
バーミキュラ ペチャンコ うずまき鍋  「つれづれ樹」   [たくみ]


 洗い難いからと 螺旋溝部分が取り外しできるようになった。
 実際に調理することで 新しい展開が期待できる。。
 真っ先に 感じたこと!
 北半球と南では 螺旋溝の方向は逆になるの?
 逆に、 渦の向きが調理に それぞれ影響を持つのでしょうか???


 これは 掛け値なしに すんごい商品です!!!
 鍋に入れ、 弱火で加熱するだけ。。。
 無農薬の食材の持つ旨みを 完全に引き出す調理鍋
 美味くない食材では 不味いものが出来あがってしまう。

“一口サイズの食材を 数トンもあるプレス機でペチャンコ”
 (1) 加熱時間が一瞬なので、
 (2) プレスによって細胞膜が破壊されて、


 数年前に知って 笑ってしまいました
 “一口サイズの食材を 数トンもあるプレス機でペチャンコにする。”
 プレスされ 細胞膜まで傷つけられ、水分も短時間で取り去られた食材。。。
 今では この食品加工技術に 、
 一杯の 展開が 出て来てます。。。
 まだまだ 出てきます。
無水調理鍋「バーミキュラ(22㎝)」  税込価格:2万5200円(税込)(パールピンク、パールブルー、パールグリーン、パールブラウン、パールグレー) 2万6250円(税込)(パールホワイト、マットブラック) 無水調理鍋「バーミキュラ(18㎝)」 価格:2万1000円(税込)(パールピンク、パールブルー、パールグリーン、パールブラウン、パールグレー) 2万2050円(税込)(パールホワイト、マットブラック) ※商品の購入は、基本的に通信販売のみです。 ※すべて現在、納期まで15カ月待ちとなっています。 愛知ドビー株式会社 住所/愛知県名古屋市中川区宗円町1-28 TEL/052-353-5333(月~金9:00~12:00、13:00~17:00) 年末年始休/2012年12月29日~2013年1月6日 ※メールでのお問合せ及びご注文後の納期確認のご連絡は1月7日以降となります。 続いて石原さんが伺ったのは、70年以上の歴史を誇る、愛知県の鋳造(ちゅうぞう)会社「愛知ドビー」です。こちらは、溶かした金属を型に流し込んで作る鋳物(いもの)の業者で、元々はクレーン車向けの部品を作っていたといいます。この会社が現在手がけているヒット商品が『食材を“水いらず”で調理できる鍋』なのだそうです。 「バーミキュラ」と名付けられたそれは、切った食材を入れて火にかけるだけで、水も油もなしに調理できる「無水調理鍋」。驚異の性能を可能にしているのは、鍋のフタと本体の接合部分を30度の円錐形状に削れる高度な職人技だといいます。それによって鍋の密閉性が非常に良くなっているのだそうです。その精度は100分の1㎜以下で、コピー用紙1枚すらも通らないといいます。 高い気密性を持った鍋本体に、仕上げとしてホーロー加工が行われているというバーミキュラ。鋳物ホーロー鍋は熱伝導率と保温性に優れているため、火をかけるとまずは鍋全体が温められ、そこから発生した“遠赤外線”が食材の芯から熱を加え、中から水分が出てくるのだといいます。出てきた水分は鍋底で蒸気となりますが、鍋の密閉性が高いので外部へ逃げることなく、鍋の中で対流するそうです。その蒸気が冷やされることで再び水に戻り、それが繰り返されることで無水調理ができるのだといいます。 愛知ドビーの土方智晴専務によれば、無水調理には「ビタミンCやベータカロテンなどの損失が少なく、糖度も高い」というメリットがあるのだそうです。他の鍋と比較実験してみたところ、バーミキュラで茹でた野菜のベータカロテン量は、他の鍋によるものより1.5倍も多かったといいます。 職人さんが1つ1つ手作りしているため大量生産ができず、なんと現在、注文から納期までに15カ月もかかるというバーミキュラ。それでもオーダーは後を絶たないそうです。そんなヒット商品が生まれた背景には「工場が倒産しそうになる」というピンチがあったそうです。起死回生に向けて新しい製品を開発しようと試行錯誤した結果、行き着いたのが「鋳物ホーロー鍋」だったといいます。「自分たちの技術で、世界一の鍋を作ろう!」と研究を重ねた結果、完成したのがバーミキュラだったそうです。企業努力の結果、これまで月産50個ペースだったものを、今月からは月3000個に増加したといいます。

◆番組で紹介した商品(価格は全て税込) ・焼きだし いりこ天然8パック300円 ・(いりこ)焼きだし いりこ旨味10パック300円 ・(いりこせんべい)焼いりこ 40g 600円 ・(ブラックペッパー)リーフペッパー682円 ※ミシュランガイド二つ星のフレンチで使用。 ・(玄米)玄気フレーク380円 ・小豆フレーク340円 ・ほうれん草フレーク400円 ◆その他の発売商品(価格は全て税込) ・(ふぐの骨)焼きだしふぐ旨味10パック500円 ・(カキ)焼きだしカキ旨味10パック500円 ・(かつお)焼きだし かつお旨味10パック500円 …他にも ダシあり。 ・生姜パウダー340円 ・かぼちゃフレーク440円 ・玉ねぎフレーク370円 ・にんにくパウダー340円 …ほかにも、野菜シリーズあり。 ※番組に登場した「小豆パウダー」と「小豆チップ」は一般にはまだ未発売です。 有限会社 瀬戸鉄工 住所/広島県呉市川尻町上畑1068-4 TEL/0120-413-547(平日9:00~17:00) 定休日/土・日・祝 ※年末年始休/2012年12月29日~2013年1月6日 ※商品の購入は、基本的に通信販売のみです。 ◆プレス食材を使用した「ミシュランガイド東京・横浜・湘南2013」二つ星獲得のフレンチ店「エディション・コウジ シモムラ」 住所/東京都港区六本木3-1-1六本木ティーキューブ1F TEL/ 03-5549-4562 営業時間/ランチ12:00~13:30(ラストオーダー)、 ディナー18::00~21:30(ラストオーダー) 定休日/不定休 ※休業日はHP内カレンダーにて確認ください。 年末年始休/2012年12月31日~2013年1月6日(1月7日はランチは休みでディナーのみ) ※番組で紹介した料理は「ブーダン ノアールver.2012」です。 ※瀬戸鉄工の「リーフペッパー」を使用していますが、使用した料理を毎日出しているとは限りません。 今回のアカデミヨシズミでは、全く“食”とは無縁だった町工場が意外なきっかけで発明した「食卓を変える大ヒット商品」をご紹介しました。 石原良純さんが最初に訪問したのは、広島県にある「瀬戸鉄工」。元々はプラスチック製品のプレス成形などを手がける会社だったというこちらが開発したのが「瞬間高温高圧焼成法(しゅんかん・こうおん・こうあつ・しょうせいほう」という食材加工技術です。200℃以上に熱した鉄板の上に置いた食材に10トン以上の圧力をかけ、食材の芯まで一瞬に焼き上げてペッタンコにしてしまうのだといいます。 食品事業部の上田耕士部長によれば、瞬間高温高圧焼成法には、次の3つの利点があるといいます。 (1)加熱時間が一瞬なので「熱に弱い」とされるビタミンなどの栄養素が損なわれにくい。 (2)プレスによって細胞膜が破壊されて水にあたる表面積が広がるため、ダシが早く出る(栄養分が素早く溶け出す)。 (3)プレスした瞬間に食材の水分が飛ぶため、生臭みがなくなる。 この画期的な新技術が生まれたきっかけは「地元の小学生がサッカーボールを蹴っただけで骨折した」というニュースだったそうです。子供たちのカルシウム不足を解消できないものかと、会社の機械を使ってイリコを試しにプレスしたところ、まるでせんべいのような状態になったのだといいます。瞬間高温高圧焼成法を使えば、通常なら加熱調理をしないと食べられない小豆なども、そのまま食べられるせんべいにすることができるそうです。 現在では「売り上げの約8割を食品事業が占めている」という瀬戸鉄工。「長期保存が可能」「少量で多くの栄養がとれる」「調理時間が大幅に減らせる」といったプレス食材の長所を活かし、将来的には「介護食」や「離乳食」などの開発も目指しているそうです。また、これまでは使いようのなかった部位も食用に加工できるため、各地の特産物を使った新たなお土産品の開発なども行っているといいます。


< 生業ですが、アバウトです! お気に召せば 遡って画像は ご自由に転載&ご利用下さい。 >
    (木工芸・杉玉・お茶を 扱われてます。)

    (十津川行くなら 太郎のお薦め!!!!)


Swirl pan The pan which causes a convection and it makes generate a whirlpool in a pan in the slot of the slant attached to the pan. Thermal efficiency also becomes good and hot water boils early. Since there is always a whirlpool, although a pasta and noodles are boiled, it is not necessary to stir. Since bubbles gather in a center by vortical power, it is hard to boil over, and bitter taste picking can also be simplified. Mind is started from before. Because it is hard to wash A part for a spiral groove portion can be removed now. It actually cooks. New deployment is expectable. . First of all It felt! In the Northern Hemisphere and south Does the direction of a spiral slot become reverse? It is reverse, Direction of a whirlpool is cooking. Does it have influence, respectively??? "The anhydrous cooking pan" which puts in the cut foods with "bar ミキュラ", is only missing from fire, and can cook water and oil nothing. The cast enamel pan is excellent in thermal conductivity and warmth retaining property. If fire is applied, first of all, the whole pan can warm, the "far-infrared rays" which occurred from there apply heat from the core of foods, and it is said that moisture comes out from inside. It is said that the amount of B-carotene of the vegetables boiled by bar ミキュラ also had more 1.5 time than what is depended on other pans. This Have no exaggeration. It is すんごい商品!!! Cooking time is considered, the size of foods is decided and it puts into a pan, It only heats by low heat. . . Vegetables will be able to be cooked by heating "without outsiders." Taste which agrochemical-free foods have With the foods which are pulled out completely and as for which cooking pan delicious く is not That of an un-clever potato will be done. The pressure of 10 tons or more is put on the foods placed on the griddle heated at 200 ℃ or more, and it is said that it will roast in an instant to the core of foods, and will make it ペッタンコ. (1) Since cooking time is an instant, Nutrients, such as vitamin "weakened with heat", are hard to be spoiled. (2) A cell membrane is destroyed by the press, Since the surface area which hits water spreads, ダシ comes out early. (Nutritive substance begins to melt quickly). (3) In order that moisture of foods may fly at the moment of pressing, a raw bad smell is lost. The part [ like ] which was not is also processible into edible using the former "can reduce cooking time sharply". [ "mothballing is possible", "much nutrition being taken in a small quantity", and ] It gets to know several years ago. It laughed! Foods of "bite size It is made flattened with the pressing machine which has several tons. " -- being pressed Foods in which it was damaged to the cell membrane and moisture was also removed for a short time. . . now -- This food processing technology 、 It is full. Deployment It has come out. . . Still more It comes out. http: // "pan which can cook foods by "水いらず"" anhydrous cooking pan "bar ミキュラ (22?)" Tax-inclusive price: 25,200 yen (including tax) (pearl pink, pearl blue, pearl green, パールブ loun, pearl gray) 26,250 yen (including tax) (pearl white, mat black) Anhydrous cooking pan "bar ミキュラ (18?)" Price: 21,000 yen (including tax) (pearl pink, pearl blue, pearl green, パールブ loun, pearl gray) 22,050 yen (including tax) (pearl white, mat black) * The purchase of goods is only a mail order fundamentally. * All are waiting for 15 months till time for delivery now. Aichi dobby incorporated company An address/1-28, Soen-cho, Nakagawa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi-ken TEL / 052-353-5333 (the moon ? money 9:00?12:00, 13:00?17:00) 年末年始休 / December 29, 2012 ? January 6, 2013 * Or subsequent ones January 7 is the inquiry by e-mail, and the connection of the time-for-delivery check after an order. Then, what Mr. Ishihara visited is a casting company "Aichi dobby" of Aichi Prefecture which is proud of 70 years or more of history. This is a contractor of the casting which pours the melted metal into a model and makes it, and it is said that crane truck-oriented parts were made from the first. It is said that the hot-selling product with which this company is dealing now is "a pan which can cook foods by "水いらず"." "the anhydrous cooking pan" which it which was named "bar ミキュラ" puts in the cut foods, is only missing from fire, and can cook water and oil nothing. It is said that that makes the wonderful performance possible is the advanced craftsman work which can delete the lid of a pan, and the joining section of a main part in the shape of [ of 30 degrees ] a cone. It is said that the sealing nature of the pan is very good by it. It is said that the accuracy is below 1? for 100 minutes, and it does not pass along it one sheet of copy paper. Bar ミキュラ that enamel processing is performed on the main part of a pan with high airtightness as finish. Since the cast enamel pan is excellent in thermal conductivity and warmth retaining property, if fire is applied, first of all, the whole pan can warm, the "far-infrared rays" which occurred from there apply heat from the core of foods, and it is said that moisture comes out from inside. It is said that it convects in a pan, without escaping to the exterior since the sealing nature of a pan is high although the moisture which came out serves as steam by the bottom of a pan. It returns to water again by the steam being cooled, and it is said that anhydrous cooking can be performed by it being repeated. It is said that there is a merit "there are few losses of vitamin C, B-carotene, etc., and a sugar content is also high" in anhydrous cooking according to managing director Tomoharu Hijikata of the Aichi dobby. When comparative experiments are conducted to other pans, it is said that the amount of B-carotene of the vegetables boiled by bar ミキュラ also had more 1.5 time than what is depended on other pans. Bar ミキュラ that mass production is impossible since the craftsman is doing handmade one by one, and it will take no less than 15 months by time for delivery from an order what and now. It is said that an order still does not sever the back. It is said that the pinch "a factory becomes going bankrupt" served as a backdrop that such a hot-selling product was produced. As a result of applying a trial-and-error method in order to develop a new product towards resuscitation, it is said that the "cast enamel pan" reached. It is said that what was completed was bar ミキュラ as a result of repeating research in order "To make the No.1 pan of the world with its technology." What was a 50 monthly output pace until now is referred to as having increased from this month to the 3000 moons as a result of a business effort. "Technology which makes foods ペッタンコ" <> Goods introduced in the program (all prices are including tax) - It begins to burn. It is needed and is こ天然 8 pack of 300 yen. - (こ) It begins to burn. It is needed and is こ旨味 10 pack of 300 yen. - (こせんべい) 焼いりこ 40g 600 yen - (Black pepper) Leaf pepper of 682 yen * It is used by the French of the two Michelin Guide star. - (Brown rice) 玄気 flakes of 380 yen - Azuki bean flakes of 340 yen - Spinach flakes of 400 yen <> Other sale goods (all prices are including tax) - (Bone of a globefish) beginning to burn -- a globefish -- taste 10 pack of 500 yen - (Oyster) It begins to burn and is oyster taste 10 pack of 500 yen. - (Bonito) It begins to burn. Bonito taste 10 pack of 500 yen -- etc. Those with ダシ. - Ginger powder of 340 yen - Japanese pumpkin flakes of 440 yen - Onion flakes of 370 yen - Garlic powder of 340 yen To -- etc., they are those with vegetable series. * Generally the "azuki bean powder" and the "azuki bean chip" which appeared in the program have not been put on the market yet. Limited company Seto ironworker An address/1068-4, 川尻町上畑, Kure-shi, Hiroshima-ken TEL / 0120-413-547 (weekday 9:00?17:00) fixed holiday / Saturday, Sunday, and congratulation * 年末年始休 / December 29, 2012 ? January 6, 2013 * The purchase of goods is only a mail order fundamentally. <> The French store "edition yeast シモムラ" address / 3-1-1, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo Roppongi tea cube 1F of the "Michelin Guide Tokyo, Yokohama, and Shonan 2013" two star acquisition which uses press foods TEL/ 03-5549-4562 Business hours / lunch 12:00?13:30 (last order), and dinner 18::00?21:30 (last order) A fixed holiday / non-regular holiday Please check * special holiday in the calendar in HP. The dish introduced in 年末年始休 / December 31, 2012 ? January6(lunch is only dinner at rest, as for January 7), 2013 * program is "boudin Noir ver.2012." * Although the Seto ironworker's "leaf pepper" is used, the used dish is not necessarily served every day. In this academy ヨシズミ, I introduced "the smashing success goods which changes a table" which the small factory in town which was completely unrelated to "food" invented by the unexpected chance. It is the "Seto ironworker" in Hiroshima Prefecture which Mr. Yoshizumi Ishihara visited first. this that it was a company which deals with press-forming of a plastic article etc. from the first developed -- "moment high temperature high-pressure burning method (しゅんかん- it is that おん and foods processing technology say [ あつ and しょう cause ] like this " like this.) The pressure of 10 tons or more is put on the foods placed on the griddle heated at 200 ℃ or more, and it is said that it will roast in an instant to the core of foods, and will make it ペッタンコ. Manager Koji Ueda of a food operation division says that there are the following three advantages in a high temperature high-pressure burning method at the moment. (1) Since cooking time is an instant, nutrients, such as vitamin "weakened with heat", are hard to be spoiled. (2) Since the surface area which a cell membrane is destroyed by the press and hits water by it spreads, ダシ comes out early (nutritive substance begins to melt quickly). (3) In order that moisture of foods may fly at the moment of pressing, a raw bad smell is lost. It is said that the cause to which this epoch-making new technology was born was the news of "having suffered a fracture only by a local schoolchild kicking a soccer ball." When イリコ is pressed in a trial using the machine of a company as children's shortage of calcium is uncancelable, it is said that it changed into a state just like a rice cracker. If a high temperature high-pressure burning method is used at the moment, the azuki bean etc. which cannot be eaten unless it cooks by heating, if it is usual can be used as the rice cracker eaten as it is. The Seto ironworker in the present "the food enterprise forms about 80 percent of sales." It is said that development of "care foods", a "baby food", etc., etc. is also aimed at in the future taking advantage of the strong point of the press foods "mothballing is possible", "much nutrition being taken in a small quantity", and "cooking time can be reduced sharply." Moreover, since it uses until now and the part [ like ] which was not can also be processed into edible, it is said that development of the new souvenir article using the special product of every place etc. are performed.
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