
生呉 豆腐由来 呉王朝  「つれづれ樹」    [育まれる(歴史)]


 ただ それだけのことで 豆腐の由来調べてみました。。

  魏呉蜀(ギゴショク) 中国王朝の「呉」です。



 西晋(司馬炎 265年 - 316年)



 西晋に滅ぼされた呉王朝は 270年代に流浪の民となってる。
 呉の領土は そのまんまに西晋になっている。


 豆腐は 呉王朝からの渡来人によって もたらされてる。

 南宋末期(1,270年代) 豆腐が一般社会に普及。。


< 生業ですが、アバウトです! お気に召せば 遡って画像は ご自由に転載&ご利用下さい。 >
    (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)

    (十津川行くなら 太郎のお薦め!!!!)

What mashed program view てた et al. who is making tofu, and a soybean with the stone mortar is called "raw Kure (ナマゴ)." . Merely With the thing of only that Origin investigation てみました of tofu. . "Kure (ゴ)" 魏呉蜀( ギゴショク It is "Kure" of a dynasty of China. 晋軍 reached 建 business in 280 and, in surrender and Kure, 孫晧 went to ruin. "Dry goods (ゴフク)" A dry-goods shrine (クレハ) is a shrine in Ikeda-shi, Osaka. It comes across the sea from Kure, and it is supposed that machine weaving technology was conveyed. Vega and 呉服媛, and Emperor Nintoku are deified. A 西晋 (司馬炎 265 years to 316 years) formation term is a dynasty which possesses northern China and a southwest part. Kure is ruined and the China whole country is unified. Kure dynasty ruined by 西晋 The 270s come vagrant people. Territory in Kure It is に西晋 as it is. It is if the "bittern" of sea origin is used and what rubbed and crushed the soybean is made into "student Kure", Tofu Visitor from the Kure dynasty It is brought. Southern Song last stage (the 1,270s) Tofu spreads through community at large. . In the traditional process of advisory Japan, the bittern which arises in process of salt manufacture was mainly used. This soybean mashed creamily is called [ which mashes creamily the soybean which fully soaked and went up with a stone mortar while adding water moderately ] "Kure." http: Generally it spread, having covered // tofu over the Southern Song last stage, and when it became the tomorrow morning and Qing Dynasty era, the processed goods of tofu also came to be made briskly. It is a peculiar thing characterized by texture soft the tofu of present Japan and frank, and since the tofu of China and South Korea to this was stir-fried, or lifted and cooked in many cases, compared with Japanese tofu, moisture is few hard things. At the last stage time the end [ the Kamakura period ], it got across to the private sector, and spread to Japanese every place at the Muromachi period. And it is supposed at the Edo period that it became the usual dish eaten well. The tofu of this Edo period was only what is known today as cotton tofu. it was published in Tenmei 2 (1782) -- " -- 100 kinds of tofu dishes are described by tofu 100 uncommon", and it has been loved also for various literature. as for tofu, itinerant trade sale is also carried out from that time -- the above-mentioned tofu 100 -- uncommon -- は大きな popularity was acquired and it was a common dish. Sounding a trumpet and a bell, he sold and the tofu maker of the itinerant trade was walking. Although what powdered gypsum (calcium sulfate) and was melted in water was used as the coagulant in continent China, the bittern which arises in process of salt manufacture was mainly used in the traditional process of advisory Japan. About 80?90% of tofu is water, and it is because [ in the manufacturing process of tofu ] the taste of frank tofu will be spoiled if it exposes and water is not good. The soybean of materials is soaked in fresh water for about 12 hours overnight. This soybean mashed creamily is called [ which mashes creamily the soybean which fully soaked and went up with a stone mortar in the next morning while adding water moderately ] "Kure." Next, Kure is moved to an iron pot, water is added moderately, concentration is adjusted, and it steams completely with firewood. At this time, since Kure bubbles violently in the action of saponin, it sprinkles moderately what added lime to cooking oil as an antifoaming agent. Fully steamed Kure is filtered through cloth and soy milk is taken to 木桶. Before this soy milk gets cold, bittern is moderately added as a coagulant, and it agitates with the board of the tree called an oar (寄せと calls a series of work after striking bittern, and it is a showplace of a craftsman's work). If the concentration of soy milk, temperature, the quantity of bittern, and moderate "bringing near" near gather, soy milk will begin to become hard, without separating from water, and will serve as tofu of the shape of hazy, or the shape of a pudding soon. If it incorporates in the model which covered with cloth inside, and it covers, a weight is hung and water is drained firmly, breaking this down, it will become tofu (cotton tofu).

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