
戦後処理 イタリア・ドイツ そして日本  「つれづれ樹」   [育まれる(歴史)]



 ナチ戦犯の永久訴追を決めたドイツには、戦後50年を経た現在でも ナチズムの過去に時効はない。

 ドイツ&イタリア と日本国の根本的な違いは
 両国が “国をあげて 過去との完全な決別” 表明したこと。

 日本は ど~~なんだろ~、
 ある程度の 体制変革は為された。

 ところが 冷戦によって 歴史的ぶり返しにみまわれてしまった。
 韓国と共に 防衛システムの最前線に組み込まれてしまった。

 日米戦争は チャーチルの策謀によって仕組まれた。
 満州事変&日中戦争は 日本による侵略戦争だった。。。
 日本と 中国&朝鮮半島との不協和音 を出し続けてる。

 前世代への 恨みつらみの一言も もの申したい!

 現世代なりに 自分たちでやるしかないのか。
 一つの 手がかり。
 それでも 日本人は

 きっと築ける と信じたい。
 日本とドイツ 過去の検証
ナチ戦犯の永久訴追を決めたドイツには、戦後50年を経た現在でも ナチズムの過去に時効はない。
だが一方で「普通の国」ドイツを望む国民が多くなっているのも事実だ。ヘルツォーク大統領の就任演説の言葉を借りれば、そろそろドイツは自国とその過去、および他の国々と「硬直しない」関係を結べるのではないか、と。その真意と賛否が、この記念の年に問われようとしている。1995年が記念式典で埋まることは間違いない。アウシュビッツ解放、ベルリン陥落、ナチスドイツの降伏、広島と長崎への原爆投下、そして大日本帝国の降伏。数々の式典は過去の記憶とどのように符合し、そこから何が結論されるのだろうか。 冷戦が終わるまで、戦後処理にふたをしておくことができた日本と比べ、確かにドイツは「過去の克服」のために最大の努力を払ってきたように見える。それはなぜなのか。ドイツは日本とどう違っていたのか。 まず最大の違いは、戦後も過去が継続してしまった日本に対し、ドイツは過去との決別を図ろうとしたことだろう。総統ヒトラー、宣伝相ゲッペルス、ゲシュタポ長官ヒムラーの3人は自ら命を絶ち、連合国に逮捕された残りの指導者達はニュールンベルク軍事法廷で、ナチの犯罪について何も知らなかったか、強制された関係だったと反論した。おかしなことに1945年5月8日以降のドイツには、ナチが一人もいなかったことになる。 国家社会主義ドイツ労働者党(NSDAP=ナチス)と他の関係機関に所属していた百万人以上のメンバーたちは「軽級」や「伴走級」戦犯容疑に逃げ込み、責任を「ナチス=絶対悪」に転嫁した。それは「ナチス千年帝国の12年」をあたかもドイツの歴史とは無関係であったかのようにみなす試みでもあった。が一度決別したかに見えた過去は、イスラエル政府によるアイヒマン裁判(1960年)をきっかけに再びドイツの法廷に引きずり出され、ユダヤ人虐殺に対する裁判が始まる。日本では、天皇制を円滑な占領政策と反共政策に利用したい米国が、東京裁判で他国の反対を押し切り、開戦の最高指導者であった天皇を不起訴と決めた。また天皇自身も、道徳的な責任をとって退位することはなかった。それが日本人全体の責任論回避につながったと言えるだろう。 第2の大きな違いは、ドイツの敗戦の形態が完膚なきまでに徹底していたことだ。日本では、原爆と東京大空襲による死者を加えて計36万人(注1)の非戦闘員が犠牲になったが、ドイツではその10倍に上る380万人の一般市民が命を落とした。敗戦時、ナチ政権はシュレースヴィヒ・ホルシュタイン州北部から北海に沿う地方とオーストリアの一部、そして現チェコ共和国のプラハ地域を支配するのみだった。戦後ドイツは4分の1の領土を失い、また国民国家の概念が生まれる以前から数世紀も東欧(現ハンガリーやルーマニア)に住んでいたドイツ人たちは、先祖の土地を追われて難民になった。ドイツ人は、まさに全土を覆う瓦礫と混乱によって敗戦を自覚したことになる。日本では沖縄を別にして「本土決戦」はなく、戦禍を空襲と広島・長崎の名前で語る以外には直接的な戦闘体験がないまま、玉音放送の後に占領がやってきた。日本人に敗戦の実感が欠け、強い被害者意識だけが育った理由がそこにある。 占領の形態の違いも日独の戦後を分けた。
ゆえに戦犯の処罰が地区ごとに違ったり、例えばアメリカ地区のフランクフルトからイギリス地区のデュッセルドルフへ転居するにも許可が要った。やがて1949年、米英仏占領下のドイツはドイツ連邦共和国、ソ連占領下のドイツはドイツ民主主義共和国として独立する。分割ドイツはこのときから東西冷戦の前線に立ち、外交で多方面の配慮が必要になった。対米追随型外交で50年を過ごしてきた日本とはかなり違う。 さらに地理的条件が戦後処理に大きな役割を果たした。ヨーロッパの中央に位置するドイツは、中立国スイスを除く全ての隣国を侵略した(注2)。謝罪と補償を明確にしなければ、地続きの周辺国とともに歩む未来はなかったのだ。極東のはずれ、それも島国である日本は、その地理的条件と米国の傘によって、アジア諸国への謝罪と関係修復を怠ってくることができたわけだ。 こうしてみると、ドイツが戦争によって被った軍事的、政治的、倫理的混乱は、日本とは比較にならないほど複雑だったことが分かる。だからこそ過去の清算と克服に真摯に取り組まざるを得なかったドイツには、戦後50年を経て語れることがあるだろう。次回は「ニュールンベルク裁判」と脱ナチ化の歴史をふりかえってみよう
枢軸国イタリアの戦後処理 5 … イタリア共和国憲法の『戦争放棄』
しかし、当然ながら連合国と対等な立場は与えられなかった。イタリア王国は、同盟国ではなく“共同参戦国”として戦ったのです。 それでも、少なくとも日独のような敗戦国にはならなかった。だから、イタリア王国の戦後処理は、日独とは違った。自力でファシスト政権を倒したイタリア人の自主性は尊重されたし、武装解除を強制されることもなかったのです。 戦後はイタリアでも、しかるべくファシスト政権の清算が行われた。 左派勢力を中心に「ファシスト政権を助けたのは、国王!」との非難の声もあがり、王制廃止も議論された。そして、46年6月には「共和制か王制か」の国民投票が行われた。結果は「共和制移行賛成54.3%」という意外な僅差だったが、ここにイタリア共和国が成立(昨年2011年6月には「原発再開の是非」を問うイタリア国民投票が行われ、投票率54.79%で原発再開反対94.05%だった)。
さらに、あまりいわれることは無いが『戦争放棄』の条項もキチンとある……『第11条 イタリアは、他人民の自由に対する攻撃の手段としての戦争及び国際紛争を解決する手段として戦争を放棄する』がそれ。 しかし、こういう憲法を持つにもかかわらず、近年イタリアはアフガニスタンやイラクに軍隊を派遣している。 日本国憲法のように軍備や交戦権までは否定していないからこうなるわけだが、近い将来、憲法の条文以外には日独伊とも何も変わりは無いようになる、と私には思える。

< 生業ですが、アバウトです! お気に召せば 遡って画像は ご自由に転載&ご利用下さい。 >
    (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)

    (十津川行くなら 太郎のお薦め!!!!)

Postwar processing "Italy" A republic constitution will be built with an Italian's own hand.... The feature of the constitution of the December, 47 proclamation expresses the decision of antifascism and Imperial Rule denial for the future. That is, prohibition of fascist party formation. Prohibition of the constitutional revision for the Restoration. Prohibition of the entrance into a country till 2002 55 years after to the Italy domains of the old royal family, etc. "Germany" Unlike Japan occupied by only the U.S., Germany was divided into four nations of U.S.-British Buddha ソ, and Berlin in the Soviet Union occupied territory division was divided into four more nations. Even the present which passed through 50 years after the war in Germany which opted for a Nazi war criminal's permanent prosecution There is no prescription in the past of Nazism. It is German & Italy about processing after the war. Both countries the fundamental difference in Japan "country is raised and it is the perfect thing with past parted "expressed. Japan ど?? -- it is what -- to some extent [ system / ろ? and / occupation ] It succeeded in the organization change. however -- Cold war It has seen and turned to the historical relapse. By U.S. convenience, it is South Korea. It has been included in the front line of a defensive system. Japan-U.S. war It was plotted by the stratagem of Churchill. Manchurian Incident & Sino-Japanese War It was a war of aggression by Japan. . . Not having succeeded in generalization of war is Japan. Cacophony with the China & Korean Peninsula It is continuing taking out. "The children who do not know war" The big historical burden has been forced. To former incarnation cost Also a word of bitter feeling I would like to say. He is a current generation if it is right. Does it do by itself? One Key. "nagasaki&hirosima" which was an experiment on a human body -- still -- Japanese people The good relation with the United States is continued. South Korean & China おんなじ -- a relation [ like ] can surely be built と -- I would like to believe / 50jahre1.html Japan, and Germany The past verification Both Japan and Germany were defeated by World War II. Then, people say that they gained peace. Though it is right, the catastrophe of 50 years ago is posing the heavy question to both countries still now. By verifying postwar processing of Germany by this series, I think if it becomes a key which solves confusion of the recognition of history in Japan. Even the present which passed through 50 years after the war in Germany which opted for a Nazi war criminal's permanent prosecution There is no prescription in the past of Nazism. But on the other hand, it is also a fact that the people who overlook "ordinary country" Germany have increased in number. do borrow the language of President Herzog's inaugural speech for Germany to connect soon the relation "which is not stiffened" to its own country, its past, and other countries? The year of this commemoration is going to be asked about those real intention and pros and cons. It is certain that 1995 are buried with a commemorative ceremony. The Auschwitz release, the Berlin surrender, surrender of Nazi Germany, atomic bombing to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and surrender of a great Japan empire. How do many ceremonies coincide with the past memory, and what concludes them from there? Compared with Japan which was able to cover processing after the war, Germany looks [ pay / for "the past conquest" / the maximum efforts ] sure until a cold war ends. Why is it? How did Germany differ from Japan? Probably, Germany is having tried to aim at farewell with the past to Japan where the past has continued the greatest difference first after the war also. Three persons, president Hitler, advertisement phase Goebbels, and Gestapo director general Himmler, took the life themselves, and the remaining leaders arrested by the Allies retorted that it was the relation which knew nothing about Nazi's crime or was forced in the Nuremberg military tribunal. It means that one person's Nazi had not been in Germany on and after May 8, 1945 at a strange thing. 1 million or more members who belonged to national socialism German Workers' Party (NSDAP= Nazis) and other organs concerned ran into the "軽 class" and the "companion class" war criminal suspicion, and shifted responsibility to "Nazis = absolute evil." It was also a trial which regards "12 years of a Nazis 1000-year empire" as if it was unrelated to history of Germany. It is again dragged out by the court in Germany taking advantage of the Eichmann trial (1960) by the Israel government in the past which seemed to have carried out が一度 farewell, and the trial to a Jew slaughter starts. In Japan, the U.S. which wants to use the Tenno system for a smooth occupation policy and anticommunist policy decided the Emperor who was a top leader of the outbreak of war to be non-prosecution in spite of the contrary of a foreign country by Tokyo Trial. Moreover, the Emperor itself did not take and abdicate from moral responsibility. It could be said that it led to the whole Japanese's responsibility theory evasion. The big difference in the 2nd is that the form of defeat of Germany put into practice exhaustively. Although the people killed in an atomic bomb and an air raid on Tokyo were added and a total of 360,000 noncombatants (notes 1) fell victim in Japan, 3,800,000 average citizens who go up by the 10 times lost their life in Germany. It was only that a Nazi government governs a part of rural areas and Austria and which meets the North Sea from the northern Schure スヴィヒ Holstein state, and the Prague area in present Czech Republic at the time of defeat. The Germans to whom several centuries lived in East Europe (present Hungary and Romania) from from before Germany's having lost the territory of 1/4 after the war and bearing the concept of a nation-state had ancestral land followed, and became a refugee. It means that Germans had been aware of defeat by the rubble and the confusion which just cover the whole country. In Japan, while Okinawa was set aside, there was "no mainland decisive battle" and there had been no direct battle experience besides telling ravages of war in the name of an air raid, and Hiroshima and Nagasaki, occupation came after 玉音 broadcast. The feelings of defeat lack in Japanese people and there is the reason into which only the strong feeling of being victimized a feeling of being a victim grew up. The difference in the form of occupation also divided the Japan-Germany postwar period. Unlike Japan occupied by only the U.S., Germany was divided into four nations of U.S.-British Buddha ソ, and Berlin in the Soviet Union occupied territory division was divided into four more nations. Therefore, the war criminal's punishment was different for every area, and permission was needed also for moving to Dusseldorf in the British area, for example from Frankfurt in a U.S. area. In the Federal Republic of Germany and Germany under the Soviet Union occupation, Germany under U.S.-British Buddha occupation will become independent as a German democratic republic soon in 1949. Division Germany stood on the front of the Cold War from this time, and various consideration is needed by diplomacy. Japan which has passed 50 years by the imitation type diplomacy for the U.S. is differed from considerably. Furthermore, geographical conditions played the large role in processing after the war. Germany located in the center in Europe invaded all the neighboring countries except neutral nation Switzerland (notes 2). If apology and compensation were not clarified, there was no future followed with adjoining neighboring countries. Japan whose Far Eastern end and it are also island countries was able to neglect the apology and warming of ties to Asian nations with the geographical conditions and American umbrella. When it sees in this way, it turns out [ which Germany covered by war / military and ] that political and ethical confusion had that it did not become as compared with Japan. [ so complicated ] Therefore, it may be able to tell Germany which could not but tackle past liquidation and conquest earnestly 50 years after after the war. next time -- a "Nuremberg tribunal" and 脱 -- it waves [ of Nazification ] and see on the contrary Postwar processing of / 52412899.html Axis-powers Italy 5 -- "Renunciation of war" of the Italian Republic constitution An Axis-powers Italy kingdom will conclude an armistice with the Allies independently in September, 1943. Henceforth, it fought with Germany this time until Nazi Germany surrendered in 5 in 45 month. However, though it was natural, the position on a level with the Allies was not given. The Italy kingdom was fought not as an ally but as a "joint participation-in-the-war country." It did not become a defeated nation like Japan and German still at least. Therefore, postwar processing of the Italy kingdom differed from Japan and German. The independency of the Italian who pushed down the fascist government by himself was respected, and did not have disarmament forced. As it thinks best, liquidation of the fascist government was performed even in Italy after the war. a center [ leftist force ] -- "-- having helped the fascist government -- a king -- " -- the voice of blame also went up and it argued also about Imperial Rule abolition. And the referendum of "whether to be republicanism or Imperial Rule" was performed in June, 46. Although the result was the unexpected slim margin "54.3% of republicanism shift support", the Italian Republic is materialized here (the Italy referendum which asks "the right or wrong of nuclear power plant resumption" in June, 2011 last year was performed, and it was 94.05% of the nuclear power plant resumption contrary in 54.79% of the voter turnout). And a republic constitution will be built with an Italian's own hand.... The feature of the constitution of the December, 47 proclamation expresses the decision of antifascism and Imperial Rule denial for the future. That is, prohibition of fascist party formation. Prohibition of the constitutional revision for the Restoration. Prohibition of the entrance into a country till 2002 55 years after to the Italy domains of the old royal family, etc. Furthermore, although it seldom says, there is also a "war-renouncing" provision with a kitchen.... "11th article Italy abandons war as a means to solve war and international disputes as a means of the attack on others people's freedom" should curve. However, in spite of having such constitutions, Italy has dispatched the army to Afghanistan or Iraq in recent years. Since neither armaments nor the right of belligerency has denied like the Constitution of Japan, it becomes like this, but I can think that a change will not come not to have Japan-Germany Italian と in the near future but the article of the constitution as for anything, either.

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