿を圧倒するほどの 巨大な古墳群が存在する。
  伊勢の地に 神宮を「創建」した勢力。
  このグループは 関東方面に地盤を持っていた。

 伊勢の地は 奈良から海路を利用する場合の 最重要な・最善の拠点。。。。。
熊野信仰の中心として一体のものと観念される熊野三山であるが、各々成立事情を異にし、当初は別個に発展してきたと考えられている[1]。長寛元年(1163年)に書かれた『長寛勘文』所収の「熊野権現垂迹縁起」が伝えるところによれば、10世紀前半頃から、熊野本宮でそれまではっきりした神格があげられていなかった主祭神を家津御子神(けつみこかみ、本地仏は阿弥陀如来)と呼ぶようになった。また、同時期の新宮では、神倉社を経て阿須賀社に結神(熊野牟須美大神)・早玉神(熊野速玉大神)と家津御子神(熊野坐神)を祀ったとの記述が同じく「熊野権現垂迹縁起」に見られ、この時期に熊野三所権現が成立したことが分かる。そして、12世紀に入ると、藤原宗忠の参詣記(『中右記』)の天仁2年(1109年)条にあるように、三山が互いの主祭神を祀りあうようになっており、宗教思想上の一体化がなされ、熊野三所権現が成立していたことが判明する[2]。 三山を統括する役職としての熊野別当の名称は、「熊野別当代々記」によると、前述の宗教思想上の一体化にやや先行し、9世紀に初見される[3]。この時期の熊野山は、依然として地方霊山の一つでしかなかったが、白河院の寛治4年(1090年)の熊野御幸後、事情は一変する。熊野御幸から帰還した後、白河院は、先達を務めた園城寺の僧侶・増誉を熊野三山検校に補任すると同時に、熊野別当を務めていた社僧の長快を法橋に叙任した[4]。これにより、熊野三山の社僧達は中央の僧綱制に連なるようになった[4][5]。このとき設けられた熊野三山検校の職位は確かに熊野三山を統べるものとされたが、検校は熊野には居らず、統轄実務を担ったわけではなかった。宗務は無論のこと、所領経営、治安維持、さらに神官・僧侶・山伏の管理にあたったのは熊野別当とそれを補佐する諸職であり[6]、当初その財政基盤となったのは、白河院から寄進された紀伊国内2ケ郡の田畠百余町であった[7]。 熊野別当を世襲した熊野別当家は、後に新宮に本拠を置く新宮別当家と本宮と田辺を拠点とする田辺別当家に分裂しつつ、別当職を務めた。承久3年(1221年)に起こった承久の乱において、別当家は鎌倉幕府方と上皇方に分裂しその勢力を衰退させたが、それ以後も熊野別当による熊野三山統轄体制は続き[8]、南北朝時代中頃(14世紀中頃)に熊野別当の呼称が消えると共に終焉を迎えた[9]。


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    (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)
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    (色彩を 操られています。)

the Ise Shrine - アマテラス changes, Shirakawa Joko, a bear Nomizu army, naval supremacy, and Kumano 3 mountain Kumano 3 mountain To Nachi, Motomiya, and each 速玉 Although there is a would-be foundation age "unclear". Around 766 "神封戸" is given. It seems that description to say can see. the Emperor Sujin era of the 200s as main as "あまてらす -- ぬ(ing) -- " It seems that it was deified in the Imperial Court. It will be a religious act to the 500s. The Buddhism "which needs a building" descends. It is such. If it sees roughly Appearing in the form expressed as "foundation" is after the 500s of introduction of Buddhism. It generated in the capital area. [ "the building on a religious act" ] そ? If it carries out In districts other than a capital Shrines-and-temples construction appears, To "766 years 神封戸 was given to 速玉 and Nachi. Like it of description made into " At the time when nothing is early The shrine was founded. It thinks. "God" of the Kumano area is fundamentally. It is a nature worship. what is called -- It is represented by "iwakura (イワクラ) faith." From [ before adding a mountain, huge rock, huge Japan cedar & hinoki and waterfall, and company (ヤシロ) & enshrined deity name ] Form which existed. If it carries out from this viewpoint, In Miyama's inside Thing with the form of the origin of the Kumano faith Probably, it is Nachi's waterfall. In Motomiya and 速玉 That of this very thing It does not exist. "The companies in a formula" in the Kumano area are the Kumano Motomiya large company, Kumano Hayatama Shrine, and a Shiosaki this 之宮 shrine. They are three companies. (Wakayama & Ise -- the company in type -- だらけ.) Motomiya and 速玉 are the companies in a formula. Why isn't Nachi a company in a formula? In the harmonization-of-Shinto-and-Buddhism age before Meiji Even if it is in rural areas, a shrine with splendid "company" has a monk soldier's existence. The present shrines and temples It is as a fault. It was a base of district government. It is if it assumes. Mr. Fujiwara who is new influence from the Nara period to the Heian period (700?800 years) The company in a formula is used. It came as a base of district rule. It can guess. に without essence of the Kumano faith Existing Motomiya & 速玉 It has invaded from the sea to Kumano. It is realized also as the base of influence. The retired emperor who spreads a cloister government Between one month vacates a capital. The Kumano visit is carried out. Can it interpret only by religion? It can become the start of a religious act. An actual profit Was there nothing to Kumano? ?? In the Kumano area, there was copper-related production minutely, It is represented by 備長炭. It was an energy production area as the fault. . Kumano area If it sees from a capital unlike Ise and the Wakayama area In Kinki, it is a distant place. It has been considered as "the solitary island of land." It still starts in the Uta retired emperor in 907, Shirakawa Joko (first time 1,090 years) -- 12 times and the Toba retired emperor -- 23 times and back white Ko Kawakami -- 34 times and Gotoba Joko -- 29 times up to -- the period about of 120 Are carried out about 100 times. If it averages a year -- once. . The period It concentrates in 200. It is historically unusual. It is considered as the inner shrine of the Kumano Motomiya large company. There is a Tamaki shrine. The shrine with an altitude of 1,076 m near the summit in Mt. Tamaki. To this altitude "Osugi beyond age-of-a-tree 3,000 year crowds". [ "pillow basalt" and ] and -- probably -- for Sugi of this ground Also suitably, there is nothing in this ground to the No.1 place. the shrine "-- a shrine -- " -- it is. "Sense of incongruity." Even if it overlooks neighboring 在所 There is no building like this. This building While it is "Yoshino" administratively Kumano. It is an angle to a rabbit. From the surroundings It is completely different dimensional space. In the tradition of a shrine, Faith of the fisherman of Kumano Nada is also collected. By a car It reaches for 1 hour and is 1 hour. This shrine From Kumano Nada The Mt. Tamaki summit can be sighted. This [ according to Kumano ] It says. There is a Tokyo organization. This It is strengthened by Shirakawa Joko. Next Retired emperor sponsorship "Pilgrimage to the Kumano Sanzan Shrine" continues. By a religious act Direct management of the Kumano area is not performed from a capital. More than it There would be an actual profit. "Naval supremacy" control of this area. Bear Nomizu army Kumano was made into the base from near Wakayama. In this area An another this job is arranged. Naval supremacy control of Setonaikai was aimed at. the Ise Shrine is hung around the greatest mystery -- why Ground in Ise it is -- ? あまてらす Before settling in Ise Miwa-yama in Nara -> Omi -> Mino It passes and is Ise. This route It is along Hokurikudou, Tokaido, and San-yodo to the Emperor Sujin era. It is conquering. changes of アマテラス Omi -> Mino and -- It becomes Ise. A man of today When recognizing archaic society It has a fundamental mistake. From ancient times Traffic of a continent and islands It was carried out by ship. It is based on it of the monsoon and summer of winter. It was accomplished with Sepang. Are natural. Also in domestic, While being restrained by a season and the amount of goods & staffs There was "sea route." Ground in Ise When a sea route is used from Nara The best base. . . . . Although it is Kumano 3 mountain by which an idea is carried out to the thing of one as a center of Kumano faith, It differs in a formation situation respectively and it is thought that it has developed separately at the beginning [1]. according to the place which the "Kumano avatar 垂迹 luck" "long 寛勘文" carried written to long 寛元年 (1163) tells, it came to call the main enshrined deity by whom the divinity which clarified till then was not raised with Kumano Motomiya around from the first half of the 10th century 家津御子神 (it sees and the Honchi Buddha is [ けつみこ or ] Amitabha Tathagata). Moreover, in Shingu of the period, it turns out that description that 結神 (Kumano 牟須美 Ogami) and 早玉神 (Kumano 速玉 Ogami), and 家津御子神 (Kumano 坐神) were deified to 阿須賀 Co. through Kamikura was similarly looked at by the "Kumano avatar 垂迹 luck", and the Kumano 3 place avatar was materialized at this time. And if it will enter in the 12th century, as it is in 条 for 天仁 two years (1109) of Munetada Fujiwara's account of worship ("account of Nakamigi"), Miyama will deify the mutual main enshrined deity, and will suit, the unification on religion thought will be made, and it will become clear that the Kumano 3 place avatar was materialized [2]. According to "being an account this each generation classified by Kumano", the name of the this according to Kumano as a post which generalizes Miyama is preceded a little with the unification on the above-mentioned religion thought, and the first sight of the score will be carried out to the 9th century [3]. Although the Kumano mountain of this time was still only one of the district holy mountains, a situation is changed completely after the Kumano happiness for Kanji four years of the Shirakawa 院 (1090). After returning from Kumano Miyuki, the Shirakawa 院 appointed 法橋 long 快 of 社僧 which had enacted this [ according to Kumano ], while 補任(ing) the priest and 増誉 of Onjoji which served the part as a guide to the Kumano Miyama investigator [4]. Thereby, 社僧 and others of Kumano 3 mountain came to stand in a row in a central 僧綱 system [[4] 5]. Although surely the position and rank of the Kumano 3 mountain investigator prepared at this time were made into the 統べる thing in Kumano 3 mountain, careful inspection was not in Kumano and did not necessarily bear control business. This [ according to Kumano ] and the jobs which assist it were in charge of management of the thing of a 宗務は non-theory, feudal estate management, maintenance of public order, and also a Shinto priest, a priest and a mountain priest, and the about [ Tabata ] 100 town of the two Kii inside county contributed from the Shirakawa 院 became the corporate finances [6] and at the beginning [7]. It enacted the another this job, this house classified by Kumano that inherited this [ according to Kumano ] being divided in this house classified by Tanabe that makes a base this house classified by Shingu that establishes a headquarters in Shingu behind, Motomiya, and Tanabe. Although random において of 承久 which happened in 承久 3 (1221), and an another this house were divided in the method of the Kamakura shogunate, and the method of a retired emperor and the influence was decayed, the end was greeted, while the Kumano 3 mountain control organization by this [ according to Kumano ] continued and the name of the this according to Kumano disappeared it or later [8] and in the middle of the Period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties (the middle of the 14th century) [9].

お年寄りこそ意識して肉を食べる  「つれづれ樹」   [育まれる(歴史)]



 厚生労働省は 食べ方の指針を変える。


 出来るだけ肉類の摂取を行い 食べ続けることで腸を動かす。
高齢者の「粗食」に注意 肉・脂の不足、老化早める

■栄養価・食べやすさ 介護食、多彩に

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    (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)

    (十津川行くなら 太郎のお薦め!!!!)

おじいちゃんが孫に語る戦争  「つれづれ樹」   [育まれる(歴史)]


おじいちゃんが孫に語る戦争 田原総一郎



 戦争とは 一度起こってしまえば、なかなか終わらせることが  出来ないものです。

 簡単には戦争を仕掛けられないだけの 備えを持つ!
 自分だけではなく 他国を頼る同盟政策

 自国が脅威にさらされた時 守ってもらう。

 決して 戦争状態にならないための備え、  それだけを いのいちに目指すべきです。

 歴史とは そのためだけにあると云っても良い。


















< 生業ですが、アバウトです! お気に召せば 遡って画像は ご自由に転載&ご利用下さい。 >
    (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)

    (十津川行くなら 太郎のお薦め!!!!)

The war a grandfather explains to my grandchild "Japan missed all the opportunity in being a chance a war stops expanding when many times, and a serious numerical person lost his life." "If there was perseverance strength discussed with a foreign country perseveringly in Japan, and I had the reliable information power, maybe such miserable war didn't have to happen. A grandfather is thinking so." When happening once, a war is to bring to an end easily. It isn't possible. History proves it. I have the equipment which can't just prepare a war easily! The allied policy on which I depend for an other country as well as myself By providing the logistic support to an allied country aggressively. When an own country was exposed to a threat, you protect. Of the purpose which never becomes state of war, I prepare. I should aim at only that for Ichi of I. We have to learn in history. You may say that there is history only for it. You make Mr. Tahara's deep insight learn. A thing could welcome the end of the war with the sensible age and live through postwar confusion. A family, it's spoken about aggressively at a personal section. The thing I wanted to tell at any cost by "the war a grandfather explains to my grandchild" I exceed already 80 years old. I have a grandchild of a schoolchild. This year when the 70th year is met after the war and my grandchild were a 5th grader of elementary school. When saying a 5th grader of elementary school, it's the age when I met the end of the war exactly. I don't also know how much I myself can live. So I thought. Whether not to hand that war I experienced around a child down to my grandchilds tightly, if. After all Japan, did you fight such war? From the Manchurian Incident which became a trigger of that war, to the Sino-Japanese war and a Japan and U.S. war...,.... I had several Turning Points in the flow. For example Manchukuo isn't admitted exactly and Japan is 1935 years when I withdrew from the Palace of Nations (1935). A British government choose such ear as Japan, I approached about talk. The contents say to the Kuomintang of Chiang Kaishek in trouble about money that I'll take out money by a Japanese association with the United Kingdom. When doing that, I say that the United Kingdom appeals to Chiang Kaishek to admit Manchukuo. But, Japan declines the proposal. For some reason. I continued explaining as it was easy to understand for my grandchilds as easy as possible. "I think the complex Japan keeps having for a long time is a reason to Europe represented by the United Kingdom. You have thought "Japan now is different from the past, and a first-class country of the world. Is it the circle made European ones stupidly?" by reverse of a complex." And I spoke about loss so. "Japan missed all the opportunit

海人族と古事記神話  「つれづれ樹」   [育まれる(歴史)]


 日本列島の歴史は “渡来”で占められている!
 大陸では 始皇帝の時代から敗れた側が南部に追いやられた。
 この傾向は 王朝が変わるたびに続けられる。
 大陸の南の果てで 行き場を失った者達が日本へ渡来する。

 縄文時代から弥生時代 その後も大陸渡来は継続される。
 日本の歴史が 極めてややこしいのは、
 大陸由来の渡来人が それぞれに利害関係を持った。
 先に来た渡来人と後続組でも 対立はあった。。。。

 神武東征までは “国盗り合戦”
  伝承を 都合よく挿入し、編集してる!
  淡路 ⇒四国 ⇒隠岐 ⇒九州
   壱岐 ⇒対馬 ⇒佐渡 ⇒本州

 “アマテラス神話”は 出雲国の存在以前に
  アマテラス・タカミムスヒは 存在しなかった。。
  アマテラスは 別な容の伝承があったかも。

 “スサノウ” ⇒“大国主” ⇒“天孫降臨”
  、、、ならば 天孫降臨は出雲国で為されねばならない。
  だが 鹿児島県で為された!

 神武東征は「6年がかり」で 大和に至り成し遂げられた。

 ① イザナギ・イザナミの国生み
 ② アマテラスとスサノウの対立
 ③ スサノウの出雲神話
 ④ 大国主の出雲国
 ⑤ 天孫降臨
 ⑥ 神武東征
 日本神話は この順番で語られる。

 イザナギ・イザナミは 海人族(安曇氏族)をシンボライズ
  淡路島を始めとし、周辺の島々を平定し 本州に到る。

 天孫降臨以前に 既成勢力として、
  全国の養蚕業者が年に一度 品種改良用の蚕を持ち寄り、

 アマテラスに象徴される天孫族は 後続組だった。
 神武東征で 初めて本州に進出し 大和に到った。。

  藤原不比等は720年に 古事記に替えて
  日本書紀を作成し 藤原氏に都合の良い“日本正史”を

   古事記編纂後 600年後の写本
   歴史から姿を消しても 半世紀保存されていた。。。


  鎮魂&魂ふりによって アマテラスの正当化が謀られた!

  大林組の設計試算によると 48Mの高さ持つ神殿が可能。
  神殿の高さは 海からの目印!
  航海には 不可欠なもの。
  銅剣(358本) 荒神谷遺跡  1,984年
  銅鐸( 39点) 加茂岩倉遺跡 1,996年
  出雲の東南部に 纏められた形で埋められてた。
   これは 出雲の東南部方面を護るための儀式に用いられた。
  “望”呪儀として 利用された可能性が高い!

< 生業ですが、アバウトです! お気に召せば 遡って画像は ご自由に転載&ご利用下さい。 >
    (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)

    (十津川行くなら 太郎のお薦め!!!!)

Even Jinmu conquest "National steal battle?" It's convenient and folklore is being inserted and edited! "National bearing" myth Awaji ⇒ Shikoku ⇒ Oki ⇒ Kyushu. Iki ⇒ Tsushima ⇒ Sado ⇒ Honshuu. Conquest and the order which was being occupied are shown. Before Izumo country exists in "amateur terrace myth". There wanted to decide to have been Takamagahara. By the shape recorded on Kojiki and Chronicles of Japan. amaterasutakamimusuhi didn't exist. Maybe folklore of different part by volume matched an amateur terrace. "SUSANOU"⇒ "the major power center" ⇒ "god's descendants to earth". When it's 、、、, god's descendants to earth have to be accomplished in Izumo country. But it was accomplished in Kagoshima-ken! Because Izumo ancestry was too strong in "existence power".   It's done only in "edge" Kagoshima in Japan. Jinmu conquest was accomplished as for Japan by "with 6 years". Why was Kumano used? Because I had influence of Hayato Ama family over Kumano area. (1) National bearing of Izanagi Izanami (2) Opposition in an amateur terrace and SUSANOU (3) Izumo myth of SUSANOU (4) Izumo country in the large country center (5) God's descendants to earth (6) Jinmu conquest A Japanese myth is told by this order. Izanagi Izanami Ama group (Azumi clan), symbolize? The marine race south of the continent south is made an origin. I suppress the surrounding islands including Awajishima and come to Honshuu. In before of god's descendants to earth As established power. I had Izumo influence in the SUSANOU large country center. Izumo's Kamiari month "and" matchmaking? A sericultural industry person in the whole country gathers a silkworm for breeding once a year. "Matchmaking" of a silkworm was performed. Tenson group symbolized by an amateur terrace was a following gang. It's near god's descendants to earth to the end the limit of the Japanese west. It's done only in Kagoshima-ken. I went into first Honshuu by Jinmu conquest and came to Daiwa. Kojiki It has been completed in 712. Please change Fujiwarano Fuhito to Kojiki in 720. Chronicles of Japan are made and it's convenient "Japanese Masashi" for Mr. Fujiwara. After editing, Kojiki was killed! (A history I resemble closely doesn't also have to exist in two.) Kojiki which exists The one by which a manuscript was done in the North and South Dynasties (1350) age in Aichi-ken Shinpukuji. The manuscript which will be 600 years later after Kojiki compilation Even if I disappeared from history, half a century was preserved. You were prevalent by Motoori Norinaga's (the Edo Period) Kojikiden (44 reels). "Heaven Iwato myth" Relationship with a solar eclipse is also told. Sanction in an amateur terrace was plotted by prayer and soul pretense

土の始まり  「つれづれ樹」   [育まれる(歴史)]


 物理的風化  岩(岩盤)のすき間に水が入り込み凍り
 化学的風化  岩盤の石灰質が雨(弱酸性)によって溶かされる。
        溶け残った粒子状物質が 土壌の一部になる。
 生物学的風化 地衣類(菌類&藻類)が岩盤を覆い 脆くする。

 菌糸体・ミミズ・バクテリアによって 植物が分解される。
 風化し脆くなった砕けた岩盤と 混じり合う部分。
 そして 岩盤。

 風化した岩盤は 粒子の大きさから、
 砂 ⇒シルト ⇒粘土 に分類される。
 粘土は細粒子で表面積が最も多く 電気を帯び水&養分吸着。
 砂・シルト・粘土の割合で 様々な土壌形態が出来あがる。


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  &ご利用下さい。 >
    (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)

    (十津川行くなら 太郎のお薦め!!!!)

"The origin of the earth" Water enters into a gap of physical weathered rock (bedrock), freezing It can be mixed with swell. Lime matter of chemical weathering bedrock is melted by rain (weak acid). A substance like the particle which was dissolved and was left will be the part of the ground. Biology-like weathering The lichen (fungus and alga) covers bedrock up and makes it fragile. Vegetable origin is being connected with inorganic matter of bedrock. Ground? Humus sees the process which is being taken apart from a surface. A plant is taken by mycelia pl. and angleworm bacteria apart. The broken bedrock and the part which mix by which change of the form became weathered and fragile. And bedrock. The bedrock which weathered From the size of the particle? It's classified into sand-> SHIRUTO-> clay. The surface area takes on electricity most by a granules child for clay, water and nourishment adhesion. Sand SHIRUTO Various soil morphology is finished by the percentage of the clay. Geology-like Peat layer has shut carbon dioxide in underground. A human agriculture and use of water resources. I'm warning to be destroying a conventional ground system! The earth, dramatic, "mystery in earth-explication! Tsutomu who brings the life up-" Where do I come from, and what is earth made of? I approach the truth from which close earth isn't learned about. The earth where a plant is brought up and the life of the creature is supported is that a dead leaf is taken by an angleworm and bacteria apart, and I'm born. The ingredient in earth is of primary concern, 2. Dead leaves and wooden branches are the one taken apart and a rock. A dead leaf is taken apart by the power of the bacteria and the angleworm, and nourishment is given by earth off. A plant grows up and supports the life of many creatures using this nourishment. On the other hand, a rock with the size of the various grains is to mix, and earth can keep water moderately. I bet long years and run after the process with which earth is made. Earth is lost rapidly now. One housing land development and farmland pioneering because. How is it possible to protect earth? (2014 year United Kingdom)

朝日新聞社 そのあゆみ  「つれづれ樹」   [育まれる(歴史)]


 朝日は92年1月11日朝刊1面トップで「慰安所 軍関与示す資料」と報じると、続く同日夕刊で「十一日朝から、韓国内のテレビやラジオなどでも朝日新聞を引用した形で詳しく報道された」と誇った。  韓国紙・朝鮮日報は翌12日朝刊で、朝日報道を引用して紹介。13日の社説で、日本政府に対して「謝罪とともに(元慰安婦の)生存者などに応分の補償をすること」を求めた。  吉田証言は92年頃には虚偽と指摘されていたにもかかわらず、「史実」かのように扱った同報告については、信頼性が疑問視されている。  朝日は吉田証言を、82年9月2日朝刊社会面(大阪本社版)以降、少なくとも16回にわたり繰り返し報道した。今年8月5日の特集記事「慰安婦問題を考える」で、吉田証言を初報から32年後になってようやく虚偽と認め、取り消した。

 朝日新聞社は 1982年から
        (共同通信社は 1,992年までに7回報道)

「吉田調書」スクープ (東京電力福島第一原子力発電所)
 非公開の国情報を “何故? 朝日新聞社が入手出来たのか。”
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 朝日新聞社をフィールドにして 様々な思想信条を持つ組織が
 朝日新聞社内で 活動してるのではないのか!
 この活動を許容する朝日新聞社役員が 多く存在してる。

 国は 「悪意をもった確信犯的組織に 蹂躙される!」

 朝日新聞社は、池上彰氏に対し 言論統制を行った。。。
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 “言論報道&表現の自由 を語り尽くす張本人”が
 自らの手で 言論統制を行ってる。

 教会を持った瞬間から 宗教実態は“組織至上主義”です。
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 朝日新聞社を維持するためなら なんでもやるでしょう。。

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 あるのは 定年退職まで朝日新聞社存続を願う思いだけ、、。


 朝日は92年1月11日朝刊1面トップで「慰安所 軍関与示す資料」と報じると、続く同日夕刊で「十一日朝から、韓国内のテレビやラジオなどでも朝日新聞を引用した形で詳しく報道された」と誇った。
















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  &ご利用下さい。 >
    (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)

    (十津川行くなら 太郎のお薦め!!!!)

When the top of the 1st page of a morning paper reported on January 11, 92 that the morning sun is "service club army participation 示す data", it prided itself on the evening paper of the same day when it continues, saying, "The television and radio in South Korea were also reported in detail from the morning of the eleventh by the form where Asahi Shimbun was quoted." The South Korean paper and Choson Ilbo are following 12-day morning papers, and quotes and introduces a morning-sun report. With the editorial on the 13th, the Japanese government was urged "to carry out appropriate compensation to survivors (former comfort women) etc. with an apology." in spite of having indicated the Yoshida testimony to be a falsehood around 92 -- a "historical fact" -- as if -- reliability is regarded as questionable about the treated multiple address notice. The morning sun reported the Yoshida testimony repeatedly at least 16 times after the September 2, 82 morning-paper general news page (the Osaka head office version). By the special feature article on August 5, this year "a comfort-women problem is considered", it became 32 years after the first report on a news event, and the Yoshida testimony was accepted to be a falsehood at last, and was canceled. Asahi Shimbun Publishing From 1982 "Seiji Yoshida testimony" has been reported 16 times over 32 years. . (Kyodo News will report 7 times by 1,992) The "Yoshida protocol" scoop Secret (Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant) conditions-of-a-country news "why ? Has Asahi Shimbun Publishing obtained? " The government official in the position in which the secret document of ? country can be carried out exists. ? A "document property crime person" and the one [ share the same fate ] exist in Asahi Shimbun Publishing. Asahi Shimbun Publishing is made into the field. An organization with various thought principles is in Asahi Shimbun Publishing. Does it twist, if it is working? The Asahi Shimbun Publishing officer who permits this activity It exists mostly. If a journalist is allowed unconditionally as for speech freedom of the press, Country " devastation of is done in an Uberzeugungserbrechen organization with malice!" Actually, Asahi Shimbun Publishing receives Mr. Akira Ikegami. Freedom of speech was suppressed. . . "The press itself is suppressing freedom of speech." "The ringleader who exhausts the freedom of speech report & expression" is by its hand. Freedom of speech is suppressed. There is a historical fact. Although religion is the first type, if a religion organization "church" Has, a social mission will be finished there. From the moment of having a church The religion actual condition is an "organization supreme principle." Asahi Shimbun Publishing is during the war prewar days. It is "the mass media which it Let go past in administration-of-a-country 翼賛" about war. It is if it is for maintaining Asahi Shimbun Publishing. Anything will be done. . "There is no journalism in the "media" to which the mass was attached!" It is. Only thought which wishes the Asahi Shimbun Publishing continuation to retirement The fabrication "the comfort women by whom forcible taking was systematically done in a Japanese army" completed by the report of a series of Asahi Shimbun was diffused not only in South Korea but in the United Nations, the U.S., etc. on and after the second half of the 1990s. In the international-problem-ized process, the criticism to Japan increased with the South Korean public opinion because the South Korean media quote and take up a morning-sun report, and it was repeated that the morning sun reports it again shortly. The situation which can also be said to be a kind of "resonance" by the morning sun, South Korean media, and public opinion was seen. When the top of the 1st page of a morning paper reported on January 11, 92 that the morning sun is "service club army participation 示す data", it prided itself on the evening paper of the same day when it continues, saying, "The television and radio in South Korea were also reported in detail from the morning of the eleventh by the form where Asahi Shimbun was quoted." The South Korean paper and Choson Ilbo are following 12-day morning papers, and quotes and introduces a morning-sun report. With the editorial on the 13th, the Japanese government was urged "to carry out appropriate compensation to survivors (former comfort women) etc. with an apology." When Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa who visited South Korea on January 16, 92 apologized formally on the comfort-women problem, the morning-sun report was admired in South Korea. "It was because Asahi Shimbun reported this (participation of an army) on a grand scale on the 11th. If that was not right, possibly the Japanese government was doing [ still "the private sector contractor took" ] the excuse." (16 days, Dong A Ilbo) It spreads to the United Nations. In April, 96, the comfort-women problem spread to the United Nations. The report (bear ラスワミ report) in which the U.N. Commission on Human Rights (predecessor of U.N. Human Rights Council) advises the Japanese government the payment of compensation to former comfort women, etc. was adopted. The report defined comfort women as the "military slave." In advance of adoption, the morning sun reported the contents of the report by the title of "being compensation to yuan comfort women" in the 1st page of the evening paper of February 6, 96. In the general news page of the same evening paper, it wrote, "The human-rights special official of the United Nations took out the sign of "NO" clearly to the Japanese government which has avoided the reparation by the state to a war damage person individual." The interpretive article "whether it is revival 促す of "individual compensation" argument" was also carried, and the tone of argument "the Japanese government should compensate former comfort women" was pushed forward. The tendency for South Korean media to ask the Japanese government for compensation after 92 years of morning-sun "participation of army" report was clear. The tone of argument of a morning-sun report can be said for the South Korean media and a pace to have gathered. The U.N. Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights has also adopted another report (マクドガル report) which advises the Japanese government compensation-to prosecution of <1> execution offense <2> former comfort women ?? etc. about a comfort-women problem in August, 98. One of the members of a commission of those days by whom both reports were adopted testifies "South Korean former comfort women's supporting group and the Japanese nongovernmental activity organization (NGO) were developing lobbying actively in quest of adoption of a report in the United Nations." The central figure who worked on the United Nations to take up a comfort-women problem as an NGO representative around from 92 years is an Etsuro Totsuka former lawyer. Mr. Totsuka known for having expressed comfort women to a "sex slave" and the beginning in the United Nations "in the lawsuit in Japan, I thought that a compensation issue was probably unsolvable. (by morning-sun report) It is said that participation of the army became clear and I thought that it was the time soon reported to the United Nations." Although the lawsuit which made former comfort women the plaintiff continued at the court in Japan, since the hope of winning the case is slim, it is concluded that the "external pressure" called the United Nations was used. Falsehood testimony not disappearing 96 years of bear ラスワミ report made the basis Mr. Seiji Yoshida's (deceased) testimony to which it was presupposed that forcible taking of the Korean woman was carried out in South Korea. in spite of having indicated the Yoshida testimony to be a falsehood around 92 -- a "historical fact" -- as if -- reliability is regarded as questionable about the treated multiple address notice. The morning sun reported the Yoshida testimony repeatedly at least 16 times after the September 2, 82 morning-paper general news page (the Osaka head office version). By the special feature article on August 5, this year "a comfort-women problem is considered", it became 32 years after the first report on a news event, and the Yoshida testimony was accepted to be a falsehood at last, and was canceled. But, falsehood testimony did not necessarily disappear. (If Chairman 梁順任 (ヤンスニム) of the South Korean "Pacific War victim survivor's meeting" of the contents of "who organized the plaintiff team of former comfort women's lawsuit is very detailed and he will not experience about the Yoshida testimony by coverage of Yomiuri Shimbun in August, it cannot be testified for him.) The whole contents claimed, "Nobody could say all as a falsehood etc." Mr. Yana is a mother-in-law of the Takashi Uemura journalist (that time) of the morning sun which scooped of Mr. 金学順's (Kim Zia-ul-Haq Sun) of former comfort women's testimony in 91. On July 30, 2007, the House of Representatives adopted the resolution which asks the Japanese government for a formal apology about the comfort-women problem in the ally and the U.S. in Japan. The motion which installs comfort women's image etc. also continues in the U.S. A Japanese criticism which is not based on the fact does not know the place which remains. (End)

朝日新聞社 と”吉田調書”  「つれづれ樹」   [育まれる(歴史)]



 朝日新聞社報道が 物議かもしてる!

 今回は 吉田調書スクープ報道
 当然 報道以前に、
 スタッフに 調書はこうであるが、どうだったのか・・

 この観点から吉田調書を読み 自分たちの主張にそって有利な
 海外メディア、 何カ国で 総数どれだけの記事が誤って報道されたのか!

 訂正記事では 決して済まされない誤報道があります。。
 従軍慰安婦問題・原発災害は 外国の関心も非常に高い。。
 誤まった報道は 世界規模で日本国に甚大な被害をもたらす。

 この度の 朝日新聞社報道姿勢が問われる点です。

 何故 「吉田  調書」の裏付けを取らなかったのか?
 何故 「吉田清治証言」の裏付けを取らなかったのか?
 この一点だけで 全くに理解できない。

 思想信条の点で 報道表現の自由を語れるような組織じゃない。
 ジャーナリズムのあり方から 逸脱した報道機関。

(思想信条で 日本人の偏差値平均から片寄った方組織?)
               毎日新聞 2014年08月31日




 慰安婦 国連報告書「朝日新聞の記事が影響」
9月5日 15時10分



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  &ご利用下さい。 >
    (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)

    (十津川行くなら 太郎のお薦め!!!!)

"Director Yoshida's command was broken and it withdrew" was written to Asahi Shimbun in the "this year 5 month. A male retorts, "The 2nd nuclear power plant was all the members' common view in the evacuation place those days." even if it looks for an evacuation place within the enclosure of the 1st nuclear power plant, it says, "where a whole surface mask is carried out, when it was for many hours, all the members were dead". " The Asahi Shimbun Publishing report It shines in public discussion! A comfort-women false report way and the Yoshida protocol "being common -- oneself -- backing of material origin is not taken exactly" -- things. This time The Yoshida protocol scoop report The Yoshida protocol comes to hand uniquely. The staff withdrew from No. 1 against former Director "Yoshida's command. There was protocol description about which I can hear ". Naturally Before a report, it is to the staff. Although the protocol is like this, naturally -- backing is taken for how it was. . . When carrying out, the withdrawal report of disobedience to orders was not completed. It is Asahi Shimbun Publishing about a comfort-women false report way & Yoshida protocol. "The nuclear power plant contrary" which is its fundamental 立ち position! reading the Yoshida protocol from this viewpoint Along with one's opinion, an advantageous description is boiled as it is and given. . . A country exhibits the Yoshida protocol soon. . It is contrary to the comfort-women false report way and Director おんなじ" Yoshida command by Asahi Shimbun Publishing, and withdraws "reports the staff. cause of this report overseas media -- how many nations a total -- the report of which was mistaken -- did it report!! The report which cannot return to the も ? origin once report expression will be carried out. With an article for correction There is a false report way never finished. . Military sexual slavery and nuclear power plant disaster Foreign concern is also very high. . Incorrect pine た報道 Serious damage is brought to Japan on a worldwide scale. This neighborhood is this time. It is the point that the Asahi Shimbun Publishing report posture is asked. Why Wasn't backing of the "Yoshida protocol" taken? Why Wasn't backing of "Seiji Yoshida testimony" taken? this one point At all, it can be alike and he cannot understand. If it comes so far, it will be Asahi Shimbun Publishing. At the point of a thought principle It is an organization which can tell the freedom of report expression. From the state of journalism The press which deviated. (The direction organization ? which was one-sided from Japanese's deviation score average by the thought principle) Yoshida protocol: Former Toden employee "the head who fights is a support" Mainichi Newspapers August 31, 2014 The male of the former Toden employee who was in charge of convergence work welcomes the fact that the contents of the protocol which recorded how the chief executive of the spot acted by considering what became clear, immediately after the occurrence of the 1st nuclear power plant disaster of Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima, saying, "I wanted to know all the time." A male says those days that he was making his support former Director Masao Yoshida's figure which is not pulled one step against the management of a head office. So, it says to the partial report "90 percent of the personnel broke the command and withdrew", "I am mortifying to be desperate at the insult to all friends that fought." [Takayuki Hakamada] A male is the late 20's. When the first hydrogen explosion broke out on March 12, 2011, it was going to No. 1 which cooling-water pouring to a reactor core follows by car. The car shook up and down with the intense explosion, and it fainted away for a moment. The reactor building was being blown away when the front was seen on the contrary to self. It was only 100-meter distance. Although work was continued by an insomnia without resting, the critical situation of No. 2 got across [ No. 3 ] to explosion and night on the morning of the 14th. even if a calm boss tells whom usually, there is nothing -- "-- it is already useless -- since -- " -- it murmured very often. When the date changed on the 15th, hundreds of personnel were standing by near the first floor entrance of a quake-absorbing important building. People got down from the emergency measure room of the second floor where Director Yoshida and others performs command, and it told the evacuation order at dawn. The heavy double-entry doors of the quake-absorbing important building opened, and the personnel went to the 2nd nuclear power plant with the bus or the privately-owned car. But, after taking a nap for about 2 hours, it was started by the boss and return to the 1st nuclear power plant was said. A fire breaks out in No. 4 and it is said that staffs are required. Since it said that a coworker returned, it could not but follow together. While wishing "I would like to live and return", I considered "while Director Yoshida is doing his best, he cannot compromise, either." It lived on the teleconference in an emergency measure room to the management of the head office, and saw this figure at it repeatedly. It was glad one side and to also have spoken to the young personnel frankly, if it goes to pass data occasionally. However, "Director Yoshida's command was broken and it withdrew" was written to Asahi Shimbun in May, this year. A male retorts, "The 2nd nuclear power plant was all the members' common view in the evacuation place those days." Even if it looks for an evacuation place within the enclosure of the 1st nuclear power plant, it says, "Where a whole surface mask is carried out, when it was for many hours, all the members were dead." http: The whole picture of the "Yoshida protocol" involving a // Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident became clear. The governmental accident analysis and verification committee are records of the testimony heard from former Director Masao Yoshida to the lifetime. Most facts are reflected in the report of a government accident tone. But they are precious data which convey vividly difficulties of the worker who was in charge of accident correspondence, and Mr. Yoshida's feelings. The power supply required for nuclear power plant cooling was lost by tsunami. Water had to be poured into the nuclear reactor and pressure also had to be extracted. While the situation drew near, the directions which press for irrigation work etc. came thick and fast from the Prime Minister Kan official residence side of those days and the Toden head office. Mr. Yoshida is doing dissatisfaction to "the terrible bitter feeling called anything not having an effective rescue (support) remains" at the mouth. The heavy intervention of Mr. Suga and others which is not based on the situation of the spot delayed work, and spoiled morale. They are heavy teachings. Also about the point which Mr. Suga claims prevented the "full scale withdrawal" of Toden, Mr. Yoshida opposed [ "who wants to say that it is talking in withdrawal", and ], and he has described "the spot has not escaped." Asahi Shimbun it is supposed that the Yoshida protocol came to hand is a morning paper dated May 20, and the worker was contrary to Director Yoshida's command, and has reported having withdrawn in the second nuclear power plant. But, as long as a protocol is read, Mr. Yoshida does not recognize it as the subordinate having broken directions. Mr. Yoshida is explaining that the interpretation changed in the process in which directions are transmitted by "it has not said "Go to 2F (the second nuclear power plant)"." On top of that, judgment of the subordinate who chose evacuation saying "It is far righter to carry out to 2F" was estimated except the personnel required for work. The spot was in the situation where a dose of radiation is high and dangerous. The circumstances of evacuation are explained by the report of the government accident tone in full detail. The contents of a report of Asahi Shimbun cannot be understood. Mr. Yoshida was asking for "misunderstanding is induced if not based on the context etc.", and the nondisclosure of the protocol. However, testimony has begun independence in response to the report of Asahi Shimbun, etc. The government is planning to open to the public soon as "contrary to the last wish of the person himself/herself on the contrary." A worker's hard struggle has been admired also overseas. But, based on "withdrawal" report of Asahi Shimbun, misunderstanding -- the U.S. paper reports, "The worker escaped against the command" -- has spread. Mr. Yoshida is telling accident correspondence of the worker who does not review danger, "He was impressed by this [ this ]." Public presentation is an appropriate measure also because of their honor.

大前研一氏 朝日新聞社 従軍慰安婦誤報道問題  「つれづれ樹」   [育まれる(歴史)]


 “ 歴史問題という慎重にならざるを得ない話題にも関わらず、
 一連の捏造記事 “

 戦中は “戦争に加担した報道をして生き延びた”朝日新聞社
 戦後は 手のひら反して 絶対的反戦平和愛好新聞社。
 ジャーナリズムって 何よ!

 原発反対運動 報道にしたって偏った一方的あり様。


 報道後 朝日新聞社として記事検証を行わず、32年間放置
 その間に 最も間近な韓国とこれだけ国家的に険悪になった。

 朝日新聞社は 国会に証人喚問されないのですか?
  国会で この経緯をきちんと証言され歴史的に記録されるべき。

 次に ジャーナリズムとは 一体になんなのですか!
 朝日新聞社とは 会社としてこの誤報道&32年放置。
 このことだけで 一旦解体されるのが よろしい。。

 最後に残される 大きな疑惑、、、
 朝日新聞社は わざと恣意的に 「従軍慰安婦強制連行」報道仕掛け、
 確信犯として 実行したのではないか。

 朝日新聞社の内部告発無くしては 歴史にもならないのか、、、、、、

  従軍慰安婦問題 自社報道の検証作業
  日韓関係 ヘイトスピーチに規制必要
  欧州戦後問題 敵対関係を超えて共有進む虐殺の記憶

 ▼ 朝日新聞は自らの責任を認め、国家と国民に謝罪すべき


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 廃刊に追い込まれた  ことがあります。



 11日の記事では「敵対関係を超えて 共有進む虐殺の記憶」と題し、
 ドイツとフランスが様々な共同行事を通じて、歴史を振り返りながら戦争の記憶の共 有を進めていると紹介しました。

 負の歴史を共有する周辺国との関係改善においては、相互理解の地道な積み重ねに解 決の糸口があるとしています。

 内容は正しいものですし、納得もできますが、「朝日新聞に言われたくない」という のが感情でしょう。


 朝日新聞に今求められているのは、客観的な検証記事でも欧州の事例記事でもなく、 新聞社として謝罪することです。








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Why is the report contributed in spite of the subject of "history issue which cannot but become prudent, with no objective verification? I think that it is an occurrence which is not amusing even if this affair that should feel the responsibility of having produced South Korean anti-Japan sentiment, because of its fabrication report is driven into closing of Asahi Shimbun. A possibility of asking for Parliament bidding of the Asahi Shimbun persons concerned a series of fabrication articles in Asahi Shimbun announced that having made the major factor withdraws this time -- " During the war Asahi Shimbun Publishing "which did the report which participated in war and survived" the postwar period a palm -- anti-carrying out Absolute anti-war peace love newspaper publishing company. journalism what -- !. もん to that extent! Opposition movement against a nuclear power plant Those [ the ] partial even if it used the report with one-sided. There is also no such thing [ that the anti-nuclear power plant image report style was carried out ]. The report which made the mistake in being like this is performed, and it is after a report. Report verification is not performed as Asahi Shimbun Publishing, but it is the neglect meantime for 32 years. It became dangerous that nationwide with the closest South Korea. Asahi Shimbun Publishing Doesn't Parliament call a witness? The false report way which was neglected for 32 years and Asahi Shimbun Publishing itself accepted In Parliament 。 for which it should be testified exactly and which should be historically recorded in these circumstances To the next Journalism Is it at one? Asahi Shimbun Publishing It is this report & 32-year neglect as a company. With this Once dissolving It is very well. . The viewpoint of / 4476.php? Ken'ichi Omae news? The fundamental attitude of problem ? problem solving is considered military sexual slavery, Japan-Korea relations, and after the war [ Europe ]. Military sexual slavery The verification work day South Korean relationship of a its company report It is a problem to a hate speech after the war [ regulation required Europe ]. Hostile relations are exceeded and it is memory of a share 進む slaughter. Asahi Shimbun accepted its responsibility, and Asahi Shimbun for which it should apologize to a state and people is a morning paper as of five days, and it published the special feature article which verifies a "comfort-women problem." This presupposes that it judges that testimony is a falsehood and cancels a report about the report based on Mr. Seiji Yoshida's testimony to which it is supposed that forcible taking of the woman was carried out in South Korean Cheju Island. If "truth does not clarify something in response in Liberal Democratic Party Secretary-General Ishiha, neither peace nor friendship can be built. I want you to do responsibility as what was written." A possibility of asking for Parliament bidding of the Asahi Shimbun persons concerned was mentioned. By consent, I also think that this problem is very large in Mr. Ishiha's view. Although South Korea has indicated "Japan does not recognize history correctly", it is a series of fabrication articles in Asahi Shimbun announced that having made the major factor withdraws this time. I think that it should have recognition of having made a state and the Japanese trouble, as Asahi Shimbun. Because of your fabrication report, you should feel the responsibility of having produced South Korean anti-Japan sentiment. Do you "think [ what ] that the history of Japan and South Korea had become if one were not writing the report" not the individual viewpoint of comfort women's problem but? Pursuing what is said, I feel strongly that I want you to carry out the positive apology of "liking to remake new history if it can do." It will not develop into such a situation, since the influence of Asahi Shimbun is strong to intelligent public opinion of Japan, but I think that it is an occurrence which is not amusing even if this affair is driven into closing of Asahi Shimbun. On the problem of report printing of the Judea system, the magazine "Marco Polo" which Bungeishunju had published once may be driven into discontinuance in response to an intense protest from the Jew organization and the Israel embassy in the U.S. Even if compared with the incident, it is not inferior at all. Moreover, only since Asahi Shimbun camouflaged this incident, the series of the special feature article entitled a "postwar 70 year" which is not felt was started, but this is also very regrettable. With the report on the 11th, the memory " of share 進む slaughter was entitled exceeding "hostile relations, and while Germany and France looked back upon history through various joint events, when sharing of memory of war was advanced, it introduced. A joint television station is founded to the debatable ground for which it has scrambled whenever both countries are war, it takes up that the trial which makes the history program caught from the common viewpoint was successful etc., and it is supposed that the honest pile of a mutual understanding has a clue to solution in improved relations with the neighboring countries which share negative history. Although the contents are right and conviction is also possible, probably, "not wanting to be said to Asahi Shimbun" is feeling. It is written that the contents of this report themselves are very important, and since there are also many portions which are consulted, I am just going to want you to take up except Asahi Shimbun. Asahi Shimbun is not asked an objective verification report or a European case report now, either, and it is apologizing as a newspaper publishing company. Probably, it should start with taking the responsibility first. It took up this time focusing on the subject of Asahi Shimbun which is calling the ripple. Why is the report contributed in spite of the subject of a history issue which cannot but become prudent, with no objective verification? The same thing can be said not only at politics but at the spot of business. At for example, [ the time of making reference to a complicated phenomenon with many stakeholders and when carrying out a presentation for key person persuasion ] In such an important aspect of affairs, the technology of taking the right communication using a fact and logic is searched for. This is a fundamental view for problem solving.

卑彌呼 と邪馬壹國論争  「つれづれ樹」   [育まれる(歴史)]


 アイヌ民族に一番近いのは 沖縄出身者で、本土出身者も近かった。
 本土出身者は 韓国人とも近かった
 日本人は統計的に 縄文人遺伝子を受継いでいる
 同じに本土出身者は 弥生人との混血の度合いが大きかった。

 弥生人は 韓国人由来とも考えられる。
 弥生文化は 北九州から東進したと結論づけても良い。



  丸太製(割竹形)柩・三角縁神獣鏡 33面

 北九州から近畿に 銅鏡を重んじる民族が弥生時代に移動した。

 大陸からの渡来は 縄文の時代から常にあった。
 紀元前200年代 前漢による中国統一後、
 中国大陸から押し出される民族は 急激に増えてゆく!

 この国の 弥生時代が現出していった。。
  (弥生時代は 日本にとって特殊な時期です。 生活レベルで全てが変わる。)

 民族文化的には 銅鏡とは基本的に中国由来。。。
  (”中国での出土例はない!”とされても 中国由来を否定できない。)
  (逆に、何故国産銅鏡が産まれたか? バックアップを失った証左。)




「歴史秘話ヒストリア “女王卑弥呼はどこからきた”」
 72坪の高床式住居 200年代前半最大 ;運河存在
 人口 7,000人
 剣型木製品 ;桃の種 2769個 ;麻の実 535個
 土器 四国・滋賀・岡山 九州から関東まで

 伊都國 (三雲井原遺跡 福岡糸馬市)
 高床式住居 ;運河造成方式似てる(板を河岸補強材に使用)
 平原王墓 (伊都國;100年代後半)
 柩 丸太を縦割りしくり抜く
 耳璫(ジトウ) ピアス 女性 山陰地方原産
 銅鏡 40枚  割られたものが多く見つかる。
 銅鏡(直径46,5cm) 5枚  内行花文鏡最大

 丸太柩+銅鏡 卑弥呼以後奈良の遺跡でも出現

 魂振り儀式 頭を西に足を東に 銅鏡を利用 後に割る

 伊都國 太陽信仰 
  内行花文鏡 8花びら 8葉
  八咫の鏡  8花弁  8葉


< 生業ですが、アバウトです! お気に召せば 遡って画像は 
  ご自由に転載&ご利用下さい。 >
     (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)
 【Welcome to My Art Room】
    (色彩を 操られています。)

An investigation mainland graduate person, the Okinawa native person, an Ainu race, a South Korean, a Chinese, and Europeans and Americans were targeted for "the Yayoi man's root" on the gene level. A result is a thing nearest to an Ainu race. It was the Okinawa native person and the mainland graduate person was also near. Mainland graduate person It was as near as South Koreans. Japanese people are statistically. The Jomon-man gene is inherited. Similarly he is a mainland graduate person. The degree of the half-breed with a Yayoi man was large. Yayoi man It is also considered the South Korean origin. Yayoi culture You may conclude that it 東進(ed) from Kitakyushu. The product (percent bamboo form) coffin made from the "Ito Kunihira original 王墓" log, the canal development system, the above-ground dwelling, and lead mirror ceremony presumed to be the second half of the 100s The "Nara Makimuku-ruins" above-ground style dwelling and canal development system presumed to be the first half of the 200s "Natural law Kurozuka-kofun" presumed to be the second half of the 200s The product (percent bamboo form) coffin made from a log, and trihedron-edged mirror with the relief of a sacred animal on the back 33rd page If similarity can be said in archaeological Gakushi, it will be from Kitakyushu to Kinki. The race which respects a lead mirror moved to the Yayoi period. Visit from a continent It always suited from the time of the straw-rope pattern. B.C. of the 200s Race pushed out from the China continent after the China unification by front 漢 It increases rapidly! It is this country by this rapid exclusion pressure. The Yayoi period appeared. . Ethnic culture-like A lead mirror is the China origin fundamentally. . . The Yayoi period cannot be told only by South Korean visit, either. It is "history unknown episode historia "queen Himiko came from where"." Yamatai dispute Nara Makimuku ruins Above-ground dwelling of 72 tsubos First half maximum of 200 s ; Canal existence population 7,000 persons Sword type wooden goods ; Kind of a peach 2769 pieces ; Hemp 535-piece earthenware Okayama, Shiga [ Shikoku and ] From Kyushu to Kanto 伊都國 Above-ground (ruins of 3 Kumoi field Fukuoka thread horse fair) dwelling ; Likeness てる of a canal development system (a board is used for a riverbank reinforcing member) Plain 王墓 Ear ? (ジトウ) which carries out the vertical division of the coffin (伊都國; second half of the 100s) log, and hollows it Pierced earring Woman Lead mirror of San-in district origin 40 sheets Many broken things are found. Lead mirror (46 or 5 cm in diameter) The 行花文鏡 maximum in five sheets Log coffin + lead mirror It appears also at the ruins in Nara after Himiko. Soul for the first time in ceremony It is east about a leg west in the head. A lead mirror is used. It divides behind. 伊都國 Solar faith Inner 行花文鏡 8 petals Eight leaves Ise 2 place biography Sacred mirror Eight petals Eight leaves

日露戦争 満州事変 日中戦争 太平洋戦争  「つれづれ樹」   [育まれる(歴史)]


 Eテレ 戦後史証言プロジェクト

 薩長同盟成し遂げた → 大政奉還 船中八策
  外交による国家運営  国民国家 海援隊(貿易戦略)
  非暴力革命 (←日本の国力温存により欧米に対抗)

 坂本竜馬が 何故に非暴力革命を志向したのか??
  それだけは いの一番に避けなければならない。
  太平洋戦争後 敗戦で日本は蹂躙されてしまった!   歴史的現実

 満州事変 →日中戦争 →太平洋戦争
 満州事変は 1931(s6)年

 日露戦争(1904)から わずか40年で 太平洋戦争に至る。
 半世紀足らず で海外とどれだけ戦争を起こし、
 どれだけ 国民を死に至らしめたのか!
 アジアで 何人の民間人が犠牲になったのか・・・


 国民は 「負けて好かった!」 とした。
 “国家国民統制”の頸木(クビキ)からの解放! ただそれだけだった!

 身内の多くが強制的に有無を言わせず徴兵され 戦地に送られた。
 生活必需品含め“暮らし”が すべて統制された。
  第二次世界大戦では 3百万人が死亡し 民間人は最大100万人。
 集団的自衛権行使容認に伴い 軍事力が海外に展開されることに対し
 “戦争によって 有無を言わさず苦しめられることは二度と嫌だ!”

 司馬遼太郎氏は 統帥権実行組織の中枢だった人物に
 彼は 「自分がしでかした事さへも理解しようともせずに 

 “こんな人たちが 日本を狂わせてた!”
 官僚的ではなく 「軍人官僚」が 権力を行使した。


 「国家総合職(1種)」公務員は 防衛省から遠ざけるべき!!!
 「特攻人肉弾戦」を 何故軍隊組織上層部は採用できたのか?

 自身では 到底出来もしないことを 国民に強いるのが官僚。

 満州事変・日中(中華民国)戦争は 侵略戦争だった!

< 生業ですが、アバウトです! お気に召せば 遡って画像は ご自由に転載&ご利用下さい。 >
    (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)
 【Welcome to My Art Room】
    (色彩を 操られています。)

E call History testimony project of postwar Tatsuma Sakamoto's distinguished services it 薩長同盟成(ed) and accomplished -> Restoration of the Imperial rule the interior of a ship -- national management by 8 policy diplomacy Nation-state 海援 party (trade strategy) nonviolent revolution (<- the West is opposed by national-power preservation of Japan) Manchurian Incident -> Sino-Japanese War -> Pacific War Manchurian Incident 1931 (s6) years From the Russo-Japanese War (1904) With only 40 years It results in the Pacific War. The half a little less than century Overseas and which cause war and which is. Were people made to die? In Asia How many civilians fell victim... Control of the Cabinet (Parliament) which was under direct control of the Emperor in supreme command (command and 統帥 of an army), and has been independent of the Cabinet is not effective! More than it, the end of the war is greeted and they are people. "It was good to lose"! It carried out. Release from 頸木 (クビキ) of "national people control"! It was merely right! Domestically, many of relatives are conscripted by force compulsorily. It was sent to the battlefield. The young man (son) was lost. necessaries should be included -- "living" All were controlled. By World War II 3 million people die. Civilians are a maximum of 1 million people. Also in the present, it follows on right-of-collective-self-defense use admission. It seems that many of people hold "affective rejection" to the military strength being developed abroad. It is disagreeable again not to make it say existence, but to be troubled by "war! " Plot た論理 is not accepted if it is an affective method of touch at all. . . Mr. Ryotaro Shiba The person who was a center of the supreme command execution organization was interviewed directly. Although time passed and shone from the end of the war, he was able to do only self-preservation, without carrying out, even if he understands also to 事さ which "him did and was committed. . " " -- such people had driven Japan mad! " -- not bureaucratic "Military-man bureaucrat" Power was used. Also in civilian-control-izing of an army, "National career-track-positions (one sort)" government official !!! which should be kept away from the Ministry of Defense "特攻 human flesh cartridge game" Why have the upper levels of a military organization adopted? Next, 。 which should carry out "特攻" to turn from the top of an army if it does . . With self It can do and there is simply nothing. It is a bureaucrat which people are forced. Historical reality.

伊勢神宮は ”何故 伊勢の地”? (再投稿)  「つれづれ樹」   [育まれる(歴史)]


 過っては 持統天皇と明治天皇しか 赴いていない。。
 天皇家の なな不思議。 歴史的事実。。。

 藤原氏の都合で 産み出されたものでしょう。
 特に 香取神宮&鹿島神宮のある千葉県付近に勢力拠点をもった藤原氏。
  (奈良&京都から恐ろしく離れたこの地に 何故神宮があるのか???)
 伊勢地域は 奈良&京都から海路で関東とつながる為の 要所です。。。
 藤原氏にとっては 政治的生命線 でした。

 熊野三山(那智・本宮・速玉) 式内社じゃないのは那智大社
   熊野信仰の基盤は 自然崇拝 那智の場合は大滝が該当する。
   ならば 本宮&速玉は?? なにもない。

   紀州鉱山(1978年閉山)&熊野水軍 の支配
   南北朝・大塔宮護良親王・天誅組  勤王が歴史的に存在

  伊勢神宮の天照大御神ではない信仰も 関係するのか???
   紀州&伊勢の地域は 式内社で埋め尽くされてる。
   熊野の地は 本宮&速玉そして海沿いの後一社だけ。。。。

 熊野三山は 那智・本宮・速玉大社
それぞれに 自称の創建年代はあるが “不明”
766年頃に “神封戸(シンホウコ)”が与えられる 、という記述が見受けられるようです。

200年代の崇神天皇の時代に “あまてらす と おおものぬし”が 宮殿内に祀られてたようです。
500年代に宗教行為に “建築物を必要とする” 仏教が伝来。

 このように 大まかに見ると
宗教行為上の“建築物”が 「創建」と表現される形で現出するのは、
仏教伝来の500年代以降に 都地域で発生した。
そ~すれば 都以外の地方で 神社仏閣建築が現れるのは、
“766年に 速玉と那智に神封戸が与えられた。”とされる記述の
それ程には 早くない時期に 神社が創建された。 と考えられる

 熊野地域の“神”は基本的には 自然崇拝です。
 いわゆる 「磐座(イワクラ)信仰」に代表されます。
 社(ヤシロ)&祭神名が付加される以前から 存在した形態。

三山の中で 熊野信仰の原初の形を持つものは 那智の滝でしょう。
本宮と速玉には これそのもののが 存在しない。

熊野本宮大社・熊野速玉大社・潮崎本之宮神社 の3社である。
 (和歌山市&伊勢市には 式内社だらけ。)
本宮と速玉が式内社であって 何故那智が式内社ではないのか?

明治以前の神仏習合時代には 地方にあっても立派な“社”を持つ神社には
現在の神社仏閣は 過っては 地方統治の拠点であった。 と仮定するなら。
新興勢力である藤原氏が 式内社を利用して 地方支配の拠点としてきた。
と 推測できます。
 熊野信仰の本質を持たずに 存在する本宮&速玉は 
 熊野に海から侵略してきた 勢力の拠点とも捉えられる。
院政をしく上皇が ひと月間も都を空け 熊野詣でをするのは。
宗教行為の端緒となり得る 実利が 熊野にはなかったか?
 ?? 熊野地域では細々と銅関係の産出はあった、
    備長炭に代表される 過ってはエネルギー産出地域であった。。

 熊野地域は 伊勢市・和歌山市地域とは違って
 都から見れば 近畿では遠方の “陸の孤島”とされてきた
 白河上皇(初回1,090年)は12回、鳥羽上皇は23回、後白河上皇は34回、後鳥羽上皇は29回 まで、
 120年程の期間に 100回ほど行われており 平均すれば 年に1回。。
 その期間 200年に集中するのは 歴史的に異常です。

 熊野本宮大社の奥の院とされる 玉置神社があります。
 この標高に 「枕状溶岩」「樹齢3,000年以上の大杉が密集します。」
 そして 恐らくこの地の杉にとって 最高の場所に、
 この地にはふさわしくもない 神社”社“があります。

 近隣の在所を見渡しても これだけの建築物が無い。
 この建築物は 行政的には「京都」でありながら 熊野。
 兎に角 周りから 完全に異次元空間。
 神社の伝承では、 熊野灘の漁師の信仰も集めている。 
 車で1時間 登って1時間の この神社が???
 熊野灘から 玉置山頂上は視認できます。

 熊野別当 という 都の組織があります。
 これが 白河上皇によって強化されます。
 この後に 上皇主催の “熊野詣”が続く。

 宗教行為だけで 都から熊野地域の直接経営を行わない。
 それ以上の 実利があったんでしょう。
 熊野水軍は 和歌山市付近から熊野を拠点としてた。
 この地域に 別当職を配置することで 瀬戸内海の制海権掌握を狙った。

この「制海権」は 平清盛以前には なんでか歴史学的には ”見落とされ状態”。。。
壇ノ浦の戦いも 最終的には「熊野水軍」が源氏側に加担したことで 決した。
伊勢の地も ここから歴史的に 再考証できる。

 伊勢神宮に付き纏う 最大の謎
 何故 伊勢の地 なのか?
 あまてらすは 伊勢に落ち着く前に
 奈良の三輪山 →近江 →美濃 を経て伊勢。
 このルートは 崇神天皇の時代に
 北陸道・東海道・山陽道沿いに 征伐を行ってる。
 アマテラスの変遷も 近江 →美濃 そして 伊勢になる。
 現代人が 古代社会を認識する上で 根本的な間違いを持つ。
 古代から 大陸と列島の行き来は 船で盛んに行われ続けた。
 冬季の季節風・夏季のそれによる スパンを持って為されてた。
 当然に 国内においても、
 季節と物資&人員量に制約されながら 「海路」があった。

  都で勢力を持つ者は それぞれが支配する地方に 独自の拠点を持つ。。。。。
  関東地域には 近畿を圧倒するほどの 巨大な古墳群が存在する。
  伊勢の地に 神宮を「創建」した勢力。
  このグループは 関東方面に地盤を持っていた。

 伊勢の地は 奈良から海路を利用する場合の 最重要な・最善の拠点。。。。。
熊野信仰の中心として一体のものと観念される熊野三山であるが、各々成立事情を異にし、当初は別個に発展してきたと考えられている[1]。長寛元年(1163年)に書かれた『長寛勘文』所収の「熊野権現垂迹縁起」が伝えるところによれば、10世紀前半頃から、熊野本宮でそれまではっきりした神格があげられていなかった主祭神を家津御子神(けつみこかみ、本地仏は阿弥陀如来)と呼ぶようになった。また、同時期の新宮では、神倉社を経て阿須賀社に結神(熊野牟須美大神)・早玉神(熊野速玉大神)と家津御子神(熊野坐神)を祀ったとの記述が同じく「熊野権現垂迹縁起」に見られ、この時期に熊野三所権現が成立したことが分かる。そして、12世紀に入ると、藤原宗忠の参詣記(『中右記』)の天仁2年(1109年)条にあるように、三山が互いの主祭神を祀りあうようになっており、宗教思想上の一体化がなされ、熊野三所権現が成立していたことが判明する[2]。 三山を統括する役職としての熊野別当の名称は、「熊野別当代々記」によると、前述の宗教思想上の一体化にやや先行し、9世紀に初見される[3]。この時期の熊野山は、依然として地方霊山の一つでしかなかったが、白河院の寛治4年(1090年)の熊野御幸後、事情は一変する。熊野御幸から帰還した後、白河院は、先達を務めた園城寺の僧侶・増誉を熊野三山検校に補任すると同時に、熊野別当を務めていた社僧の長快を法橋に叙任した[4]。これにより、熊野三山の社僧達は中央の僧綱制に連なるようになった[4][5]。このとき設けられた熊野三山検校の職位は確かに熊野三山を統べるものとされたが、検校は熊野には居らず、統轄実務を担ったわけではなかった。宗務は無論のこと、所領経営、治安維持、さらに神官・僧侶・山伏の管理にあたったのは熊野別当とそれを補佐する諸職であり[6]、当初その財政基盤となったのは、白河院から寄進された紀伊国内2ケ郡の田畠百余町であった[7]。 熊野別当を世襲した熊野別当家は、後に新宮に本拠を置く新宮別当家と本宮と田辺を拠点とする田辺別当家に分裂しつつ、別当職を務めた。承久3年(1221年)に起こった承久の乱において、別当家は鎌倉幕府方と上皇方に分裂しその勢力を衰退させたが、それ以後も熊野別当による熊野三山統轄体制は続き[8]、南北朝時代中頃(14世紀中頃)に熊野別当の呼称が消えると共に終焉を迎えた[9]。


< 生業ですが、アバウトです! お気に召せば 遡って画像は ご自由に転載&ご利用下さい。 >
    (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)
 【Welcome to My Art Room】
    (色彩を 操られています。)

the Ise Shrine - アマテラス changes, Shirakawa Joko, a bear Nomizu army, naval supremacy, and Kumano 3 mountain Kumano 3 mountain To Nachi, Motomiya, and each 速玉 Although there is a would-be foundation age "unclear". Around 766 "神封戸" is given. It seems that description to say can see. the Emperor Sujin era of the 200s as main as "あまてらす -- ぬ(ing) -- " It seems that it was deified in the Imperial Court. It will be a religious act to the 500s. The Buddhism "which needs a building" descends. It is such. If it sees roughly Appearing in the form expressed as "foundation" is after the 500s of introduction of Buddhism. It generated in the capital area. [ "the building on a religious act" ] そ? If it carries out In districts other than a capital Shrines-and-temples construction appears, To "766 years 神封戸 was given to 速玉 and Nachi. Like it of description made into " At the time when nothing is early The shrine was founded. It thinks. "God" of the Kumano area is fundamentally. It is a nature worship. what is called -- It is represented by "iwakura (イワクラ) faith." From [ before adding a mountain, huge rock, huge Japan cedar & hinoki and waterfall, and company (ヤシロ) & enshrined deity name ] Form which existed. If it carries out from this viewpoint, In Miyama's inside Thing with the form of the origin of the Kumano faith Probably, it is Nachi's waterfall. In Motomiya and 速玉 That of this very thing It does not exist. "The companies in a formula" in the Kumano area are the Kumano Motomiya large company, Kumano Hayatama Shrine, and a Shiosaki this 之宮 shrine. They are three companies. (Wakayama & Ise -- the company in type -- だらけ.) Motomiya and 速玉 are the companies in a formula. Why isn't Nachi a company in a formula? In the harmonization-of-Shinto-and-Buddhism age before Meiji Even if it is in rural areas, a shrine with splendid "company" has a monk soldier's existence. The present shrines and temples It is as a fault. It was a base of district government. It is if it assumes. Mr. Fujiwara who is new influence from the Nara period to the Heian period (700?800 years) The company in a formula is used. It came as a base of district rule. It can guess. に without essence of the Kumano faith Existing Motomiya & 速玉 It has invaded from the sea to Kumano. It is realized also as the base of influence. The retired emperor who spreads a cloister government Between one month vacates a capital. The Kumano visit is carried out. Can it interpret only by religion? It can become the start of a religious act. An actual profit Was there nothing to Kumano? ?? In the Kumano area, there was copper-related production minutely, It is represented by 備長炭. It was an energy production area as the fault. . Kumano area If it sees from a capital unlike Ise and the Wakayama area In Kinki, it is a distant place. It has been considered as "the solitary island of land." It still starts in the Uta retired emperor in 907, Shirakawa Joko (first time 1,090 years) -- 12 times and the Toba retired emperor -- 23 times and back white Ko Kawakami -- 34 times and Gotoba Joko -- 29 times up to -- the period about of 120 Are carried out about 100 times. If it averages a year -- once. . The period It concentrates in 200. It is historically unusual. It is considered as the inner shrine of the Kumano Motomiya large company. There is a Tamaki shrine. The shrine with an altitude of 1,076 m near the summit in Mt. Tamaki. To this altitude "Osugi beyond age-of-a-tree 3,000 year crowds". [ "pillow basalt" and ] and -- probably -- for Sugi of this ground Also suitably, there is nothing in this ground to the No.1 place. the shrine "-- a shrine -- " -- it is. "Sense of incongruity." Even if it overlooks neighboring 在所 There is no building like this. This building While it is "Yoshino" administratively Kumano. It is an angle to a rabbit. From the surroundings It is completely different dimensional space. In the tradition of a shrine, Faith of the fisherman of Kumano Nada is also collected. By a car It reaches for 1 hour and is 1 hour. This shrine From Kumano Nada The Mt. Tamaki summit can be sighted. This [ according to Kumano ] It says. There is a Tokyo organization. This It is strengthened by Shirakawa Joko. Next Retired emperor sponsorship "Pilgrimage to the Kumano Sanzan Shrine" continues. By a religious act Direct management of the Kumano area is not performed from a capital. More than it There would be an actual profit. "Naval supremacy" control of this area. Bear Nomizu army Kumano was made into the base from near Wakayama. In this area An another this job is arranged. Naval supremacy control of Setonaikai was aimed at. the Ise Shrine is hung around the greatest mystery -- why Ground in Ise it is -- ? あまてらす Before settling in Ise Miwa-yama in Nara -> Omi -> Mino It passes and is Ise. This route It is along Hokurikudou, Tokaido, and San-yodo to the Emperor Sujin era. It is conquering. changes of アマテラス Omi -> Mino and -- It becomes Ise. A man of today When recognizing archaic society It has a fundamental mistake. From ancient times Traffic of a continent and islands It was carried out by ship. It is based on it of the monsoon and summer of winter. It was accomplished with Sepang. Are natural. Also in domestic, While being restrained by a season and the amount of goods & staffs There was "sea route." Ground in Ise When a sea route is used from Nara The best base. . . . . Although it is Kumano 3 mountain by which an idea is carried out to the thing of one as a center of Kumano faith, It differs in a formation situation respectively and it is thought that it has developed separately at the beginning [1]. according to the place which the "Kumano avatar 垂迹 luck" "long 寛勘文" carried written to long 寛元年 (1163) tells, it came to call the main enshrined deity by whom the divinity which clarified till then was not raised with Kumano Motomiya around from the first half of the 10th century 家津御子神 (it sees and the Honchi Buddha is [ けつみこ or ] Amitabha Tathagata). Moreover, in Shingu of the period, it turns out that description that 結神 (Kumano 牟須美 Ogami) and 早玉神 (Kumano 速玉 Ogami), and 家津御子神 (Kumano 坐神) were deified to 阿須賀 Co. through Kamikura was similarly looked at by the "Kumano avatar 垂迹 luck", and the Kumano 3 place avatar was materialized at this time. And if it will enter in the 12th century, as it is in 条 for 天仁 two years (1109) of Munetada Fujiwara's account of worship ("account of Nakamigi"), Miyama will deify the mutual main enshrined deity, and will suit, the unification on religion thought will be made, and it will become clear that the Kumano 3 place avatar was materialized [2]. According to "being an account this each generation classified by Kumano", the name of the this according to Kumano as a post which generalizes Miyama is preceded a little with the unification on the above-mentioned religion thought, and the first sight of the score will be carried out to the 9th century [3]. Although the Kumano mountain of this time was still only one of the district holy mountains, a situation is changed completely after the Kumano happiness for Kanji four years of the Shirakawa 院 (1090). After returning from Kumano Miyuki, the Shirakawa 院 appointed 法橋 long 快 of 社僧 which had enacted this [ according to Kumano ], while 補任(ing) the priest and 増誉 of Onjoji which served the part as a guide to the Kumano Miyama investigator [4]. Thereby, 社僧 and others of Kumano 3 mountain came to stand in a row in a central 僧綱 system [[4] 5]. Although surely the position and rank of the Kumano 3 mountain investigator prepared at this time were made into the 統べる thing in Kumano 3 mountain, careful inspection was not in Kumano and did not necessarily bear control business. This [ according to Kumano ] and the jobs which assist it were in charge of management of the thing of a 宗務は non-theory, feudal estate management, maintenance of public order, and also a Shinto priest, a priest and a mountain priest, and the about [ Tabata ] 100 town of the two Kii inside county contributed from the Shirakawa 院 became the corporate finances [6] and at the beginning [7]. It enacted the another this job, this house classified by Kumano that inherited this [ according to Kumano ] being divided in this house classified by Tanabe that makes a base this house classified by Shingu that establishes a headquarters in Shingu behind, Motomiya, and Tanabe. Although random において of 承久 which happened in 承久 3 (1221), and an another this house were divided in the method of the Kamakura shogunate, and the method of a retired emperor and the influence was decayed, the end was greeted, while the Kumano 3 mountain control organization by this [ according to Kumano ] continued and the name of the this according to Kumano disappeared it or later [8] and in the middle of the Period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties (the middle of the 14th century) [9].

紀州鉱山 と”蟻の熊野詣”  「つれづれ樹」   [育まれる(歴史)]


 熊野の地まで 京都から往復1ヶ月を要する。
 兎にも角にも 天皇ではない上皇にしかできない
 宗教心とも 断定できない歴史的な謎???

 白河上皇(~1129)から 鳥羽上皇・後白河上皇・後鳥羽上皇
  鳥羽天皇 (~1156)は 白河天皇の孫
  後白河天皇(~1192)は 鳥羽天皇の皇子
  後鳥羽天皇(~1239)は 後白河天皇の孫
 白河上皇の直系によって 為されている。。。。。
 「聖護院」によって 統治されていた。
 修験道の本山寺院とされ 後白河天皇の子供所縁です。

 何故 これ程に関わり続けたのか???????

 この神社の建築様式は 浮足立ってる。
 京都 そのもんの建築物。

 現在的には 経済的に旨味がなければ だれも見向きもしない熊野。
 白河天皇一族は 何故この地域にこだわり続けたのか?

 紀州&熊野は “バベガシ”の紀州備長炭産地。
 過っては 炭が日常使いのエネルギー源でした。

 それ以上に 注目されるのが、
 銅だけではなく 金も産出してきた。

 白河天皇一族が 護り続けた“熊野権益”

 大仏建立にも 熊野の“金”が献上されたともされる。
 1978年の閉山まで 採掘が存在したこと。。。。。。
   ・宇多法皇 (1)
   ・花山法皇 (1)
   ・白河上皇 (9)
   ・鳥羽上皇 (21)
   ・崇徳上皇 (1)
   ・後白河上皇(33 or 34)
   ・亀山上皇 (1)
   ・待賢門院 (12)
   ・美福門院 (4)
   ・上西門院 (1)
   ・建春門院 (4)
   ・八条院  (2)
   ・七条院  (5)
   ・殷富門院 (4)
   ・修明門院 (11)
   ・承明門院 (1)
   ・陰明門院 (1)
 紀州鉱山  三重県熊野市紀和町板屋

TEL  : 0597-97-1000

  1934年 三重県に銅、黄銅鉱を採掘する紀州鉱山を開設
  1978年 紀州鉱山を閉山

 昭和8年から10年にかけて、全国的に鉱山の採掘ブームが起こり、三重県でも、南牟婁郡をはじめ、北牟婁郡や志摩郡などで次々と、金・銀・銅・マンガンなどの試し掘りの許可願いが出され、昭和9年だけで50件以上に上りました。全部が成功した訳ではありませんが、生産額は急激に増え、昭和8年には7年の2倍になり、10年には7年の26倍にもなりました。鉱山で働く人も、昭和5年には1日当たり90人だったのが、8年には 230人、10年には 577人、12年には1千人を超えました。また、昭和初めまでは、伊賀地方を中心とする亜炭が、県内の鉱産物の産額の約半分を占めていました。それが9割以上が銅と変わり、全国でも重要な鉱山地域の一つになったのです。
 この上川村楊枝川付近の鉱山の歴史も古く、江戸時代からさかんに採掘されていました。慶長小判に使われたとか、熊野の銅は金が多くふくまれているためオランダが好んで求めたとか言われています。さらに遡って、大宝3年( 703)に紀伊の国から朝廷に献上された銀もこの鉱山のものだ、という説もあるほどです。いつから開発されたのかははっきりしませんが、江戸時代の廃坑や働いていた人達のお墓などが今も残されています。

(昭和63年3月 鈴木えりも)

< 生業ですが、アバウトです! お気に召せば 遡って画像は ご自由に転載&ご利用下さい。 >
    (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)

    (十津川行くなら 太郎のお薦め!!!!)

"A retired emperor's Miyuki" Up to the ground in Kumano One both-way month is required from Kyoto. It is also on a square also to a rabbit. Also as for the long journey and danger which only the retired emperor who is not the Emperor can do, a certain Miyuki piety is. Historical mystery which cannot be concluded. From Shirakawa Joko (?1129) The Kumano happiness is conspicuous, after Shirakawa Joko, the Toba retired emperor, and Gotoba Joko "追号" are made specifically, and it shines. "Pilgrimage to the Kumano Sanzan Shrine of an ant", Emperor Toba (?1156) Emperor Shirakawa's grandchild Emperor Go-Shirakawa (?1192) Emperor Toba's Imperial prince Emperor Go-toba (?1239) Emperor Go-Shirakawa's grandchild Shirakawa Joko's direct descent It is accomplished. . . . . The "Tamaki shrine" is located in Totsukawa-mura, Yoshino-gun, Nara-ken. "Shogo-in" It was governed. It is considered as the head temple temple of mountaineering asceticism. It is Emperor Go-Shirakawa's child connection. This shrine is a shrine unique also in Kinki district. The imperial family of Kyoto is why to this area made into "the solitary island of land". Did it continue being concerned like this??? ???. ? In Totsukawa-mura, it is a style of building of this shrine. It is wavering. Kyoto Building of the もん. Present-like If economically unsavory Kumano where nobody takes no interest. Emperor Shirakawa family Why did it continue adhering to this area? Kishuu & Kumano The Kishuu 備長炭 place of production of "バベガシ." It is as a fault. Charcoal was usage's energy source every day. More than it Not only "Kishuu mining" copper that had being observed in the suburbs geographically from Nara and Kyoto Gold has also been produced. In the Kojiki and the Nihon shoki, although an order is different, the Yoshino river is met, Three persons' country Thu God which declares itself イヒカ (井光), イシオシワク, and ニエモツ appears. "丹 of it having been vermilion sand ore, i.e., mercury," of Nyu is almost correct. Yoshino -- although the name of a places called Nyu are scattered on the riverside, it sees greatly, and it begins from Lake Suwa in Nagano Prefecture, and passes along Shikoku and the Yoshino river from the central part of Kii Peninsula, and the name of a place called Nyu exists along a medial line [ of continuing to Yatsushiro in Kyushu ] top. The Emperor Shirakawa family "Kumano rights and interests" which it continued protecting Historically, it is also the Great Buddha erection. "Gold" of Kumano is presented and burned. A management top is to the closed mountain in 1978. Mining existed. . . . . . http: // Shogo-in (しょうごいん) The temple of the head temple 修験宗 head temple in Shogoin Naka-machi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto. It is a head temple group's central temple in mountaineering asceticism of Japan. After the 静恵 method Imperial prince (Emperor Go-Shirakawa's child) did the ON temple as remains of Miyakado, each generation method Imperial prince was proud of social status high as a 門跡 temple which carries out an ON temple. 12 generation became [ Imperial Household ] 門跡 from 摂家 25 generation among the chiefs of a religious sect who count 37 generation to Meiji. It has deep relation with the Imperial Household, and is specified as the historic relics of the country as the "Shogo-in old temporary Imperial Palace" still now, such as becoming the temporary Imperial Palace twice in the late Edo period. The first retired emperor to visit Kumano is the Uta abdicated emperor with a Buddhist order, and is a thing in 907. And between will be set for about 80 years and the Hanayama abdicated emperor with a Buddhist order is visiting in 992 this time. However, since both of the Kumano happiness was single shot, the Kumano faith did not cause an explosive boom. Shirakawa Joko (1034?1129) will visit Kumano about 100 years after the Hanayama retired emperor's time in 1090. This Shirakawa Joko performs no less than 9 times of Kumano happiness to じつ. Shirakawa Joko's repeated Kumano happiness became the cause for the Kumano faith to show an enthusiastic rise. Kumano happiness was performed as follows after the Kumano happiness of 9 times of Shirakawa Joko. ■ The name and its number of times of the retired emperor who performed Kumano happiness - Uta abdicated emperor with a Buddhist order (1) - Hanayama abdicated emperor with a Buddhist order (1) - Shirakawa Joko (9) - Toba retired emperor (21) - Takanori retired emperor (1) - After Shirakawa Joko (33 or 34) - Gotoba Joko (28) - After Saga retired emperor (2) - Kameyama retired emperor (1) ■ The name and its number of times of 女院 which performed Kumano happiness - 待賢門院 (12) - 美福門院 (4) - Top Nishikado 院 (1) - 建春門院 (4) - Eight-article 院 (2) - Seven-article 院 (5) - 殷富門院 (4) - Naoaki 門院 (11) - 承明門院 (1) - 陰明門院 (1) Kishuu mine Kumano-shi, Mie Itaya, Kiwa-cho The Kishuu mine is a general term for many minor mines, such as the Sanwa mine, and the Otani mountain copper mine, a toothpick mountain copper mine, etc. which were in the neighborhood whole [ this ]. Record that having been discovered historically presented silver to the Emperor at the time fairly least recently at A.D. of the 700s remains. Moreover, record that copper here and gold were used also on erection of Great Buddha of Nara in A.D. 745 remains (it has said that Ashio, and another child and others of copper and gold of Nara and the Great Buddha are also the the same.). I will hear that authority will stick if the amount used says so, adding that it was so extensive. The production mineral also mainly produced gold, silver, and a lead with copper (Cu). After entering at the Edo period, the production of copper was also increased, and the spring store (next "Sumitomo") in Osaka had bought. The large-scale pollution by refinement, drainage, etc. occurred, and record that the farmer who considerable damage has appeared in agricultural products or a river fisherman, and got angry with them caused the peasant uprising also remains those days [ this ]. Also after going into Meiji, the production is increased, if the First World War will break out in 1914 (Taisho 3), production increase by the jump of a copper international rate and a governmental colonial policy will start, but 休山 and Ishihara Sangyo of the present [ 1934 / (Showa 9) ] purchase a mining area in the depression after a great war after that temporarily. It is revitalized by the Shiraishi gold ore pulse discovered several years ago, and, also after that, promotes mechanization vigorously. When the Pacific War broke out in 1941 (Showa 16), production increase of all goods was cried for, since especially production increase of metal or coal was the first priority, copper was begun and various kinds of rare metals became a candidate for mining also in the Kishuu mine. Simultaneously, many Koreans by whom shortage of the labor force also became serious and forcible taking has been done from the Korean Peninsula in the Kishuu mine as well as the mine and coal mine of national every place were made to do forced labor. A little more than 1400 persons were also in the number or having become clear. Moreover, the British who became a prisoner of war in the Malay Peninsula, and no less than several 100 people were taken here, and were worked in the inside of a pit or a sifting place. What is called Ishihara Sangyo from the first is the company (it was called the "South Pacific mining" at the beginning) established in Malaysia in 1920 for mining development. It is murrey. such a relation also took the prisoner of war who secured to the Kishuu mine -- ? -- use any -- although British people's cemetery is in the site of the Kishuu mine, there is no cemetery of many Koreans overwhelmingly (it does not clarify, although a public graveyard is seemingly located on the slope of some mountains). Seemingly, the waist was over however according to a certain data it protested against that and it carried out the proposal to the Kiwa-cho board of education, but it might let the line pass. Also in such a Kishuu mine, although the vein of the good lead glance was discovered continuously in 1951 after the war, having carried out downsizing or changing the sifting method a little, it does not leak to publicity here by sudden fall of the international rate in the middle of the level of 1960, but profit gets worse. It will be a closed mountain at last in 1978 (Showa 53).

目には青葉 山ほととぎす 初鰹   「つれづれ樹」   [育まれる(歴史)]


「 目には青葉 山ほととぎす 初鰹 」
  初鰹・時鳥は初夏で 目には“若葉”でしょう。
  “青葉”は 日本古来よりの表現形式 だからか違和感ない。



 赤色&青色 という“色味”表現よりも、
 “鮮やか” “淡い” “暗い” “明るい” 
 に、より重心を置いた方途が 好まれたようです。
 決して 栄養環境が悪くて “色弱”ではない。

 “鮮やか”     “暗い”       “明るい”    “淡い”  
 「明(あ)かし」 「暗(くら)し」   「顕(しる)し」 「漠(あを)し」
  “赤”      “黒”        “白”      “青”

 「茜草指 紫野行き 標野行き 野守は見ずや 君が袖ふる」 (万葉集)
   あかねさす むらさきのゆき しめのゆき のもりはみずや きみがそでふる

 「つき草の 移ろひやすく 思へかも わが思う人の 言も告げ来ぬ」(万葉集)
   つきくさの うつろひやすく おもへかも わがもうひとの こともつげきぬ

 「名にめでて 折れる計ぞ 女郎花 われおちにきと 人に語るな」 (古今集)
   なにめでて おれるばかりぞ おみなえし われおちきにと ひとにかたるな

 「紅は 移ろふものそ 橡の 馴れにしし衣に なほ若かめやも」 (万葉集)
   くれないは うつろふものそ つるばみの なれにししきぬに なほしかめやも

 茜色、萌黄色、露草色、女郎花色、橡色などが 万葉集でもちいれられてる。
 現在でいう 赤緑青黄黒などの“色相表現”とは異なって、、。
 それぞれの色が 自然にある色相によって、
 現実と直接に対面した状態の 色表現がなされる。。。

 一般的には 12色位の“色概念”で 


 赤は、 「明(あ)かし  ←“鮮やかなもの”」
 黒は、 「暗(くら)し  ←“暗いもの”」

 白は、 「顕(しる)し  ←“明るいもの”」
 青は、 「漠(あを)し  ←“淡いもの”」

 庶民ではない貴族社会における 詩歌表現では、
 “うつろい”が 主題だったのでしょうか。
 ”色鮮やか”なものの うつろい
 ”みしるし”の強いものの うつろい

 白と黒は 対義語ではなかった
 “赤”の対義語 “黒”    “白”の対義語 “青” 
 色鮮やかなものは 日が暮れかかれば 「黒」
 顕しの強いもんは 日が暮れかかれば 「青」

 自分自身を映しこむ表現の なんと多いことか、、、







 大 ← 明度 → 小      大 ← 彩度 → 小
 白        黒    赤・黄     青
 顕     暗    明      淡


< 生業ですが、アバウトです! お気に召せば 遡って画像は ご自由に転載&ご利用下さい。 >
    (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)

    (十津川行くなら 太郎のお薦め!!!!)

A bird is early summer at the time of work first-bonito-of-the-season - in the middle of the 1,600s "being [ the green-leaves mountain little cockoo first bonito of the season ]-in eyes" Edo. Probably, it is "verdure" at eyes. [ it ] "Green leaves" Expressive form from Japanese ancient times Therefore, it is comfortable in or. red, & blue in the Ten Thousand Leaves と -- "color clever" to say -- "fresh"er than expression -- 方途 which put the center of gravity on "being "light", "dark", and bright" more It seems that it was fond. Never Nutrient environment is bad. It is not "color weakness." "fresh" -- "it being dark" "bright" and "light" -- "-- 明 (あ) -- lending -- " -- "carrying out dark (く et al.)" -- "Carrying out 漠 of the あ". [ "carrying out 顕 (carrying out る)" and ] "Red" "Black" "White", "blue" a / 02.html dark red (dirt), grass green (burning ぎ), Russian green (つ -- it dies), and Patrinia scabiosaefolia color (Patrinia scabiosaefolia) and 橡色 (vine ばみ) "-- 標野 going [ for 茜草指 Shino ] Nomori does not see -- Mr. や -- 袖ふる" It puts in dirt (Ten Thousand Leaves). purple -- dying A bundle dies. piling -- not seeing -- や you -- sleeve ふる "-- attaching -- herbal 移ろひ -- easy -- 思 [ ] -- word of my those that consider is also told, and does not come -- " (Ten Thousand Leaves) -- with くさ hollow ひ -- easy -- Or [ main へ ] my -- already -- ひ also pour things -- きぬ " love to a name and break -- the total -- don't tell き and people at a Patrinia scabiosaefolia crack funny punch line -- " eye what (Collection from Ancient and Modem Times) -- て be -- about る Patrinia scabiosaefolia dividing and falling -- きに Barrel [ ひ ] carrying out by making "red tameness of そ Quercus acutissima of 移ろふ -- clothes -- なほ若 or め -- " giving (Ten Thousand Leaves) -- there is nothing -- そ of hollow ふ Vine ばみの carrying out [ it is alike and ] and spreading -- ぬ Eye a なほ deer A dark red, grass green, Russian green, and Patrinia scabiosaefolia color, 橡色, etc. It is held by the Ten Thousand Leaves. It says at the present. It differs from "hue expression" of red verdigris 黄黒 etc. Each color The state where it met reality and directly by the instantaneous tone which exists automatically by the hue which exists automatically Color expression is made. . . Present us Are general. It is going to express the hue which exists automatically with the "color concept" of about 12 colors. The color felt by confronting each other nature and directly tends to be expressed by the tone of 12 colors. as the origin of a word -- red -- "-- carrying out in 明 (あ) -- skillful "thing"" black -- "-- carrying out dark (く et al.) -- dark "thing"" white -- "-- carrying out 顕 (carrying out る) -- bright "thing"" blue -- "-- although it is said that 漠 of the あ is carried out and it is considered as "light thing"" It can set to the aristocrat who is not people. "Hollow い" is at 詩歌. Was it the theme? Rise and fall Vivid thing Hollow い Thing which has a strong mark and which sees Hollow い 対義語 "blue" white and black of "red" 対義語 "black" and "white" It was not 対義語. Vivid thing If it is growing dark "Black" Strong いもん of 顕し If it is growing dark "Blue" 狭さき of aristocratic circles -- expression which projects self on inside and is crowded Very large things,

生呉 豆腐由来 呉王朝  「つれづれ樹」    [育まれる(歴史)]


 ただ それだけのことで 豆腐の由来調べてみました。。

  魏呉蜀(ギゴショク) 中国王朝の「呉」です。



 西晋(司馬炎 265年 - 316年)



 西晋に滅ぼされた呉王朝は 270年代に流浪の民となってる。
 呉の領土は そのまんまに西晋になっている。


 豆腐は 呉王朝からの渡来人によって もたらされてる。

 南宋末期(1,270年代) 豆腐が一般社会に普及。。


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    (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)

    (十津川行くなら 太郎のお薦め!!!!)

What mashed program view てた et al. who is making tofu, and a soybean with the stone mortar is called "raw Kure (ナマゴ)." . Merely With the thing of only that Origin investigation てみました of tofu. . "Kure (ゴ)" 魏呉蜀( ギゴショク It is "Kure" of a dynasty of China. 晋軍 reached 建 business in 280 and, in surrender and Kure, 孫晧 went to ruin. "Dry goods (ゴフク)" A dry-goods shrine (クレハ) is a shrine in Ikeda-shi, Osaka. It comes across the sea from Kure, and it is supposed that machine weaving technology was conveyed. Vega and 呉服媛, and Emperor Nintoku are deified. A 西晋 (司馬炎 265 years to 316 years) formation term is a dynasty which possesses northern China and a southwest part. Kure is ruined and the China whole country is unified. Kure dynasty ruined by 西晋 The 270s come vagrant people. Territory in Kure It is に西晋 as it is. It is if the "bittern" of sea origin is used and what rubbed and crushed the soybean is made into "student Kure", Tofu Visitor from the Kure dynasty It is brought. Southern Song last stage (the 1,270s) Tofu spreads through community at large. . In the traditional process of advisory Japan, the bittern which arises in process of salt manufacture was mainly used. This soybean mashed creamily is called [ which mashes creamily the soybean which fully soaked and went up with a stone mortar while adding water moderately ] "Kure." http: Generally it spread, having covered // tofu over the Southern Song last stage, and when it became the tomorrow morning and Qing Dynasty era, the processed goods of tofu also came to be made briskly. It is a peculiar thing characterized by texture soft the tofu of present Japan and frank, and since the tofu of China and South Korea to this was stir-fried, or lifted and cooked in many cases, compared with Japanese tofu, moisture is few hard things. At the last stage time the end [ the Kamakura period ], it got across to the private sector, and spread to Japanese every place at the Muromachi period. And it is supposed at the Edo period that it became the usual dish eaten well. The tofu of this Edo period was only what is known today as cotton tofu. it was published in Tenmei 2 (1782) -- " -- 100 kinds of tofu dishes are described by tofu 100 uncommon", and it has been loved also for various literature. as for tofu, itinerant trade sale is also carried out from that time -- the above-mentioned tofu 100 -- uncommon -- は大きな popularity was acquired and it was a common dish. Sounding a trumpet and a bell, he sold and the tofu maker of the itinerant trade was walking. Although what powdered gypsum (calcium sulfate) and was melted in water was used as the coagulant in continent China, the bittern which arises in process of salt manufacture was mainly used in the traditional process of advisory Japan. About 80?90% of tofu is water, and it is because [ in the manufacturing process of tofu ] the taste of frank tofu will be spoiled if it exposes and water is not good. The soybean of materials is soaked in fresh water for about 12 hours overnight. This soybean mashed creamily is called [ which mashes creamily the soybean which fully soaked and went up with a stone mortar in the next morning while adding water moderately ] "Kure." Next, Kure is moved to an iron pot, water is added moderately, concentration is adjusted, and it steams completely with firewood. At this time, since Kure bubbles violently in the action of saponin, it sprinkles moderately what added lime to cooking oil as an antifoaming agent. Fully steamed Kure is filtered through cloth and soy milk is taken to 木桶. Before this soy milk gets cold, bittern is moderately added as a coagulant, and it agitates with the board of the tree called an oar (寄せと calls a series of work after striking bittern, and it is a showplace of a craftsman's work). If the concentration of soy milk, temperature, the quantity of bittern, and moderate "bringing near" near gather, soy milk will begin to become hard, without separating from water, and will serve as tofu of the shape of hazy, or the shape of a pudding soon. If it incorporates in the model which covered with cloth inside, and it covers, a weight is hung and water is drained firmly, breaking this down, it will become tofu (cotton tofu).

乳海撹拌  「つれづれ樹」   [育まれる(歴史)]





  仏教伝来は 550年頃とされる。
  ヒンドゥー教の天地創世神話は 遅くとも550年頃にはあった。
 仏教伝来に由来して 作話されたことは 明らか!

 歴史的に 日本書紀にとって替られ、
 600年近く 抹殺されていた。 事実。
 この間 権力の中枢にあったのは 「藤原氏」
 日本書紀を意図したのは 藤原不比等。




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    (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)

    (十津川行くなら 太郎のお薦め!!!!)

"乳海 churning" The scene of the climax of top-and-bottom 創世 myth tug of war of Hinduism. A mandala mountain is put on the back of king クールマ of a tortoise, and it pays well considering it as an axial rod. A center is Vishnu God. Ganga was born as a daughter of 霊峰 Himalaya and descended by the help of Shiva brought up by 天界. Angkor Vat In the first half of the 12th century, the time which exceeds 30 years as a Hinduism temple is spent, and it will be built by the スーリヤ Balmain 2 generation of an encore dynasty. In the Gupta morning, it was from A.D. 320 years in ancient India around 550. The Kojiki and Nihon shoki (712-year and 720 years) introduction of Buddhism It shall be around 550. Top-and-bottom 創世 myth of Hinduism It was around 550 at the latest. "乳海 churning" "Tug of war" "Descent of the emperor from the gods" If there is illustration like this, the Creation & descent-of-the-emperor-from-the-gods myth of the Kojiki and Nihonshoki originates in introduction of Buddhism. The fabrication was carried out. Clear! As for the following problem, the Kojiki is historically. For the Nihon shoki, it replaces and is about 500 years. It was erased. Fact. During this period The center of power was suited. "Mr. Fujiwara" The Nihon shoki was meant. Fuhito Fujiwara. The administration style (technocrat) of Japan was completed.

神祀り が変わった  「つれづれ樹」   [育まれる(歴史)]



  神祀り が変わった。

 神仏習合 宗教的にはあり得ない現象がこの国には出現した。
  (過って 神社&仏閣は地方を支配する前哨基地だった。)

 藤原不比等  テクノクラートの始祖・日本国そのもんを設計した。
 645年 大化の改新で中臣鎌足が歴史デビュー
   鎌足以前の中臣氏の出自は 不明。
   蘇我氏とは対立しなければならない 出自
   忌部氏を打ち負かすことで 宗教上の支配権掌握。
   古事記を葬り去り 日本書紀によって歴史を造った
   その後 現在においても この国に君臨する。。。。

 歴史文書は 権力者によって 造られ続ける。。。

 宗教行為が 一変した出来ごと。
  ① 仏教が この国に「宗教的建築物」を持ち込んだ。
  ② 日本仏教は 「国家護持のみ」を目的として受け入れられた政治もん。
  それ以前の宗教は 建物を必要としないあり様。。。。。

   (ついこの間まで神仏習合でした。この国の宗教は 1千年間神と仏がおんなじ建物内で祀られた。) 
 片田舎の宗教施設 地域的に周りの建築物と“違和感”ありませんか。
 古代の指導者・有力者の神格化 については、日本において天皇のことを戦前・戦中は現人神と呼び、神道上の概念としてだけでなく、政治上においても神とされていたことが挙げられる。

< 生業ですが、アバウトです! お気に召せば 遡って画像は ご自由に転載&ご利用下さい。 >
    (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)

    (十津川行くなら 太郎のお薦め!!!!)

神祀り It changed. Nakatomi family The proof which rule organization permeated. Harmonization of Shinto and Buddhism The impossible phenomenon appeared in this country religiously. (The fault was an advance base where a shrine & Buddhist temple governs rural areas.) Fuhito Fujiwara a technocrat's founder and Japan -- the もん was designed. The Nakatomi family overcame the Soga family and confrontation and the 忌 part with the Mononobe family. 645 years Nakatomi no Kamatari is a history debut at Taika Reform. Family line of the Nakatomi family before Nakatomi Unknown. It must be opposed to the Soga family. Family line. The 忌 part is beaten. Religious control control. Because of the new influence of a parvenu, the Emperor is looked up to and it is real rule. The Kojiki is buried. History was built by the Nihon shoki. After that Also in the present It reigns over this country. . . . History document Man of power It continues being built. . . A religious act in Japan Every result changed completely ? Buddhism The "religious building" was carried into this country. ? Japanese Buddhism Political もん accepted only for the purpose of "national 護持." Religion before it A building is needed, and it is [ twist, and ] and needs. . . . . Does it consider? (It was harmonization of Shinto and Buddhism until very recently.) Religion of this country God and the Buddha were deified within woman じ建物 for 1000 years. religion institution of lonely countryside local -- a surrounding building and "sense of incongruity" -- isn't it? http: Deification of the leader and influential person of // ancient times If it attaches, In Japan, the Emperor is called a living deity during the war [ - ] prewar days, and having been considered as God is mentioned on politics not only as a concept on Shintoism. At the present, relation by politics and the relation with people changed by what is called renunciation of divinity by emperor by Emperor Showa. But, the existence of the Emperor recognized to pull the blood of 天照大御神 in Shintoism occupies a big position, and is positioned as the peak of faith activities still now. Moreover, the examples (Hideyoshi Toyotomi = a 豊国 great gracious god, Ieyasu Tokugawa = Tosho Daigongen, etc.) which deify the influential person of that time as God to a postmortem, and the examples (Michizane Sugawara, Masakado Taira, etc.) which deify as God those who lost the struggle for power and were executed as reverse 賊 again for the purpose of "Appeasing anger" in future generations are also included in this classification. Various tribes believed in separately peculiar God. Each part fellows' God combines as those tribes alternate, and it came to change by it. Furthermore, the shamanism of a north system, etc. affected it. There are some scholars who call this "神神 combination." This 神神 combination made Buddhism the start behind, and also became the foundation of accepting religious gods.

戦後処理 イタリア・ドイツ そして日本  「つれづれ樹」   [育まれる(歴史)]



 ナチ戦犯の永久訴追を決めたドイツには、戦後50年を経た現在でも ナチズムの過去に時効はない。

 ドイツ&イタリア と日本国の根本的な違いは
 両国が “国をあげて 過去との完全な決別” 表明したこと。

 日本は ど~~なんだろ~、
 ある程度の 体制変革は為された。

 ところが 冷戦によって 歴史的ぶり返しにみまわれてしまった。
 韓国と共に 防衛システムの最前線に組み込まれてしまった。

 日米戦争は チャーチルの策謀によって仕組まれた。
 満州事変&日中戦争は 日本による侵略戦争だった。。。
 日本と 中国&朝鮮半島との不協和音 を出し続けてる。

 前世代への 恨みつらみの一言も もの申したい!

 現世代なりに 自分たちでやるしかないのか。
 一つの 手がかり。
 それでも 日本人は

 きっと築ける と信じたい。
 日本とドイツ 過去の検証
ナチ戦犯の永久訴追を決めたドイツには、戦後50年を経た現在でも ナチズムの過去に時効はない。
だが一方で「普通の国」ドイツを望む国民が多くなっているのも事実だ。ヘルツォーク大統領の就任演説の言葉を借りれば、そろそろドイツは自国とその過去、および他の国々と「硬直しない」関係を結べるのではないか、と。その真意と賛否が、この記念の年に問われようとしている。1995年が記念式典で埋まることは間違いない。アウシュビッツ解放、ベルリン陥落、ナチスドイツの降伏、広島と長崎への原爆投下、そして大日本帝国の降伏。数々の式典は過去の記憶とどのように符合し、そこから何が結論されるのだろうか。 冷戦が終わるまで、戦後処理にふたをしておくことができた日本と比べ、確かにドイツは「過去の克服」のために最大の努力を払ってきたように見える。それはなぜなのか。ドイツは日本とどう違っていたのか。 まず最大の違いは、戦後も過去が継続してしまった日本に対し、ドイツは過去との決別を図ろうとしたことだろう。総統ヒトラー、宣伝相ゲッペルス、ゲシュタポ長官ヒムラーの3人は自ら命を絶ち、連合国に逮捕された残りの指導者達はニュールンベルク軍事法廷で、ナチの犯罪について何も知らなかったか、強制された関係だったと反論した。おかしなことに1945年5月8日以降のドイツには、ナチが一人もいなかったことになる。 国家社会主義ドイツ労働者党(NSDAP=ナチス)と他の関係機関に所属していた百万人以上のメンバーたちは「軽級」や「伴走級」戦犯容疑に逃げ込み、責任を「ナチス=絶対悪」に転嫁した。それは「ナチス千年帝国の12年」をあたかもドイツの歴史とは無関係であったかのようにみなす試みでもあった。が一度決別したかに見えた過去は、イスラエル政府によるアイヒマン裁判(1960年)をきっかけに再びドイツの法廷に引きずり出され、ユダヤ人虐殺に対する裁判が始まる。日本では、天皇制を円滑な占領政策と反共政策に利用したい米国が、東京裁判で他国の反対を押し切り、開戦の最高指導者であった天皇を不起訴と決めた。また天皇自身も、道徳的な責任をとって退位することはなかった。それが日本人全体の責任論回避につながったと言えるだろう。 第2の大きな違いは、ドイツの敗戦の形態が完膚なきまでに徹底していたことだ。日本では、原爆と東京大空襲による死者を加えて計36万人(注1)の非戦闘員が犠牲になったが、ドイツではその10倍に上る380万人の一般市民が命を落とした。敗戦時、ナチ政権はシュレースヴィヒ・ホルシュタイン州北部から北海に沿う地方とオーストリアの一部、そして現チェコ共和国のプラハ地域を支配するのみだった。戦後ドイツは4分の1の領土を失い、また国民国家の概念が生まれる以前から数世紀も東欧(現ハンガリーやルーマニア)に住んでいたドイツ人たちは、先祖の土地を追われて難民になった。ドイツ人は、まさに全土を覆う瓦礫と混乱によって敗戦を自覚したことになる。日本では沖縄を別にして「本土決戦」はなく、戦禍を空襲と広島・長崎の名前で語る以外には直接的な戦闘体験がないまま、玉音放送の後に占領がやってきた。日本人に敗戦の実感が欠け、強い被害者意識だけが育った理由がそこにある。 占領の形態の違いも日独の戦後を分けた。
ゆえに戦犯の処罰が地区ごとに違ったり、例えばアメリカ地区のフランクフルトからイギリス地区のデュッセルドルフへ転居するにも許可が要った。やがて1949年、米英仏占領下のドイツはドイツ連邦共和国、ソ連占領下のドイツはドイツ民主主義共和国として独立する。分割ドイツはこのときから東西冷戦の前線に立ち、外交で多方面の配慮が必要になった。対米追随型外交で50年を過ごしてきた日本とはかなり違う。 さらに地理的条件が戦後処理に大きな役割を果たした。ヨーロッパの中央に位置するドイツは、中立国スイスを除く全ての隣国を侵略した(注2)。謝罪と補償を明確にしなければ、地続きの周辺国とともに歩む未来はなかったのだ。極東のはずれ、それも島国である日本は、その地理的条件と米国の傘によって、アジア諸国への謝罪と関係修復を怠ってくることができたわけだ。 こうしてみると、ドイツが戦争によって被った軍事的、政治的、倫理的混乱は、日本とは比較にならないほど複雑だったことが分かる。だからこそ過去の清算と克服に真摯に取り組まざるを得なかったドイツには、戦後50年を経て語れることがあるだろう。次回は「ニュールンベルク裁判」と脱ナチ化の歴史をふりかえってみよう
枢軸国イタリアの戦後処理 5 … イタリア共和国憲法の『戦争放棄』
しかし、当然ながら連合国と対等な立場は与えられなかった。イタリア王国は、同盟国ではなく“共同参戦国”として戦ったのです。 それでも、少なくとも日独のような敗戦国にはならなかった。だから、イタリア王国の戦後処理は、日独とは違った。自力でファシスト政権を倒したイタリア人の自主性は尊重されたし、武装解除を強制されることもなかったのです。 戦後はイタリアでも、しかるべくファシスト政権の清算が行われた。 左派勢力を中心に「ファシスト政権を助けたのは、国王!」との非難の声もあがり、王制廃止も議論された。そして、46年6月には「共和制か王制か」の国民投票が行われた。結果は「共和制移行賛成54.3%」という意外な僅差だったが、ここにイタリア共和国が成立(昨年2011年6月には「原発再開の是非」を問うイタリア国民投票が行われ、投票率54.79%で原発再開反対94.05%だった)。
さらに、あまりいわれることは無いが『戦争放棄』の条項もキチンとある……『第11条 イタリアは、他人民の自由に対する攻撃の手段としての戦争及び国際紛争を解決する手段として戦争を放棄する』がそれ。 しかし、こういう憲法を持つにもかかわらず、近年イタリアはアフガニスタンやイラクに軍隊を派遣している。 日本国憲法のように軍備や交戦権までは否定していないからこうなるわけだが、近い将来、憲法の条文以外には日独伊とも何も変わりは無いようになる、と私には思える。

< 生業ですが、アバウトです! お気に召せば 遡って画像は ご自由に転載&ご利用下さい。 >
    (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)

    (十津川行くなら 太郎のお薦め!!!!)

Postwar processing "Italy" A republic constitution will be built with an Italian's own hand.... The feature of the constitution of the December, 47 proclamation expresses the decision of antifascism and Imperial Rule denial for the future. That is, prohibition of fascist party formation. Prohibition of the constitutional revision for the Restoration. Prohibition of the entrance into a country till 2002 55 years after to the Italy domains of the old royal family, etc. "Germany" Unlike Japan occupied by only the U.S., Germany was divided into four nations of U.S.-British Buddha ソ, and Berlin in the Soviet Union occupied territory division was divided into four more nations. Even the present which passed through 50 years after the war in Germany which opted for a Nazi war criminal's permanent prosecution There is no prescription in the past of Nazism. It is German & Italy about processing after the war. Both countries the fundamental difference in Japan "country is raised and it is the perfect thing with past parted "expressed. Japan ど?? -- it is what -- to some extent [ system / ろ? and / occupation ] It succeeded in the organization change. however -- Cold war It has seen and turned to the historical relapse. By U.S. convenience, it is South Korea. It has been included in the front line of a defensive system. Japan-U.S. war It was plotted by the stratagem of Churchill. Manchurian Incident & Sino-Japanese War It was a war of aggression by Japan. . . Not having succeeded in generalization of war is Japan. Cacophony with the China & Korean Peninsula It is continuing taking out. "The children who do not know war" The big historical burden has been forced. To former incarnation cost Also a word of bitter feeling I would like to say. He is a current generation if it is right. Does it do by itself? One Key. "nagasaki&hirosima" which was an experiment on a human body -- still -- Japanese people The good relation with the United States is continued. South Korean & China おんなじ -- a relation [ like ] can surely be built と -- I would like to believe / 50jahre1.html Japan, and Germany The past verification Both Japan and Germany were defeated by World War II. Then, people say that they gained peace. Though it is right, the catastrophe of 50 years ago is posing the heavy question to both countries still now. By verifying postwar processing of Germany by this series, I think if it becomes a key which solves confusion of the recognition of history in Japan. Even the present which passed through 50 years after the war in Germany which opted for a Nazi war criminal's permanent prosecution There is no prescription in the past of Nazism. But on the other hand, it is also a fact that the people who overlook "ordinary country" Germany have increased in number. do borrow the language of President Herzog's inaugural speech for Germany to connect soon the relation "which is not stiffened" to its own country, its past, and other countries? The year of this commemoration is going to be asked about those real intention and pros and cons. It is certain that 1995 are buried with a commemorative ceremony. The Auschwitz release, the Berlin surrender, surrender of Nazi Germany, atomic bombing to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and surrender of a great Japan empire. How do many ceremonies coincide with the past memory, and what concludes them from there? Compared with Japan which was able to cover processing after the war, Germany looks [ pay / for "the past conquest" / the maximum efforts ] sure until a cold war ends. Why is it? How did Germany differ from Japan? Probably, Germany is having tried to aim at farewell with the past to Japan where the past has continued the greatest difference first after the war also. Three persons, president Hitler, advertisement phase Goebbels, and Gestapo director general Himmler, took the life themselves, and the remaining leaders arrested by the Allies retorted that it was the relation which knew nothing about Nazi's crime or was forced in the Nuremberg military tribunal. It means that one person's Nazi had not been in Germany on and after May 8, 1945 at a strange thing. 1 million or more members who belonged to national socialism German Workers' Party (NSDAP= Nazis) and other organs concerned ran into the "軽 class" and the "companion class" war criminal suspicion, and shifted responsibility to "Nazis = absolute evil." It was also a trial which regards "12 years of a Nazis 1000-year empire" as if it was unrelated to history of Germany. It is again dragged out by the court in Germany taking advantage of the Eichmann trial (1960) by the Israel government in the past which seemed to have carried out が一度 farewell, and the trial to a Jew slaughter starts. In Japan, the U.S. which wants to use the Tenno system for a smooth occupation policy and anticommunist policy decided the Emperor who was a top leader of the outbreak of war to be non-prosecution in spite of the contrary of a foreign country by Tokyo Trial. Moreover, the Emperor itself did not take and abdicate from moral responsibility. It could be said that it led to the whole Japanese's responsibility theory evasion. The big difference in the 2nd is that the form of defeat of Germany put into practice exhaustively. Although the people killed in an atomic bomb and an air raid on Tokyo were added and a total of 360,000 noncombatants (notes 1) fell victim in Japan, 3,800,000 average citizens who go up by the 10 times lost their life in Germany. It was only that a Nazi government governs a part of rural areas and Austria and which meets the North Sea from the northern Schure スヴィヒ Holstein state, and the Prague area in present Czech Republic at the time of defeat. The Germans to whom several centuries lived in East Europe (present Hungary and Romania) from from before Germany's having lost the territory of 1/4 after the war and bearing the concept of a nation-state had ancestral land followed, and became a refugee. It means that Germans had been aware of defeat by the rubble and the confusion which just cover the whole country. In Japan, while Okinawa was set aside, there was "no mainland decisive battle" and there had been no direct battle experience besides telling ravages of war in the name of an air raid, and Hiroshima and Nagasaki, occupation came after 玉音 broadcast. The feelings of defeat lack in Japanese people and there is the reason into which only the strong feeling of being victimized a feeling of being a victim grew up. The difference in the form of occupation also divided the Japan-Germany postwar period. Unlike Japan occupied by only the U.S., Germany was divided into four nations of U.S.-British Buddha ソ, and Berlin in the Soviet Union occupied territory division was divided into four more nations. Therefore, the war criminal's punishment was different for every area, and permission was needed also for moving to Dusseldorf in the British area, for example from Frankfurt in a U.S. area. In the Federal Republic of Germany and Germany under the Soviet Union occupation, Germany under U.S.-British Buddha occupation will become independent as a German democratic republic soon in 1949. Division Germany stood on the front of the Cold War from this time, and various consideration is needed by diplomacy. Japan which has passed 50 years by the imitation type diplomacy for the U.S. is differed from considerably. Furthermore, geographical conditions played the large role in processing after the war. Germany located in the center in Europe invaded all the neighboring countries except neutral nation Switzerland (notes 2). If apology and compensation were not clarified, there was no future followed with adjoining neighboring countries. Japan whose Far Eastern end and it are also island countries was able to neglect the apology and warming of ties to Asian nations with the geographical conditions and American umbrella. When it sees in this way, it turns out [ which Germany covered by war / military and ] that political and ethical confusion had that it did not become as compared with Japan. [ so complicated ] Therefore, it may be able to tell Germany which could not but tackle past liquidation and conquest earnestly 50 years after after the war. next time -- a "Nuremberg tribunal" and 脱 -- it waves [ of Nazification ] and see on the contrary Postwar processing of / 52412899.html Axis-powers Italy 5 -- "Renunciation of war" of the Italian Republic constitution An Axis-powers Italy kingdom will conclude an armistice with the Allies independently in September, 1943. Henceforth, it fought with Germany this time until Nazi Germany surrendered in 5 in 45 month. However, though it was natural, the position on a level with the Allies was not given. The Italy kingdom was fought not as an ally but as a "joint participation-in-the-war country." It did not become a defeated nation like Japan and German still at least. Therefore, postwar processing of the Italy kingdom differed from Japan and German. The independency of the Italian who pushed down the fascist government by himself was respected, and did not have disarmament forced. As it thinks best, liquidation of the fascist government was performed even in Italy after the war. a center [ leftist force ] -- "-- having helped the fascist government -- a king -- " -- the voice of blame also went up and it argued also about Imperial Rule abolition. And the referendum of "whether to be republicanism or Imperial Rule" was performed in June, 46. Although the result was the unexpected slim margin "54.3% of republicanism shift support", the Italian Republic is materialized here (the Italy referendum which asks "the right or wrong of nuclear power plant resumption" in June, 2011 last year was performed, and it was 94.05% of the nuclear power plant resumption contrary in 54.79% of the voter turnout). And a republic constitution will be built with an Italian's own hand.... The feature of the constitution of the December, 47 proclamation expresses the decision of antifascism and Imperial Rule denial for the future. That is, prohibition of fascist party formation. Prohibition of the constitutional revision for the Restoration. Prohibition of the entrance into a country till 2002 55 years after to the Italy domains of the old royal family, etc. Furthermore, although it seldom says, there is also a "war-renouncing" provision with a kitchen.... "11th article Italy abandons war as a means to solve war and international disputes as a means of the attack on others people's freedom" should curve. However, in spite of having such constitutions, Italy has dispatched the army to Afghanistan or Iraq in recent years. Since neither armaments nor the right of belligerency has denied like the Constitution of Japan, it becomes like this, but I can think that a change will not come not to have Japan-Germany Italian と in the near future but the article of the constitution as for anything, either.

おなご ってなんでこんだけいきづらい!  「つれづれ樹」    [育まれる(歴史)]


 「 人生のパートナーと出会う確率、出産、キャリアアップ 」
 30代なんかじゃなく 20代にやっておかなければならない事。
 20代に しっかりと意識し、 人生を考えておかねばならないこと。

 20代までに 社会的に求められること、
 義務教育 就職 &高校・大学入学 成人。
 親が 子供に期待するのは、大学卒業&就職。
 結婚については 昔と異なり 控えめ化!

 いま的男性には 意識レベルにものぼらない。
 男は 女の「腰のくびれ」に 反応する。
   (腰のくびれは 出産適齢期の外的シンボリック)
 あくまでも 健康的な“オス”に限られます

 敢えて 男子を排除して、 
 20代女性には 時間があんまり無い!
 学校卒業後 働くことが 当たり前になった女性
 20代で結婚し出産すれば 育児期間が必要

 学校卒業 就職 恋愛 出産&育児 再就職

 この道を 踏みはずし、出産しない女性
 個人としては それも人生でしょう。。
 “卵子正常生殖能力”は 医学的に無くなり続ける。

 過っての ウーマンリブはメディアに流された
 哲学なんぞ 無関係な、
 思慮もない偶然的なもんだった  のか?

  若者のカウンセリングが専門の臨床心理学者が登場。 人生のパートナーと出会う確率、出産、キャリアアップ、 どれをとっても、20代の過ごし方が大事だと訴える。  「20代のうちは好きなことをすればいい。30代だってまだ若いのだから。でも、そんな発想は間違い! 20代は実に大事な時期なのです」 若者のカウンセリングが専門の臨床心理学者メグ・ジェイの発言が、アメリカで大きく注目されている。 人生のパートナーと出会う確率、出産、キャリアアップ、どれをとっても20代の生き方が、その後の人生を大きく左右するのだと言う。 20代の人も、20代の家族や部下をもつ人も必見!

< 生業ですが、アバウトです! お気に召せば 遡って画像は ご自由に転載&ご利用下さい。 >
    (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)

    (十津川行くなら 太郎のお薦め!!!!)

"The probability, childbirth, career improvement which meet the partner of life" His 30's are not somethings. His twenties must be given. His twenties He is conscious firmly, Life must be considered. By his twenties Asking socially, compulsory education Employment & high school & college admission Adult. Parents It is the university graduate business & employment which is expected from a child. About marriage It differs from ancient times. Moderate-izing! To a now male A consciousness level is not reached, either. Are unconscious. Man "To a constriction [ a woman ] of the waist" It reacts. To the last It is restricted to healthy "male." Daringly A boy is eliminated and it is in the 20th generation woman. There is no time not much! After the graduation from a school Working If it gets married and gives birth by the woman in her twenties who became natural required company people リタイヤ & A childcare period finds a new job. The way of life of the woman who can see. Graduation from a school Employment Love Delivery & child-rearing Reemployment This way As the female individual who does not miss his foot and give birth Probably, it is also life. . However, "ovum normal reproductive ability" It continues being lost medically. Fault Women's lib was accidental もん without the thought passed by media. ? <> Aging also of a boy's sperm is carried out rightly. Psychologist -- In a Meg Jay Mr. young man's counseling, a special clinic psychologist appears. It appeals against [ the probability, the childbirth, the career improvement, and which ] that meet the partner of life that how of his twenties to pass is important very much. "The inside of his twenties should just do a favorite thing. Because even his 30's are still young. But such the way of thinking is ! by mistake. Special clinic psychologist Meg Jay's remark is large in the United States, and counseling of" young man who is very important time attracts attention to his twenties. The way of life of his twenties says very much that the probability, the childbirth, the career improvement, and which that meet the partner of life influence subsequent life greatly. The person in his twenties and people with the family in his twenties or a subordinate are musts!

情報(スパイ)戦略と太平洋戦争  「つれづれ樹」   [育まれる(歴史)]


 真珠湾攻撃 (1,941年12月08日)
「 情報は、“誤まらせて” 伝えられる。」

 情報とは “発せられた瞬間に形骸化” される本質。

 ところが 情報伝達に“介在者”が存在すれば、
 情報は 取捨選別され、
 あるいは、 意図的に歪められて 伝わってしまう。


 ソビエト連邦は 背後を日本に攻撃されたくない。
 中国は 日本軍を追い帰したい(≒日本孤立化)。

 ルーズベルトは 戦争に加担していった。

 「満州事変&日中戦争は 侵略戦争だった。」
 この仮説に 則れば、太平洋戦争は次元が異なる。

 マスメディア 軍部 軍需産業関係を
 国民世論が コントロール出来なかった。
 勝ち目が 120%ありえない 戦争
 それに突入してしまった 国のあり方を考証しなければならない。

 この工作機関は マッカーサー占領軍にも

 共同作戦によって 影響されていった。。。

 真珠湾攻撃 日米開戦(1941~)
 チャーチルは アメリカ(ルーズベルト)を利用し巻き込んでいった。。
  イギリスは ドイツ(ヒトラー)との戦争で病弊し尽してた。
  日本は 石油輸入の9割を アメリカに依存してた。
  対日経済制裁を 発動させたい動き。
  日本の東南アジア(仏領インドシナ)進軍は イギリスによって事前に把握されていた。

   中国及び仏領インドシナから 日本はすべての戦力を引き上げる。
   1,941年 ドイツのモスクワ侵攻(スターリン)
   ソビエト連邦の情報網は アメリカの政府中枢まで浸潤してた。
    赤狩り(1,953~)までは 続いていた

 イギリス ソビエト連邦 中国(蒋介石) それぞれの思惑が交叉。。。
 日米開戦への道 知られざる国際情報戦 2013年12月8日


< 生業ですが、アバウトです! お気に召せば 遡って画像は ご自由に転載&ご利用下さい。 >
    (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)

    (十津川行くなら 太郎のお薦め!!!!)

Pearl Harbor attack (December 08, 1,941) "information -- "incorrect まらせて" -- it is told -- " Information Essence by which "it is emasculation to the moment of being emitted" is carried out. A place It will be information if an "intervention person" exists in communication of information. Choice sorting is carried out, Or, It can distort intentionally. It will be transmitted. The United States participated in the war by the stratagem of Churchill. International relations overlap here. Chiang Kaishek & Stalin's situation is added. Soviet Union I do not want for the back to be attacked by Japan. China I would like to follow and return a Japanese army (≒ Japan isolation). By an international situation and work of Churchill, he is Roosevelt. It participated in war. "Manchurian Incident & Sino-Japanese War was a war of aggression." In this hypothesis If it follows, the Pacific War differs in a dimension. However, it is the mass media as a problem in Japan. Military authorities National public opinion war industry relations It was not able to control. Odds There cannot be 120%. War. It has rushed into it. You have to study historical evidence of the state of a country. To it, furthermore the American government's brain The fact that the agent (spy) of the Soviet Union had permeated. This work organization For the MacArthur occupation forces おんなじ -- may not you think that it existed like? Occupation-policy-toward-Japan & Constitution of Japan establishment It of the Soviet Union spy in Japan, and the United States ... Combined action It was influenced. . . Pearl Harbor attack Japan-U.S. outbreak of war (1941?) Churchill The United States (Roosevelt) was used and involved in. . Britain All maladies are carried out in war with Germany (Hitler). Japan 90 percent of oil import Dependent on the United States. Anti-Japanese economic sanctions Motion to make it exercise. Southeast Asia (French territory Indo-China) attack of Japan It is grasped in advance by Britain. "Hull Note" (Tojo Cabinet) From China and French territory Indo-China Japan pulls up all the military powers. 1,941 years Moscow invasion of Germany (Stalin) Information network of the Soviet Union It had permeated to the U.S. government center. Up to red hunting (1,953?) It continued. Britain Soviet Union China (Chiang Kaishek) Each expectation crosses. . . http: Way to the // Japan-U.S. outbreak of war International information warfare which is not known December 8, 2013 On December 8, 1941 (Showa 16) 72 years ago, Japan rushed into war with the United States by the Pearl Harbor attack. The Japan-U.S. outbreak of war which in addition to various domestic factors of Japan and the U.S. the international situation became entangled intricately and broke out. In recent years, the research from the viewpoint of "information warfare" is progressing greatly. The confidential documents about "secret information work" of the World War II term are because it is opened to the public in each country, such as Britain. In parallel to just before the outbreak of war, Japan was advancing peace negotiations with the United States, and war preparation from the spring of 1941. What kind of influence did "information" have on the distance from there to "December 8"? The side in which the Japan-U.S. outbreak of war is not known is thrown into relief from the new historical records of each country, and the newly unearthed record of a voice.

人類の進化と 戦争  「つれづれ樹」   [育まれる(歴史)]

 生命にかかわる危険を回避し ”身を護る技能を身につけた” 者。
 自身で ”自分の身を護る訓練を受けた”者だけが 戦地に赴ける。。


 兵器操作技能は 別分野のもの。

 特殊部隊の戦闘格闘技は 民間でも身につけられる。
 戦車・戦艦・潜水艦・戦闘機・戦闘ヘリ・兵器 の
 操作訓練には 実物が必要。

   ① 国内戦争
      内戦 一般人が戦闘の巻き添えになり易い。
   ② 対外戦争
      攻められる側の 一般人が巻き添えになることが多い。

 戦争とは 原則的に一般人が 巻き添えになって死傷することがあってはならない!

 現在的には ど~~だろう。
 一般人が 戦闘行為の巻き添えになって死亡するニュースばかりが報道される。。。
 国同士の戦争で 相手国の一般人が戦闘の巻き添えになって死亡する。
 攻撃する側が「致し方ない!」と 当然のように判断してる。。。。。


 最終的には なくすことでしょう。。

   今夜は ここまで、、軍事訓練


< 生業ですが、アバウトです! お気に召せば 遡って画像は ご自由に転載&ご利用下さい。 >
    (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)

    (十津川行くなら 太郎のお薦め!!!!)

"A military man's definition" About a military man The danger to affect a life is avoided. Those "who learned the skill which protects itself." With self Only those "who received training which protects its own body" It can go to a battlefield. . In previous Japan's war it succeeded in this thing -- is it ろ~~? Arms manipulation skill Thing of another field. Special Forces' battle sport combative A private sector is also put on. a tank, a battleship, a submarine, a fighter, a battle helicopter, and arms That In operation training Thing is required. "War" ? inside war Civil war The man in the street becomes the involvement of a battle easily. ? foreign war Side attacked The man in the street becomes involvement in many cases. War The man in the street in principle It becomes involvement, and is not injured and killed. Present-like It will be ど??. The man in the street Only the news which becomes the involvement of a battle action and dies is reported. . . In war of countries The man in the street of a partner country becomes the involvement of a battle, and dies. The side to attack is with "it is unavoidable". It is judged that it is natural. . . . . Evolution of human beings wars few, goes and is in the last target. It will lose. . Tonight So far, Since the capability of / military training army is influenced by the degree of 練, military training is one of the important duties in time of peace. the physical strength [ contents / the ] aiming at the improvement in physical strength -- it starts in training and the basic drill which studies fundamental operation, and trains combat technology, such as maintenance of equipment of arms etc., and shooting. Military training is performed in order to raise the capability of an individual or a unit, and it differs from the military exercise which is the imitation strategy include the plan, preparation, and execution of military operation. Military training is gradually developed according to the degree of 錬 in principle. Therefore, a powerful unit may have a severe grade of training called for for maintenance of capability, and training severer than the usual unit may have the character of a kind of selective examination in a rescue team or Special Forces. Moreover, since danger is always accompanied by military training, those who die in the performance of job in the process are also in it.

呪能  「つれづれ樹」   [育まれる(歴史)]

 文字を必要ともしない 日本があった。
  グループが150名程度なら 言葉だけで済む。
  自然の恵みが大陸と違って 豊かだった列島。
  水田耕作を行う必要性が 少なかった。。

  水田と共になら 中国南部地域からか!
 それ以前にも 落人は続いてた。
 けど 量が違った。

 水田耕作も 人口を維持するために導入されていった。
 証左は、 北九州 →瀬戸内 →近畿 と移った。
 どこも 田圃が営みやすい平地ですネ。。

 何故に 中国語が列島を席巻しなかったのか?
  ① 単純に流入が より古くから存在し、
  ② 中国語が 地方によって“方言がきつく”

 言葉は 日本語に収束されていった。
 文字は 社会の上部構造で公式に採用されていった。

 現在的には 砕かれてしまった中国文字。
 中国文字が 感覚的に多く理解できること。。
  (おんなじ漢字圏の 韓国では砕かれ過ぎて 理解不能。)
 日本の漢字が 甲骨文字&金文 を忠実に残してること。
 まだ 復活の可能性は残されている。。。
  (白川静氏の 20世紀の知が 救済してる。)
  (「字統」「字訓」「字通」 日本の宝物)


 甲骨文字の時代に すべて出来あがってた。。。
 後は 組み合わせだけ

 漢字は 甲骨文字に代表される“卜占(ぼくせん)”
 呪能とは 字面のようにマイナス面だけではなく、
 祝告  神に祝いの祝詞をあげる意味合いも兼ねる。

 漢字である文字は 本質的に“神との関係”と共にあった。


< 生業ですが、アバウトです! お気に召せば 遡って画像は ご自由に転載&ご利用下さい。 >
    (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)

    (十津川行くなら 太郎のお薦め!!!!)


A character is not needed. There was Japan. It is if a group is about 150 persons. Only language is required. A natural blessing differs from a continent. It was rich. The necessity of performing paddy cultivation It was few. . The wandering people from a lot of China continents flocked. It is the beginning of the Yayoi period. (Although an impossible くり pause is るん, are they the ruins of a paddy field?) It is if it is in a paddy field. Do from [ the southern China area ]? It or before 落 people continued. けど Quantity was different. Also paddy cultivation It was introduced in order to maintain population. The character was also carried in. Proof, Kitakyushu -> Setouchi -> Kinki It moved. where the flat ground which a rice field tends to perform -- it is . . Why Didn't Chinese sweep over islands? ? -- simple -- inflow Exist for many years. Even if there was a new inflow, already acquired influence was strong. ? Chinese "dialect is "strongly by rural areas. It was a former stage which becomes the unified common language. Therefore, language It converged on Japanese. However, character It was officially adopted by social superstructure. Present-like Broken China character. The China character still being surprised He can understand mostly sensuously. . (Broken too much in South Korea in the woman じ漢字 area acatalepsy.) A Chinese character of Japan also to irony Inscriptions-on-bones-and-tortoise-carapaces & 金文 It has left faithfully. although there was also profanity to the history character called Chinese characters designated for daily use -- yet -- A restorative possibility is left behind. . . (Ms. Shizuka Shirakawa's 知 of the 20th century [ Aid is given. ]) ("Character 統" "character reading in the Japanese pronunciation" "character a connoisseur treasure of" Japan) The basic form of a Chinese character In the time of inscriptions on bones and tortoise carapaces It could do altogether and had gone up. . . Later Only combination. Chinese character "Augury (augury)" represented by inscriptions on bones and tortoise carapaces the character had "呪能 (じゅ obtaining)." . . . 呪能 Not only minus aspects but it is like the appearance of written words, 祝告 It serves also as the implications which raise a congratulatory congratulatory address to God. Character which is a Chinese character It was essentially with "the relation with God."

これは手におえません  「つれづれ樹」   [育まれる(歴史)]

  報告年月日 1944年10月1日
  捕虜 朝鮮人慰安婦20名


 好ましい観点からの調査活動では ありえません。

Envelope sent by National Archives to confirm the validity of the following documents. Recipient Mr. Tony Marano (PropagandaBuser : Texas Daddy : テキサス親父) Click each photo for larger image Click HERE to download full archives in zip file.
全てのファイル一括ダウンロードするには ここをクリック

Psychological Warfare TeamAttached to U.S. Army Forces India-Burma TheaterAPO 689 Japanese Prisonerof War InterrogationReport No. 49. Place interrogated: Ledo Stockade Date Interrogated: Aug. 20 - Sept. 10, 1944 Date of Report: October 1, 1944 By: T/3 Alex Yorichi Prisoners: 20 Korean Comfort Girls Date of Capture: August 10, 1944 Date of Arrival: August 15, 1994 at Stockade PREFACE This report is based on the information obtained from the interrogation of twenty Korean "comfort girls" and two Japanese civilians captured around the tenth of August, 1944 in the mopping up operations after the fall of Myitkyin a in Burma. The report shows how the Japanese recruited these Korean "comfort girls", the conditions under which they lived and worked, their relations with and reaction to the Japanese soldier, and their understanding of the military situation. A "comfort girl" is nothing more than a prostitute or "professional camp follower" attached to the Japanese Army for the benefit of the soldiers. The word "comfort girl" is peculiar to the Japanese. Other reports show the "comfort girls" have been found wherever it was necessary for the Japanese Army to fight. This report however deals only with the Korean "comfort girls" recruited by the Japanese and attached to their Army in Burma. The Japanese are reported to have shipped some 703 of these girls to Burma in 1942. RECRUITING; Early in May of 1942 Japanese agents arrived in Korea for the purpose of enlisting Korean girls for "comfort service" in newly conquered Japanese territories in Southeast Asia. The nature of this "service" was not specified but it was assumed to be work connected with visiting the wounded in hospitals, rolling bandages, and generally making the soldiers happy. The inducement used by these agents was plenty of money, an opportunity to pay off the family debts, easy work, and the prospect of a new life in a new land, Singapore. On the basis of these false representations many girls enlisted for overseas duty and were rewarded with an advance of a few hundred yen. The majority of the girls were ignorant and uneducated, although a few had been connected with "oldest profession on earth" before. The contract they signed bound them to Army regulations and to war for the "house master " for a period of from six months to a year depending on the family debt for which they were advanced ... Click HERE to download this page

 戦時 日本人捕虜尋問報告第49号
 報告年月日 1944年10月1日
 報告者 T/3 
  捕虜 朝鮮:人慰安婦20名



この 報告以外にも、日本軍にとって戦闘の必要のある場所ではどこにでも「慰安婦」が存在してきたことを示す報告がある。

募 集;
 1942年5月初旬、日本の斡旋業者たちが、日本軍によって新たに征服された東南アジア諸地域における「慰安役務」に就く朝鮮;人女性を募集するため、朝鮮に到着した。この「役務」の性格は明示されなかったが、それは病院にいる負傷兵 を見舞い、包帯を巻いてやり、そして一般的に言えば、将兵を喜ばせることにかかわる仕事であると考えられていた。これらの周旋業者が用いる誘いのことばは、多額の金銭と、家族の負債を返済する好機、それに、楽な仕事と新天地シンガポールにおける新生活という将来性であった。このような偽りの説明を信じて、多くの女性が海外勤務に応募し、2~3百円の前渡金を受け取った。

彼女たちが結んだ契約は、家族の借金返済に充てるために前渡された金額に応じて 6ヵ月から1年にわたり、彼女たちを軍の規則と「慰安所の楼主」のための役務に束縛した。

Approximately 800 of these girls were recruited in this manner and they landed with their Japanese "house master " at Rangoon around August 20th, 1942. They came in groups of from eight to twenty-two. From here they were distributed to various parts of Burma, usually to fair sized towns near Japanese Army camps. Eventually four of these units reached the Myitkyina. They were, Kyoei, Kinsui, Bakushinro, and Momoya. The Kyoei house was called the "Maruyama Club", but was changed when the girls reached Myitkyina as Col.Maruyama, commander of the garrison at Myitkyina, objected to the similarity to his name. PERSONALITY; The interrogations show the average Korean "comfort girl" to be about twenty-five years old, uneducated, childish, and selfish. She is not pretty either by Japanese of Caucasian standards. She is inclined to be egotistical and likes to talk about herself. Her attitude in front of strangers is quiet and demure, but she "knows the wiles of a woman." She claims to dislike her "profession" and would rather not talk either about it or her family. Because of the kind treatment she received as a prisoner from American soldiers at Myitkyina and Ledo, she feels that they are more emotional than Japanese soldiers. She is afraid of Chinese and Indian troops. LIVING AND WORKING CONDITIONS; In Myitkyina the girls were usually quartered in a large two story house (usually a school building) with a separate room for each girl. There each girl lived, slept, and transacted business. In Myitkina their food was prepared by and purchased from the "house master" as they received no regular ration from the Japanese Army. They lived in near-luxury in Burma in comparison to other places. This was especially true of their second year in Burma. They lived well because their food and material was not heavily rationed and they had plenty of money with which to purchase desired articles. They were able to buy cloth, shoes, cigarettes, and cosmetics to supplement the many gifts given to them by soldiers who had received "comfort bags" from home. While in Burma they amused themselves by participating in sports events with both officers and men, and attended picnics, entertainments, and social dinners. They had a phonograph and in the towns they were allowed to go shopping. PRIOR SYSTEM; The conditions under which they transacted business were regulated by the Army, and in congested areas regulations were strictly enforced. The Army found it necessary in congested areas to install a system of prices, priorities, and schedules for the various units operating in a particular areas. According to interrogations the average system was as follows: Click HERE to download this page


性 質;
 尋問により判明したところでは、平均的な朝鮮人慰安婦は25歳くらいで、無教育、幼稚、気まぐれ、そして、わがままである。慰安婦は、日本的基準からいっても白人的基準からいっても、美人ではない。 とかく自己中心的で、自分のことばかり話したがる。見知らぬ人の前では、もの静かでとりすました態度を見せるが、「女の手練手管を心得ている」。自分の 「職業」が嫌いだといっており、仕事のことについても家族のことについても話したがらない。捕虜としてミッチナやレドのアメリカ兵から親切な扱いを受けたために、アメリカ兵のほうが日本兵よりも人情深いと感じている。慰安婦は中国兵とインド兵を怖がっている。

 ミッチナでは慰安婦たちは、通常、個室のある二階建ての大規模家屋(普通は学校の校舎)に宿泊していた。それぞれの慰安婦は、そこで寝起きし、業を営んだ。彼女たちは、日本軍から一定の食料を買っていた。ビルマでの彼女たちの暮らしぶりは、ほかの場所と比べれば贅沢ともいえるほどであった。この点はビルマ生活2年目についてとくにいえることであった。食料・物資の配給量は多くなかったが、欲しい物品を購入するお金はたっぷりもらっていたので、彼女たちの 暮らし向きはよかった。彼女たちは、故郷から慰問袋をもらった兵士がくれるいろいろな贈り物に加えて、それを補う衣類、靴、紙巻きタバコ、化粧品を買うことができた。

 慰安婦の営業条件は軍によって規制され、慰安所の利用どの高い地域では、規則は厳格に実施された。利用度の高い地域では、軍は料金、利用優先順位、および 特定地域で作戦を実施している各部隊のための利用時間割り当て制を設ける必要があると考えた。尋問によれば普通の料金は次のとおりであった。

1. Soldiers10 AM to 5 PM1.50 yen20 to 30 minutes 2. NCOs5 PM to 9 PM3.00 yen30 to 40 minutes 3. Officers9 PM to 12 PM5.00 yen30 to 40 minutes These were average prices in Central Burma. Officers were allowed to stay overnight for twenty yen. In Myitkyina Col. Maruyama slashed the prices to almost one-half of the average price. SCHEDULES; The soldiers often complained about congestion in the houses. In many situations they were not served and had to leave as the army was very strict about overstaying. In order to overcome this problem the Army set aside certain days for certain units. Usually two men from the unit for the day were stationed at the house to identify soldiers. A roving MP was also on hand to keep order. Following is the schedule used by the "Kyoei" house for the various units of the 18th Division while at Naymyo. Sunday18th Div. Hdqs. Staff MondayCavalry TuesdayEngineers WednesdayDay off and weekly physical exam. ThursdayMedics FridayMountain artillery SaturdayTransport Officers were allowed to come seven nights a week. The girls complained that even with the schedule congestion was so great that they could not care for all guests, thus causing ill feeling among many of the soldiers. Soldiers would come to the house, pay the price and get tickets of cardboard about two inches square with the prior on the left side and the name of the house on the other side. Each soldier's identity or rank was then established after which he "took his turn in line". The girls were allowed the prerogative of refusing a customer. This was often done if the person were too drunk. PAY AND LIVING CONDITIONS; The "house master" received fifty to sixty per cent of the girls' gross earnings depending on how much of a debt each girl had incurred when she signed her contract. This meant that in an average month a girl would gross about fifteen hundred yen. She turned over seven hundred and fifty to the "master". Many "masters" made life very difficult for the girls by charging them high prices for food and other articles. In the latter part of 1943 the Army issued orders that certain girls who had paid their debt could return home. Some of the girls were thus allowed to return to Korea. The interrogations further show that the health of these girls was good. They were well supplied with all types of contraceptives, and often soldiers would bring their own which Click HERE to download this page

1.兵       午前10時~午後5時 1.5円  20~30分
2.下士官    午後5時~午後9時 3 円   30~40分
3.将校     午後9時~午後12時 5 円   30~40分

慰安婦は接客を断る権利を認められていた。接客拒否 は、客が泥酔している場合にしばしば起こることであった。


had been supplied by the army. They were well trained in looking after both themselves and customers in the matter of hygiene. A regular Japanese Army doctor visited the houses once a week and any girl found diseased was given treatment, secluded, and eventually sent to a hospital. This same procedure was carried on within the ranks of the Army itself, but it is interesting to note that a soldier did not lose pay during the period he was confined. REACTIONS TO JAPANESE SOLDIERS; In their relations with the Japanese officers and men only two names of any consequence came out of interrogations. They were those of Col. Maruyama, commander of the garrison at Myitkyina and Maj. Gen.Mizukami, who brought in reinforcements. The two were exact opposites. The former was hard, selfish and repulsive with no consideration for his men; the latter a good, kind man and a fine soldier, with the utmost consideration for those who worked under him. The Colonel was a constant habitué of the houses while the General was never known to have visited them. With the fall of Myitkyina, Col. Maruyama supposedly deserted while Gen. Mizukami committed suicide because he could not evacuate the men. SOLDIERS REACTIONS; The average Japanese soldier is embarrassed about being seen in a "comfort house" according to one of the girls who said, "when the place is packed he is apt to be ashamed if he has to wait in line for his turn". However there were numerous instances of proposals of marriage and in certain cases marriages actually took place. All the girls agreed that the worst officers and men who came to see them were those who were drunk and leaving for the front the following day. But all likewise agreed that even though very drunk the Japanese soldier never discussed military matters or secrets with them. Though the girls might start the conversation about some military matter the officer or enlisted man would not talk, but would in fact "scold us for discussing such un-lady like subjects. Even Col. Maruyama when drunk would never discuss such matters." The soldiers would often express how much they enjoyed receiving magazines, letters and newspapers from home. They also mentioned the receipt of "comfort bags" filled with canned goods, magazines, soap, handkerchiefs, toothbrush, miniature doll, lipstick, and wooden clothes. The lipstick and cloths were feminine and the girls couldn't understand why the people at home were sending such articles. They speculated that the sender could only have had themselves or the "native girls". Click HERE to download this page


 慰安婦と日本軍将兵との関係において、およそ重要な人物としては、二人の名前が尋問から浮かび上がっただけである。それは、ミッチナ駐屯部隊指揮官の丸山大佐と、増援部隊を率いて来た水上少将であった。 両者の性格は正反対であった。前者は、冷酷かつ利己的な嫌悪すべき人物で、部下に対してまったく思いやりがなかったが、後者は、人格のすぐれた心のやさしい人物であり、またりっぱな軍人で、彼のもとで仕事をする人たちに対してこの上ない思いやりをもっていた。大佐は慰安所の常連であったのに対し、後者が慰 安所にやって来たという話は聞かなかった。ミッチナの陥落と同時に丸山大佐は脱出してしまったものと思われるが、水上将軍のほうは、部下を撤退させることができなかったという理由から自決した。

 慰安婦の一人によれば、平均的な日本軍人は、「慰安所」にいるところを見られるのをきまり悪がり、彼女が言うには、「慰安所が大入り満員で、並んで順番を待たなければならない場合には、たいてい恥ずかしがる」そうで ある。しかし、結婚申し込みの事例はたくさんあり、実際に結婚が成立した例もいくつかあった。
 、同様に彼女た ちが口を揃えて言うには、日本の軍人は、たとえどんなに酔っていても、彼女たちを相手にして軍事にかかわる事柄や秘密について話すことは決してなかった慰安婦たちが何か軍事上の事柄についての話を始めても、将校も下士官や兵士もしゃべろうとしないどころか、「そのような、女にふさわしくないことを話題にするな、といつも叱ったし、そのような事柄については丸山大佐でさえ、酒に酔っているときでも決して話さなかった」。
 しばしば兵士たちは、故郷からの雑誌、手紙、新聞を受け取るのがどれほど楽しみであるかを語った。彼らは、缶詰、雑誌、石鹸、ハンカチーフ、歯ブラシ、小さな人形、口紅、下駄などがいっぱい入った「慰問袋」を受け取ったという話もした。口紅や下駄は、どう考えても女性向きのものであり、慰安婦たちには、故郷の人びとがなぜそのような 品物を送ってくるのか理解できなかった。彼女たちは、送り主にしてみれば、自分自身つまり「本来の女性」を心に描くことしかできなかったのであろうと推測した。

REACTION TO THE MILITARY SITUATION; It appears they knew very little about the military situation around Myitkyina even up to and including the time of their retreat and capture. There is however some information worth nothing: "In the initial attack on Myitleyna and the airstrip about two hundred Japanese died in battle, leaving about two hundred to defend the town. Ammunition was very low. "Col. Maruyama dispersed his men. During the following days the enemy were shooting haphazardly everywhere. It was a waste since they didn't seem to aim at any particular thing. The Japanese soldiers on the other hand had orders to fire one shot at a time and only when they were sure of a hit." Before the enemy attacked on the west airstrip, soldiers stationed around Myitkyina were dispatched elsewhere, to storm the Allied attack in the North and West. About four hundred men were left behind, largely from the 114th Regiment. Evidently Col. Maruyama did not expect the town to be attacked. Later Maj. Gen. Mizukami of the 56th Division brought in reinforcements of more than two regiments but these were unable to hold the town. It was the consensus among the girls that Allied bombings were intense and frightening and because of them they spent most of their last days in foxholes. One or two even carried on work there. The comfort houses were bombed and several of the girls were wounded and killed. Click HERE to download this page

ミッチナ周辺に配備されていた兵士たちは、敵が西滑走路に攻撃をかける前に別の場所に急派され、北部および西部における連合国軍の攻撃を食い止めようとした。主として第114連隊所属の約400名が取り残された。明らかに、丸山大佐は、ミッチナが攻撃されるとは思っていなかったのである。その後、第56歩 兵団の水上少将がニ箇連隊〔小隊〕以上の増援部隊を率いて来たものの、それをもってしても、ミッチナを防衛することはできなかった。

REQUESTS None of the girls appeared to have heard the loudspeaker used at Myitkyina but very did overhear the soldiers mention a "radio broadcast." They asked that leaflets telling of the capture of the "comfort girls" should not be used for it would endanger the lives of other girls if the Army knew of their capture. They did think it would be a good idea to utilize the fact of their capture in any droppings planned for Korea. Click HERE to download this page

宣 伝;
 慰安婦たちは、使用されていた反日宣伝リーフレットのことは、ほとんど何も知らなかった。慰安婦たちは兵士が手にしていたリーフレットを2、3見たことは あったが、それは日本語で書かれていたし、兵士は彼女たちを相手にそれについて決して話そうとはしなかったので、内容を理解できた慰安婦はほとんどいな かった。一人の慰安婦が丸山大佐についてのリーフレット(それはどうやらミッチナ駐屯部隊へのアピールだったようであるが)のことうを覚えていたが、しかし、彼女はそれを信じなかった。兵士がリーフレットのことを話しあっているのを聞いた慰安婦も何人かいたが、彼女たちたまたま耳にしたからといって、具体的な話を聞くことはなかった。しかし、興味深い点としては、ある将校が「日本はこの戦争に勝てない」との見解を述べたことが注目される。

要 望;
 慰安婦のなかで、ミッチナで使用された拡声器による放送を聞いた者は誰もいなかったようだが、彼女たちは、兵士が「ラジオ放送」のことを話しているのを 確かに聞いた。
彼女たちは、「慰安婦」が捕虜になったことを報じるリーフレットは使用しないでくれ、と要望した。彼女たちが捕虜になったことを軍が知ったら、たぶん他の 慰安婦の生命が危険になるからである。しかし、慰安婦たちは、自分たちが捕虜になったという事実を報じるリーフレットを朝鮮で計画されていると盂家に活用するのは名案であろうと、確かに考えたのである。

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    名   年齢  住 所
 1 「S」 21歳 慶尚南道晋州
 2 「K」 28歳 慶尚南道三千浦〔以下略〕
 3 「P」 26歳 慶尚南道晋州
 4 「C」 21歳 慶尚北道大邱
 5 「C」 27歳 慶尚南道晋州
 6 「K」 25歳 慶尚北道大邱
 7 「K」 19歳 慶尚北道大邱
 8 「K」 25歳 慶尚南道釜山
 9 「K」 21歳 慶尚南道クンボク (ママ)
 10 「K」 22歳 慶尚南道大邱
 11 「K」 26歳 慶尚南道晋州
 12 「P」 27歳 慶尚南道晋州 (ママ)
 13 「C」 21歳 慶尚南道慶山郡〔以下略〕
 14 「K」 21歳 慶尚南道咸陽〔以下略〕
 15 「Y」 31歳 平安南道平壌
 16 「O」 20歳 平安南道平壌
 17 「K」 20歳 京畿道京城
 18 「H」 21歳 京畿道京城
 19 「O」 20歳 慶尚北道大邱
 20 「K」 21歳 全羅南道光州

 1  キタムラトミコ  38歳 京畿道京城
 2  キタムラエイブン 41歳 京畿道京城


< 生業ですが、アバウトです! お気に召せば 遡って画像は ご自由に転載&ご利用下さい。 >
    (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)

    (十津川行くなら 太郎のお薦め!!!!)

三島由紀夫氏の死から 40数年を経て…  「つれづれ樹」   [育まれる(歴史)]

 1,970年11月25日  それから、、、、
 40数年を経た日本は 少しは“ましな国”になってきたのだろうか、、、

本を正さずして  末に走り、その場しのぎと偽善に陥り
政治は  矛盾の糊塗(こと)、自己の保身、権力欲、偽善の身に捧げられ
国家百年の大計は  外国に委ね

 切っ先は浅く 介添えの“だんしゅ”が 直接の死因とされた。

 金閣寺だったけ 潮騒だったか 読みかけて 、止めた。
 最終最後は テレビ映像で眺めたような うっすら記憶がある。
 50過ぎて 彼の“メッセージが 「言の葉」 ”に なっちまった。

 新たにした この国、

 薩摩&長州の “偏狭な被害者感”
 あの時代には しょ~~がなかった んだろ~~が、

 徳川幕府は なんで駆逐されたんだろ~~
 今となっては、 そんな必要性もなかったか!








 明治の維新後の この国の歴史。
 先進国の仲間入りは出来た。 亜細亜で唯一。
 それ以上に 失ったものの方が多くはないのか???
 徹底的に 地方を搾取し尽くして 現在がある
 侵略戦争を仕掛け 太平洋戦争で負けた。
 戦後の復興も おんなじ手法。
 あの時代に この国の政府は
 国民の健康など 経済活動に比べてみると、
 二の次なんだ!!! そんな勁い記憶がある。

 “原発を止めれば この国の経済は成り立たなくなる!
 マスメディアで 平然とのたまう輩も 居る。。。

 三島 由紀夫   (大正14年)1月14日 - 1970年(昭和45年)11月25日
 『仮面の告白』、『潮騒』、『金閣寺』、『鏡子の家』、『憂国』 など、

 憂国紀 (三島由紀夫氏追悼の夕べが‘70年以降 毎年行われてる) 
「 三島由紀夫氏が生前、楯の会の隊長として発した檄文を読むと、考えさせられることが多い。  “われわれは戦後の日本が、経済的繁栄にうつつを抜かし、国の大本を忘れ、国民精神を失い、本を正さずして末に走り、その場しのぎと偽善に陥り、自ら魂の空白状態へ落ち込んでゆくのを見た。   政治は矛盾の糊塗、自己の保身、権力欲、偽善の身に捧げられ、国家百年の大計は外国に委ね、敗戦の汚辱は払拭されずにただごまかされ、日本人自ら日本の歴史と伝統を潰してゆくのを歯噛みをしながら見ていなければならなかった” 」


< 生業ですが、アバウトです! お気に召せば 遡って画像は ご自由に転載&ご利用下さい。 >
    (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)

    (十津川行くなら 太郎のお薦め!!!!)
November 25, 1,970 And Japan which passed through about forty years It is whether a few is "a better country", "making it not correct a book, running in the end of , and falling into a stopgap and hypocrisy", "politics being offered to the body of temporizing of inconsistency, self self-preservation, a desire for power, and hypocrisy", and "leaving the big plan for national 100 years to foreign country" November 25, 1,970 although Mr. Yukio Mishima tried to achieve "hara-kiri suicide" -- the point of a sword -- shallow -- A helper's "だんしゅ" It was considered as the direct cause of death. A fault is け which was the Kinkakuji Temple. Was it the roars of the sea? It begins to read. It stopped. The last last As [ watched / with the television image ] There is memory slightly. There was not Yukio Mishima with ず ???. passing 50 his "message -- "leaf of word"" なっちまった. Tatsuma Sakamoto Kaishu Katsu Mr. Saigo It renewed. It was out of order in this country and somewhere! If it is called somewhere, Satsuma & Nagato "Narrow-minded feeling of a victim" that time There was no しょ ??. it is ん -- ろ ??, Tokugawa shogunate it 駆逐ed why -- ろ. Now, Wasn't such necessity, either? After the Restoration of Meiji History of this country. Association of advanced nations was completed. It is Asia and only. More than it Isn't there more what was lost??? Wealth and military strength of a country Are thorough. All districts are squeezed. There is the present. A war of aggression is devised. It lost at the Pacific War. Also postwar revival Woman じ手法. What also has the pollution of Japan, a fault, tragic although mass media of the environmental destruction is carried out to Chinese pollution now. In that time The government of this country is national health etc. Compared with an economic activity, it is the second!!! There is such 勁い memory. Are [ but / now ] the same. if [ ] "nuclear power plant is stopped as before while the "Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima nuclear power plant" causes the artificial disaster of only that -- the economy of this country stops realizing " About such a thing, it is by the mass media. Also fellows who tell cooly It is. . . Yukio Mishima January 14, 1925 (Taisho 14) - November 25 "confession of a mask", 1970 (Showa 45), the "roars of the sea", the "Kinkakuji Temple", "Kyoko's house", and "憂国" etc. -- as for formation copyright, the Sakai copyright office is carrying out package management of "Rokumeikan", "the collection of modern Noh plays", and the "Mrs. Marquis de Sade" militia organization "meeting of a shield" at the drama. Mishima's writing will be 24 million copies of total circulation as of November, 2010. 憂国紀 (the evening of Mr. Yukio Mishima mourning is performed every year in '70 and afterwards) "When Mr. Yukio Mishima reads 檄文 emitted as a captain of the meeting of a shield while in life, it is made to think in many cases. " -- postwar Japan was obsessed with economic prosperity, and has forgotten the base of a country, and we lost national soul, made it not correct a book, ran at last, fell into a stopgap and hypocrisy, and looked at falling and dying to a spiritual blank state oneself. politics -- inconsistency -- temporizing -- self -- self-preservation -- a desire for power -- hypocrisy -- the body -- offering -- having -- a state -- 100 -- a year -- a big plan -- a foreign country -- leaving -- defeat -- 汚辱 -- wiping away -- not having -- に -- merely -- deceiving -- having -- a Japanese -- oneself -- Japan -- history -- tradition -- crushing -- a thing -- 歯噛み -- carrying out -- while -- seeing -- てい -- " -- "

おのまとぺ  「つれづれ樹」   [育まれる(歴史)]

 完成された中国文字 「漢字」
 渡来人によって 持ち込まれたのに。

 日本の「国語」に 創り 変えてしまった。
  (皮肉にも、お隣に比べ 「漢字の正統性」は この国で温存。)

 「社会」  って
 やりとりで 出来てるよ。

 お隣の中国で 文字が出来てても

 次々に訪れた渡来が 一定の勢力を占めると、
 文字として 漢字が公用化された。


 文字利用が 不可欠なあり方。
 日常生活範囲の居住者が 数百人単位であること。

 家族or一族単位なら “文字”は不必要。
 歴史ではなく 人類史的に、
 この国は 大陸とは異なって
 地理的に 縄文初期の時代には 平野はなかった。
  それ以上に 気候に恵まれ、
 耕作が不必要な 「採集」だけで
 一族(150人)が 十二分に生きて行ける
 そんな“ジパング” でした。

 文字は “知っていたけど 不必要” だった。

 米が先か 弥生時代が先か、
   米がいつから栽培されてたのか 確定には、湿潤なこの国では奇跡必要。

  必要性がなかった、 「米 & 文字」
  人口数的に “渡来”の数が
  なだれ込み的に 圧倒したからでしょう。
  日本列島は 縄文から弥生時代に
  必然的に 移行していった。

 シンボライズ されている。。。。。


 その後 為された歴史。
 あった“言の葉” に、 寄り沿わせ
 「完全変換」 してしまった。
 「 生き方は変わらない
   だけど 生き様が 変化しつづける。 」

漢字と水田が 持ち込まれた時点で、
 人口数的に 日本は“中国に侵略&征服”されてた。。。
 漢字は 「国語」
 水田は 「田圃」
 に、 なってる。

 日本列島は “地形学的に” 、
 征服され難い 国であるから。
 この国の 2番目の“為政者” である。
 彼は この国に 統一政府を現出することが
 不可能に近いことを 織田信長&豊臣秀吉を通し 認識してた。
 なぜなら 家康は信長&秀吉と異なって、 戦が「不得手」だけだった。

 だから 家康は“藩”を温存して 統治を行った
 ( 出来ない事は 無理なんだから! )
 とりとめもない 方言の反乱を もたらせている。
 ネット世界まで 駆逐する“絵詞(えことば)”

 「社会」  って
 やりとりで 出来てるよ。


< 生業ですが、アバウトです! お気に召せば 遡って画像は ご自由に転載&ご利用下さい。 >
    (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)

    (十津川行くなら 太郎のお薦め!!!!)

Japanese mysteriousness! Completed China character "Chinese character" visitor It was carried in. Why is it? It is to a "language" of Japan without using for the まんま. It makes. It has changed. "society" って Language By exchange It has done. Japanese people In China of a next door Even if it has done the character, usage does not do, either. It did not need!! However, the visit visited one after another When fixed influence is occupied, society is done and it is as a character. The Chinese character was official-business-ized. Character use The indispensable way that should be. It is also as logical compatibility, The resident of the everyday life range It is hundreds of people unit. It is if it is a family or family unit if it resides even by about 150 persons. A "character" is unnecessary. It is not history. It is this country in history of man. Differ from a continent. Are geographical. In the time in early stages of a straw-rope pattern There was no plain. More than it It is blessed with climate and cultivation is unnecessary. The whole family (150 persons) by "collection" It can make a living more than enough. It was such "Zipangu." character " -- although known, it was unnecessary." however, this -- a continent to rice -- the point The Yayoi period is not the point and such a thing. From when the character was used cannot identify at least earthenware in mustard. Rice was grown from when. In this country [ moistness / decision ], it is miracle necessity. However, there was no necessity, Person talkative-like [ having rushed into "character / U.S. & /" islands ] The number of "visits" rushes in and it is on a target. It will be because it overwhelmed. At the number of physical population, it is the Japanese Islands. It is inevitably from a straw-rope pattern to the Yayoi period. It shifted. Therefore, history-of-man change of islands is use of a Chinese character. It symbolizes in the "paddy field" which is cultivation of rice. It is carried out. . . . . After that History in which it succeeded. Chinese character "To the leaf of a word which existed", It is made to come together and meet and is "full conversion". It has carried out. "Although a way of life does not change, it Lives and appearance continues doing change of it." ? Chinese character and paddy field the time of being carried in -- population -- numerical -- Japan -- "China -- the invasion & conquest "-- it was carried out. . . Still, Chinese character "Language" Paddy field "Rice field" It is alike, It has become. Why? Japanese Islands It is hard to be conquered "physiographically". Because it is a country. This country It is the 2nd "statesman." Ieyasu Tokugawa Him In this country It is next to impossible to appear the unification government. It is through about Nobunaga Oda & Hideyoshi Toyotomi. It recognized. It is if it is why. Ieyasu differs from Nobunaga & Hideyoshi, It only "was poor at the game." Even if it carries out with the military power of the time, therefore -- Ieyasu preserves a "han". It governed. (It cannot do! Since it is impossible) This is irrelevant in present. Rebellion of a dialect It has hung down. More than it, it is carry パミュパミュ. Up to the net world "Story-in-pictures" onomatopoeia to drive out "society" って Language By exchange It has done.

靖国神社問題  「つれづれ樹」   [育まれる(歴史)]

 橋下徹氏の 従軍慰安婦発言問題 に対し。
 沖縄の米軍基地問題に関して アメリカが大きく非難した。
 非難する以前に ”米国軍人による性犯罪” をなくしてから語ってもらいたい。
 現実に 米国軍人による沖縄での性犯罪は続く。
 それだけ以下では 決してありえない。
 日本が厳しく取り締まれば良い! そんな次元の問題ではない。。
 軍人ではない米国国籍人なら 日本が厳しく取り締まれば良い!

 違うでしょ! アメリカ国軍に所属する軍人 です。

 米国は 日本人をもって 原爆(わざわざ計画して種類の異なる)を2発投下し
 人体実験を 人類史の中で 唯一行った国家である
 この原爆投下で 虐殺されたのは
 放射線被害は 現在も未来へも続く。
 日本国の降伏の意志が見られないから、 一般国民&子供を虐殺することを キリストは許すのか!
 人種差別以外に 何がこの虐殺の 動機づけ になるのか!

 このことを 日本国民は基底としなければならない。

 このような 米国からの批判が繰り返されるのなら、
 日本は 逆に 中国と同盟を組んで やっていっても良いのではないのか!
 日本の将来を 考える上では、一つの選択である。。。

 日本の侵略戦争 に起因し、
 従軍慰安婦問題 靖国神社問題 
 国際的には なんの解決への 灯明も見受けられない。
 戦争の時代 にあった者達が うやむやに先送りしてるからに他ならない。

 さらに 性質のわるいことに、
 “戦争を知らない子供たち” が自分たちの歴史的立ち位置解釈で
 障壁にとして 立ちはだかって来る。
 朝鮮半島とも中国とも 隣人としてやって行きたいのですよ!
 ご自分たちの時代で 解決できていないから、
 現世代が 余計なエネルギー必要とされる。

明治天皇の命により、「招魂社」として 戊辰戦争の戦死者を弔うために 
後に 各地のものは「護国神社」となり、東京招魂社が「靖国神社」となった。
 靖国神社は 140年程の歴史しか持たぬ 神社である。

 招魂祭とは 中国では“死者の霊魂の離散を防ぐ”為になされたが、
日本の陰陽道では 生者の衰弱している魂を活性化させるために 執り行われ、 
死者に対して為されることは 禁じられてた。 

神道においては、これは生者&死者 両方に為されるが 「鎮魂祭」とされる。

 A級戦犯が、1978年(昭和53年)に 国家の犠牲者『昭和殉難者』として合祀。

 A級戦犯合祀は 靖国神社の一存でなされた
 合祀以後 天皇の御親拝が途絶えている。
 靖国神社以外の鎮魂祭は 天皇の御親拝を受けている。
 国内外の戦争で亡くなられた方が 天皇の御親拝を受けられない。

 このことが 靖国神社問題なのです

靖国神社でも 国として 「先祖敬い」 出来る。
 (靖国神社は 遡って「A級戦犯合祀」を宗教行為として 無かったことにするべき!)
 (更に、 神社エリアに存在する神道的に”穢れた”施設を なくすこと。)
 (靖国神社自体が 神道の根本に則って自浄出来ないのなら 靖国をリセットすれば好い。)

日本国の象徴としての天皇の御親拝を受けられない 靖国神社の存在形態が誤ってる。
靖国神社の存在形態を変え 天皇の御親拝を受けられるようにすれば良い。

靖国神社が 自ら「A級戦犯合祀」を無かったことに出来ないのなら、
靖国神社から 「A級戦犯」以外の分祀を行い 新たな神社を創建すればよい!靖国神社問題
慶応4年/明治元年 - 明治2年(1868年 - 1869年) 王政復古を経て明治政府を樹立した薩摩藩・長州藩らを中核とした新政府軍と、旧幕府勢力および奥羽越列藩同盟が戦った日本の内戦。招魂社
東京招魂社は1879年(明治12年)に明治天皇の命名により靖国神社と改称。地方の招魂社は1939年(昭和14年)護国神社と改称。そういういきさつがあるので、明治末期になっても靖国神社という名称よりも、招魂社という名で庶民には親しまれていた。(夏目漱石の『吾輩は猫である』の中に幼い娘の発言に「招魂社」が登場する。 また、日本初の招魂社は櫻山招魂場(現・櫻山神社、慶応元年(1865年)8月、山口県下関市)である。 王朝時代には、死者に対する陰陽道の招魂祭(しょうこんのまつり)は禁止されていた。死者・生者に対する神道儀礼は鎮魂祭と称されていた。靖国神社の旧称「東京招魂社」は「在天の神霊を一時招祭するのみなるや聞こえて万世不易神霊厳在の社号としては妥当を失する[1]」可能性があるために廃されたという。ただし、名称変更後も「招魂祭」(しょうこんさい)は続けられた。


< 生業ですが、アバウトです! お気に召せば 遡って画像は ご自由に転載&ご利用下さい。 >
    (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)

    (十津川行くなら 太郎のお薦め!!!!)

War of aggression of Japan It originates, Military sexual slavery On the Yasukuni Jinja problem international target To solution [ what ] A votive light cannot be seen, either. Time of war Those who suited It is exactly because it has postponed undecidedly. Further It is ill-natured, "the children who do not know war" will speak by historical 立ち position interpretation of them -- the mass media which former incarnation cost comes together & prewar days, and continues if it is a thing -- a barrier -- carrying out It stands with its legs wide apart. The Korean Peninsula and China are. I would like to handle it as a neighbor. By your time Since it is not solvable, a current generation It is energy needed [ excessive ]. もん to make random. . . . . . . Yasukuni Jinja By Emperor Meiji's life, it is as "shokonsha". In order to perform a memorial service for the person killed in war of 戊辰 war, after being built all over the country The thing of every place became a "shrine for the war dead", and the Tokyo shokonsha turned into "Yasukuni Jinja." Yasukuni Jinja It has only about 140 years of history. It is a shrine. 招魂祭 It was made in order "to prevent dispersion of the dead's soul" in China, but it is at the Yin Yang philosophy of Japan. In order to activate the soul which is weak in the living It is held and is accomplished to the dead. It was forbidden. In Shintoism, this is the living & dead. Although accomplished by both It is considered as a "mass for the repose of the soul." Although Emperor Showa 親拝(ed) every several years after the war to a total of 8 times (1945, 1952, 1954, 1957, 1959, 1965, 1969, and 1975) Yasukuni Jinja, finally he is not performing 親拝 for November 21, 1975 (Showa 50). The 親拝 stop by the now top Emperor continues still now [ of Heisei ]. An A-class war criminal is in 1978 (Showa 53). It enshrines together as a national victim "Showa era martyr." A-class war criminal joint enshrinement It was made at own discretion of Yasukuni Jinja. Joint enshrinement or later The Emperor's 親拝 has stopped. Masses for the repose of the soul other than Yasukuni Jinja The Emperor's 親拝 is received. Those who passed away in a war in and outside the country The Emperor's 親拝 cannot be received. This It is the Yasukuni Jinja problem. Even Yasukuni Jinja As a country "Ancestor respect" It can do. (Yasukuni Jinja Going back and making "A-class war criminal joint enshrinement" into a religious act ! which should be made for there to have been nothing) (Institution "unclean" in Shintoism which exists in shrine area further [ Lose. ]) (It is good, if Yasukuni Jinja itself cannot self-purify in conformity with the origin of Shintoism and 靖国 is reset.) 親拝 of the Emperor as a symbol of Japan cannot be received. The Yasukuni Jinja's existence form is mistaken. A Yasukuni Jinja's existence form is changed. What is necessary is just to enable it to receive the Emperor's 親拝. Yasukuni Jinja if oneself "A-class war criminal joint enshrinement" is not made to there having been nothing -- from Yasukuni Jinja Perform separate enshrinement of those other than an "A-class war criminal". What is necessary is just to found a new shrine. / Yasukuni Jinja problem The Tokyo shokonsha which is the predecessor of Yasukuni Jinja was founded in 1869 (Meiji 2) in order to deify the person killed in war of the 戊辰 war also by that of Omura profit Jiro's suggestion by Emperor Meiji's life. / 戊辰 war The Keio four year /, and Meiji first year - Meiji 2 (1868 to 1869) Civil war of Japan which the old government influence and the Ou 越列藩 alliance fought with the new government army which made the core Satsuma Domain and Choshu Domain which established the Meiji government through the Restoration. / shokonsha The Tokyo shokonsha will be changed to Yasukuni Jinja by Emperor Meiji's naming in 1879 (Meiji 12). Local shokonsha will be changed to a shrine for the war dead in 1939 (Showa 14). Since there were such a circumstances, even if the Meiji last stage came, it was loved by people by the name of shokonsha more than a name called Yasukuni Jinja. ("Shokonsha" appears in the remark of a daughter young in Soseki Natsume's "I am a cat".) Moreover, the first shokonsha in Japan is the Sakurayama 招魂 place (expression and the Sakurayama shrine, Keio first year (1865) August, Shimonoseki-shi, Yamaguchi). 招魂祭 (festival of しょうこん) of the Yin Yang philosophy to the dead was forbidden to the monarchical age. The Shintoism courtesy to the dead and the living was called the mass for the repose of the soul. It is said that the old name "Tokyo shokonsha" of Yasukuni Jinja was abandoned since there was ["1"] possibility which it only becomes to 招祭 a divine spirit in heaven temporarily, or can be heard, and loses 妥当 as 社号 of 10,000th generation immutable divine spirit 厳在. However, "招魂祭" (in the しょうこん case) was continued even after name change.

現代人には 忘れ去られた脳の使い方が あるのかも  「つれづれ樹」   [育まれる(歴史)]

  脳は 哺乳類から鳥類まで 構造的に大きな差はないとされる。
 右脳と左脳が 同様に存在する。
 これは 両手足が存在する “対称性”由来でしょう。

  “脳イメージ”は あるとする。
  脳は直接に外界と接することなく 情報を処理するあり様。
 例えば 腸  でしょう。
 普段から 脳に関係なく自律性を持っているため。

  帝(みかど)は 先住民である縄文人(蝦夷)と対峙することはない。
 都びとにとって 蝦夷は“喪失イメージ”の持てない存在。。。
 愛国心(郷土愛)を失わせ 体制に取り込んでしまうには、
 棲まってた地域から 遠く離れた地域に強制的に移住させること。
 空白化地域には渡来人を 送り込めば好かった。

 高校生の時 遊び慣れた川で溺れかけた。
 大学の時 泳ぐことが苦手だったので 海で溺れかけた。
 限界って感じた瞬間に 水中に沈んだ
 それでも 息苦しくなって 息しようとした。
 後は 身体が必死に 生きようとしてる。。。

  縄文の時代の人間のあり方を 記す文字はない。
  ただ 歴史を概観しても 感覚的に差異を覚える。
 脳の使ってる 部分が 機能が 異なってるんじゃないか!

 例えば “神なるあり様”
 古代びとは 神なるものがまじかに直接存在したから、、、
 神を 崇(あが)めたんじゃないのだろうか。。

 人類は 社会を形成し 社会の内に生きるようになった
 それ以前は 個人がより多く 自然と直接的に対峙してた。
 生き方が 根本的に異なって行く。
 生き方が異なれば 脳の使われる部位も 違ってくる。
 現代人には 忘れ去られた脳の使い方が あるのかも。。


< 生業ですが、アバウトです! お気に召せば 遡って画像は ご自由に転載&ご利用下さい。 >
    (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)

    (十津川行くなら 太郎のお薦め!!!!)

Brain From the mammals to birds It is supposed that there is no structurally big difference. The right brain and the left brain It exists similarly. This A both-hands leg exists. It will be of "symmetry" origin. "Body visual hallucination" In spite of having lost hand and foot, a "brain image" is. Suppose that it is. Suppose that it is what is not. Why? without a brain touches the external world directly information is processed -- it is and needs. the place which cannot carry out the image visual hallucination of the brain if it becomes -- for example -- Probably, they are intestines. From usually Since it has autonomy regardless of the brain. 帝 (seeing corner) A stand is not taken against the Jomon man (Ezo) who is indigenous people. It is only an existence that receives and judges information. For 都び Ezo is an existence which cannot have a "loss image." . . Patriotism (love for its home district) is made to lose. For taking into organization, From a 棲まってた area Let me emigrate to the distantly distant area compulsorily. In a blanking area, he is a visitor. It was good when sending in. The "brute force" of the scene of a fire exists. At the time of a high school student It was being drowned by Kawa who got used to play. At the time of a university Since he was poor at swimming It was being drowned in the sea. That it is common is the moment of feeling it as a limit. Power fell out from the body which sank underwater. Still It becomes stifling. It was going to carry out the breath. Later The body is desperately. It is going to be alive. . . The state of the human being of the time of a straw-rope pattern There is no character to describe. Merely Even if it surveys history A difference is memorized sensuously. The brain is used. A portion A function Doesn't it differ? for example, -- " -- God -- it is -- appearance " 古代び Since it existed in whether so-called God is serious directly, it is God. Isn't it 崇 (あ) たん? . Human beings Society is formed. It or before which came to be useful to the inside of society There are more individuals. Face to face was directly stood against nature. A way of life It differs fundamentally and goes. If ways of life differ Also part for which a brain is used It is different. In a man of today How to use the brain forgotten away It is.

現在的 「最強都市伝説」  「つれづれ樹」   [育まれる(歴史)]

 皇太子ご夫妻は 5月2日まで 4日間オランダに滞在される。

  彼女が “自らの意志で 嫁がれ”た現実を 思うと。
 彼女なりのやり様で その人生を生ききっていただきたいと 思う。

  秋篠親王は 同級生のなかで 求婚された。
   (伎芸天立像は この国の 紛うこと無き 彼女。)
  悠仁親王も おられる。。。

 現在的 「最強都市伝説」
 このことを ど~~受け止められるのかは 個人的な感覚になります。。

 お わ だ ま さ こ ひ
  Х  Х  Х  Х  Х  Х
 か わ し ま き こ ひ


        (上下の ひらがなを 一文字づつ 交互になぞってください。)

皇太子ご夫妻 オランダに到着   4月29日 4時49分
 オランダの新しい国王の即位式に出席するため、28日に日本を出発した皇太子ご夫妻は、首都アムステルダムに到着されました。  皇太子ご夫妻は、日本時間の29日午前3時ごろ、政府専用機でオランダの首都アムステルダムの近郊にあるスキポール空港に到着されました。 11年ぶりの外国への公式訪問となった雅子さまは、12時間の長旅の疲れも見せず、皇太子さまと共に、出迎えたオランダ大使らとにこやかにあいさつを交わされました。 そして、報道陣に向かって笑顔で手を振ったあと、車でアムステルダム市内にある宿泊先のホテルに向かわれました。 ご夫妻は、現地時間の30日午後、オランダの新しい国王になるウィレム・アレキサンダー皇太子の即位式に出席するほか、王宮で行われるレセプションなどに臨まれます。 今回の訪問では、療養中の雅子さまの体調や負担を考慮して、全体的に緩やかな日程が組まれ、即位式の前後に行われる晩さん会などの関連行事には、皇太子さまがお一人で出席される予定です。 また、体調について相談できるよう、雅子さまの主治医も同行しています。 ご夫妻は、来月2日までアムステルダムに滞在し、オランダ王室や各国の王族らとの交流を深められます。

< 生業ですが、アバウトです! お気に召せば 遡って画像は ご自由に転載&ご利用下さい。 >
    (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)

    (十津川行くなら 太郎のお薦め!!!!)

Crown Prince and Princess Up to May 2 I stay in the Netherlands during four days. Princess's Masako It is that it can attend at a coronation ceremony by no means, (Defence of Emperor Her Royal Highness is carried out in children in the whole body as parents.) She " Being [ married ]-of one's will" た現実 If it considers. She does and it needs. It is that I would have liked the life to be useful. I consider. 秋篠親王 In a classmate's inside It proposed. ( 伎芸天 statue is this country It is mistaken which is not her.) Also Prince Hisahito It is. . . -like now "The strongest urban myth" This ど. Is it caught? It becomes individual feeling. . お it is わ ま -- こ ひ Х Х Х Х Х Х わ is carried out and it winds. こ ひ 002b.jpg (up-and-down hiragana [ ] -- please trace one character at a time alternately with .) Crown Prince and Princess It arrives in the Netherlands. 4:49 on April 29 In order to attend the coronation ceremony of the new king of the Netherlands, the Crown Prince and Princess who left Japan on the 28th arrived in capital Amsterdam. The Crown Prince and Princess arrived in Schiphol Airport located by a plane for governmental use in the suburbs in Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, around 3:00 a.m. JST on the 29th. Masako who became the formal visit to the foreign country for the first time in 11 years did not show the tiredness of the long journey for 12 hours, either, but he had greetings smilingly exchanged with the Netherlands ambassador and others who met with the Crown Prince. And after shaking a hand with smile toward reporters, it went to the hotel of the lodging which is in Amsterdam by car. Husband and wife will attend the coronation ceremony of Crown Prince Willem Alexander who becomes a new king of the Netherlands on the afternoon of local time of the 30th, and also will attend the reception etc. which are performed in a king's palace. In this visit, the Crown Prince is going to construct a schedule loose on the whole and to attend by himself related events, such as a dinner meeting held before and after a coronation ceremony, in consideration of the condition and the burden of Masako under medical treatment. Moreover, Masako's family doctor is also accompanying so that it can consult about condition. Husband and wife stay in Amsterdam till the 2nd of the next month, and can promote the exchange with the Royal Families of the Netherlands royal family or each country.

刺青(タトゥー)とは、先進的な文化的行為でした  「つれづれ樹」   [育まれる(歴史)]

三内丸山遺跡(約5500年前~4000年前)  沖縄にも及ぶ交流物漆工芸もあり栗の栽培(里山起源)まで確認 百数十名の血縁集団で十二分に暮らすことが可能だった “記紀”の歴史資料は征服者・権力を握った側だけの歴史 文字とは記す方の実存を表現 現在から1,300年前に10年足らずで記紀が編纂されたのか?編纂後古事記は数百年間葬り去られてのか! アイスマンの歴史を飛び越した現在形は「完全なる客観」 刺青(タトゥー)とは、先進的な文化的行為

 三内丸山(さんないまるやま)遺跡 (約5500年前~4000年前)
現在人は 縄文期の生活が「厳しい&未開のもの」と思い込まされてる。
三内丸山遺跡では 沖縄にも及ぶ交流物が 発掘されてる。
漆工芸もあり 栗の栽培(里山起源)まで確認された。

 これらは インディアンである縄文人 と大陸からの“落人であった”弥生人の関係。
百数十名の血縁集団で 十二分に暮らすことが可能だった世界。
ここでは 豊かすぎる自然があり、“自然に生かされていた”。
血縁グループ規模では 文字など “必要としなかった。”
 ここに 大量に渡来を続けたのが 弥生期そのもの  の実態。
 やがて 渡来が一定の勢力を占めるに及んで、
 “まつろわぬもの≒蝦夷”として 武力によって制圧されてゆく。
 “記紀”の歴史資料は 征服者・権力を握った側だけの 歴史でしかない。

 縄文海進(18,000年前の最終氷河期 6,000年前ピ-ク 平均気温現在より2⊷3℃高い)
年平均気温が 1℃ほど上昇しただけで 「地球温暖化」と大騒ぎが起こってる。
現在的には 年平均気温が 海水温で2℃も上昇すれば、、、 
6,000年前の地球は 現在の気候イメージとは 大きく異なってる。
アルプスでも 夏季には雪の残る場所は少なかった。

 アイスマンとは 神なるものの 人類への啓示的存在なんでしょうか?
人類史的な「初期形態のあり様」とは こんな存在形態です。
そのまんまに 歴史をワープして 現在にもたらせてる。。。
文字による 主観を介さない 客観的プレゼンテーション

 文字とは、記す方の “実存を表現する” もん。
 客観的歴史を記録しても 個人の主観が ぬぐい去れない。
 ましてや、権力によって 史実が記録されたのなら、、、、、
 日本書紀は 120% “政治的に史実の改竄がなされてる。”
  (何故! 現在から1,300年前に10年足らずで記紀が編纂されたのか?                           編纂後古事記は数百年間葬り去られてのか!)
 文字とは 民族口承による 拒絶的非文字あり様 の対極をなすもの、
 民族文化口承は歴史的光背を背負って その民族にとっての“歴史”を伝承する。
 それは 民族そのもので世代的に検証され 裏打ちされ続けたもの。。。。

 初期の「文字歴史」とは  権力上層部の文字を持つ者の為だけ の歴史
 決して 普遍性などは求められていない。。
 アイスマンの歴史を飛び越した 現在形は「完全なる客観」
 ツボ刺激による医療形態が 先史的に存在した。
 ツボを 他者に知らしめるために タトゥー(煤入墨)が
 施されていたという 客観的な明証。。。。

 刺青(タトゥー) とは、先進的な文化的行為だった。。。

5,300年前 アルプス地方氷河から 凍り漬け状態で発見 20年間冷凍保存されてきた。 解凍しサンプル抽出 胃の内容物・脳組織・腸の内容物・骨・皮膚・肺・前立腺 149点のサンプル採取 アイスマンの風貌 160cm 50kg 46歳 筋肉質 瞳―茶色 髪―茶色 肌―白色  靴―熊皮 ズボン―山羊皮縫製  DNA  動脈硬化 乳糖不耐症(ラクターゼ欠損)     コルシカ島人と遺伝子的に近い 胃の内容物 山羊(アイスベック) 鹿 ウサギ ハーブ パン(小麦&煤)

花粉(腸内採取) 肛門付近(モミ) 腸(アサダ&トウヒ) 胃付近(モミ) 摂取時期 55時間前(モミ) 12時間前(アサダ) 5時間前(モミ) モミ花粉(高山性) アサダ&トウヒ(非高山性) これらから アイスマンは 高山 →麓 →高山 の短時間移動が推測 後頭部脳内サンプル 大量の赤血球&(X線映像) 脳挫傷がある 右目上部亀裂 石などの殴打によるもの 体内に残された矢じり(X線映像) 角度&傷口より背後から射られた グループで狩る場合 射止めた者を特定するのに 矢に本人特徴しるし付けた アイスマンは 追われ逃亡の後 背後より矢で射られ 動脈損傷で大量出血状態にあり 顔面を強打でとどめを刺され 死亡した。 暗殺者は 矢からの本人特定を逃れるために 肩甲骨部に刺さった矢を持ち去った。 この時に 仰向けのアイスマンの身体を返した事で 不自然な身体の状態になった。


< 生業ですが、アバウトです! お気に召せば 遡って画像は ご自由に転載&ご利用下さい。 >
    (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)

    (十津川行くなら 太郎のお薦め!!!!)

The ruins of Sannai Maruyama (まる and ま as for which さん is not) The present (4000 years before about 5500 years before ?) people The life of a straw-rope pattern term thinks "a severe & uncivilized thing", and is 込ま(ed). In the Sannai Maruyama Historical Site The exchange thing which also reaches Okinawa It is unearthed. There is also lacquerwork. It was checked to cultivation (natural woodland origin) of a chestnut. These Jomon man who is an Indian Relation of the Yayoi man who "was 落 people" from the continent. With the descent group of 100 and tens names The world where it can be lived more than enough. Here There is too rich nature and it "was employed efficiently automatically." On a blood relative group scale Character etc. It did not "need. " -- here Continued the visit in large quantities. The Yayoi term itself The actual condition. Soon It reaches for a visit to occupy fixed influence and is as "pine ろわぬ thing ≒ Ezo". It is controlled by military power. History data of the "Kojiki and Nihonshoki" Only side which seized a conqueror and power It is only history. Straw-rope pattern marine transgression (higher 2?3 ℃ than the 6,000 years before [ the last glacial epoch ] peak average temperature of 18,000 years ago present) annual mean air temperature It only went up by about 1 ℃. "Global warming" and excitement have taken place. Present-like Annual mean air temperature If it goes up by no less than 2 ℃ at sea water temperature, it will be human beings' extinction!!! The earth of 6,000 years ago The present climate image It differs greatly. The deciduous broadleaf tree had also covered the natural vegetation of the Tohoku district. Even Alps The summer had few places where snow remains. Iceman So-called God Is it the revalatory existence to human beings? There is an initial history of man form of ", and it is with the appearance ". It is such an existence form. To the まんま History is leaped. It can hang down also to the present and shines. . . It is based on a character. Subjectivity is not passed. Objective presentation Direction described as a character もん "expressing existence." even if it records objective history Individual subjectivity wipe away -- there is nothing. Furthermore, power It is the Nihon shoki if the historical fact was recorded. The alteration of a historical fact is made by "political target 120%, and it shines. " (Why!) Was the Kojiki and Nihonshoki edited 1,300 years ago in a little less than ten years? Is the after-compilation Kojiki buried for hundreds of years? Character What makes the opposite poles of the oral history by a race, and ethnic culture carry historical mandorla on the back. The "history" for a race is handed down. It The race itself What continued being backed. . . . Early "character history" History decision is carried out only for a person with the character of the upper levels of power. Universality is not searched for. . http: It jumped over //, therefore the history of the iceman. The medical form by perfect "object" jar stimulus a present form It existed in prehistory. Furthermore, jar In order to make the others know It is said that the tattoo (煤入墨) was given. Objective evidence. . . . Tattoo (tattoo) It was an advanced cultural act. . . Iceman 5,300 years before From the Alps district glacier It froze, and it soaked and has preserved in frozen storage for discovery 20 years in the state. It thaws and is sample extraction of 149 the content, the bone, the skin, lung, and prostate glands of the content, the cerebral tissue, and the intestines of the sample extraction stomach. The looks of an iceman 46 years old of 160cm 50kg Muscularity Pupil ? brown Hair ? brown Skin? White Shoes ? 熊皮 Trousers ? goatskin sewing DNA arteriosclerosis Lactose intolerance (lactase deficit) It is genetically [ as the people from Corsica Island ] near. A stomach content Goat (ice ベック) Deer rabbit Herb Bread (wheat & soot) Iceman assassination theory pollen (extraction in intestines) Near the anus (unhulled rice) Intestines (hophornbeam & トウヒ) near [ the stomach (unhulled rice) ] ingestion time 55-hour before (unhulled rice) 12-hour before (hophornbeam) 5 hours before (unhulled rice) unhulled rice pollen (Alpine) hophornbeam & トウヒ (non-Alpine) -- from these Iceman Alp -> foot -> alp Short-time movement is a sample within a guess back-of-the-head brain. A lot of red corpuscles & (X ray image) Right eye top crack with brain contusion Arrowhead (X ray image) left behind to the thing inside of the body depended on assault of a stone etc. When hunting in the group shot from behind from the angle & wound Those who won It specifies. It is a beam with the person-himself/herself feature mark to an arrow. Iceman It is followed and is after flight. It is shot with an arrow from the back. It is in a hemorrhage state by arterial injury, and the face is finished off by heavy blow. It died. assassin the person himself/herself from an arrow -- in order to escape specification It had away the arrow stuck in the shoulder blade part. At this time The body of the iceman with the face upward was returned. It changed into the state of the unnatural body.

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